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Joined 1 years ago

My cat guards me while I’m on the toilet, ready to take on any predators while I’m in a vulnerable state. You can’t convince me they have less than complex emotions.

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It’s like that black mirror episode with Ann Murphy salma hayeck

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These are people with addiction. they are people who have a problem. A common problem. And some starting with injuries. And they are vulnerable and taken advantage of the most by the very people making money off of them. People with addiction take the most blame and treated with utmost contempt for the very issue that is caused by the people who create the issue in the first place : Doctors and the pharmaceutical industry.

Yeah and considering it’s the users creating the content, for free, only a full blown idiot would shit on such a golden ticket. Hope he lives with nightmares of John Oliver’s face forevermore.

Rearward/punishment systems are corrupt. Good on lemmy for not playing into that bullshit

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They’ll take ‘saving money’ up front over the fear of creeping out an audience and losing more money in the long run. The producers wasn’t fiction. it was a documentary.

There’s no good reason for that level of hoarding beyond need. Waste of the use of money. If there’s enough money to feed everyone and we can’t, there’s something wrong here.

I miss Apollo.

Fran is saying we’re all going to be replaced by machines as if it’s the future but it’s being going on for a lot longer than now. Digidoubles replacing main actors a has been a mainstay in action movies for well over a decade.

When it comes to AI, It’s been tearing at the base of art (in general) for years before now. One of the more recent cases

One of the reasons I’m excited about the fediverse is it means we can potentially have a server that artists can share their work safe away from the trawling AI machine.

“Why are the rich so upset about paying a living wage?”

I see one downvote. I bet it’s spez

Peanut butter in garlic bread

They made voat. And this is not the same as that. voat was a response when reddit actually did a good thing and started to remove cp and stormfront subs from Reddit around 5-7 yrs ago. Vault was chock full of pathetic proud boys whining about free speech. It closed 2017 and is but a distant memory

TLDR: op is wrong. Context matters.

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And when those pedos left Reddit conversations improved. so It’s not really a comparison here.

“Police dpt started following you”

And one that is safe on the environment.

You have much faith in humanity if you think that is being done simply because they don’t know.

There’s plenty of manipulative assholes misusing it and trying to hide behind it to take advantage of someone with it. And you’ll see that manipulation in every group. Con artists are everywhere. Don’t blame the game. Blame the player.

I recommend pb on garlic toast

Yup, you are pulling it off!

So it WAS a game to him. Glad I stopped playing it.

Yeah it feels like a useless competition. They felt the need to be bragging of ‘winning’ against their customers or products. I didn’t come here to win. I came here to not fight with that nonsense.

I think this is just going to be another one of those things that you just have to accept he’s a piece of shit and side step it for your own sanity

With you in the ability to smell. The only issue is I smell ALL THE THINGS. And it is overwhelming at times.

It slowly goes from “you’re plagiarizing” (when you’re not) to “you’re not making me enough money. Say things that make me more money”.

Don cry. You’ll pop yor eyes out with dem arms

So spez is dipping into the oil market now

it’s easy to just yell “hippie” at someone with healthy boundaries they feel threatened by.

Sounds like very dramatic pooping.

Naaa. it really isn't hard to teach the left hand to use a righthanded mouse. I got used to it within a day.
I'll take some minor awkwardness that is easily overcome vs being someone's property and being denied a livelihood any day.

I don't think you're giving people much credit. The fact they accepted these drinks as it is to begin with speaks a lot for habit yikes I see what you mean. This is full on messed up

Yeah I’m a bit confused why suddenly ‘being scanned’ is news. Digidoubles have Been commonly used for well over a decade now in film.

Ditto. I didn’t come here to win anything. I came here to get out of playing the’s a stupid game. It shouldn’t be a game.if anything that article confirms I made the right choice. If the bully of the playground is yelling how he’s won just cuz I went to a different park to play, he can have the playground. I don’t need that toxic shit in my life.

Everyone should watch painkiller on Netflix. It’s gutting but eye opening.

Or it turns out they are a cult.

There are no ‘alternatives’. We’re just users online visiting webpages. Some have preferences but you know can visit more than one page.

You seem obsessed about people who are obsessed about Reddit. It is you, sir, who took pathetic to the inception level here.

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Highly recommend Division games(1&2).
Dying light (1) is an ok coop if you’re into zombies.
Ghost recon is good for coop.
Evil west,
Styx(is on my list to try with my friend),
vermentide is an old fav
Tiny teena’s assault on dragon keep.

It really pronounces how he has two sets of eyebrows

“Oh you should get an e-car. They are better for the environment. It only costs 10x your paycheck” and actually isn’t that much better for the environment after all and it was all just another capitalist pyramid scheme in the end.