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Joined 1 years ago

I still have my WRT54G around somewhere. Loved that thing. What I found interesting was that when the firmware went open demand for that model went through the roof. Wish more companies would realize that there is a demand for that market.

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Or buy it on physical media. More and more studios are pulling their disks and it is getting harder to find. If you have a disk, it can never be recalled.

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Except the length of a second is different on the moon because of relativity. So even utc is wrong.

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The code on the left is more readable. It is easy to follow and see what is happening at each step.

That being said, the code on the right is easier to maintain. If the requirement comes down the pipe that we now need to support a new pizza topping it is easy to jump to the add toppings method using the IDE instead of scanning the entire monolith procedural function. Or if we now need to add support for take-and-bake, we can just modify the small entry method.

This also assumes that we are not needing to reuse any of these methods. If you want to add toppings to a sandwich or a salad, better write another huge method like the one on the left, or add a ton of nested if/else or switch statements. If you use the style on the right you can reuse the add toppings method without worrying about if you should preheat the oven for a salad.

The author chose a very simplistic requirement for an example and it is all well and good until you let it fester in a code base for ten years, with multiple interns maintaining it and end up with a huge spaghetti code monster to deal with.

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I see they set the camera for 6 foot 2 and didn’t bother to readjust it.

This is one sector where I am actually happy for AI to be available. I want to play a game where the NPC's can say my character name.

That being said, I also want the voice actors to be compensated fairly. Maybe the guilds can set up a deal where using someone's voice for training data is included.

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GPT is a tool that the students will have access to their entire professional lives. It should be treated as such and worked into the curriculum.

Forbidding it would be like saying you can’t use Photoshop in a photography class.

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Get a multi port USB charger. I have some from Anker that have 2 usb-c ports and 2 usb-a ports. Can charge everything from my laptop to all my gadgets.

You can't have enough usb chargers.

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I believe it was invented by accident. They were sending over samples of some tea in individual silk bags and the people thought of putting the whole thing in the cup.

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I’m American, and honey blend implies to me that it is a mix of different types of honey. Like clover honey and whatnot. Kinda like a Red blend wine is a mix of different wines, not 50% merlot/50% rubbing alcohol or something.

I’m mad that they did their broken implementation of sending control codes between devices that never works. I have to disable it on everything so that the correct input gets set.

And then they are killing the universal remote industry so there is nothing to replace it with.

Side note. Don’t use hardware acceleration with TDARR. You will get much better encodes with software encoding, which is great for archival and saving storage.

Use hardware acceleration with Jellyfin for transcoding code on the fly for a client that needs it.

If you know what your client specs are, you can use TDARR to reencode everything to what they need and then you won’t have to transcode anything with Jellyfin.

I have had national banks tell me I can’t use a space in my password.

Part of the reason that Silicon Valley became so big instead of some place like Boston on the east coast is that California has always banned non compete clauses for workers. This allowed for more cross talk for the workers in the area and everyone was better for it.

I don’t think I saw him spin around three times with his eyes crossed. He is still under normal law.

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Now, rotate a cow in your mind.

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They did. I think it was a regional database key collision problem. People n North America would see cameras in Australia and vice versa. But I could be wrong.

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Honestly this just sounds like periodically refactoring everything to remove cruft can be a good thing. Also, it helps you understand how the existing code works if you change it and not break everything.

Yeah, but matching TTS to a character’s voice is where you would need it.

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I don't know, I feel like advertisements CAN be entertaining content, much like how people for decades have only wanted to watch the Super Bowl for the commercials. The problem, and the reason I have ad blockers all over the place, is that they don't design the commercials to be entertaining. They want to drill it in to you with endless repetition, or banner ads every 2 paragraphs on a news article.

It is these problems that cause me to want to block ads, not ads in general.

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"Yes, my name is Scooby Doo, no I don't want your snacks"

Good luck proving that your data came from meta sources after you paid.

What are good cameras to use for self hosting this stuff? I have a NAS and would have no problem opening a port to allow access from outside the home but most of these companies just want to sell you cheap cameras that you really don’t have full access to.

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The magsafe ones still use USB-C on the charger side, and you are not required to use the magsafe cable, so honestly just bringing the charger and a C-to-C cable will charge both the phone and the laptop.

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By mass, there's relatively little carbon in living organisms and on earth

Some quick googling tells me about 60% of our body is water, and of what is left, almost half is carbon. This would include all of the fats, carbohydrates and sugars that we need for energy.

If you ate a non-carbon based lifeform, you might get some water or iron and other minerals you need a little of in your diet, but the reason we need to eat so much is to ingest different forms of carbon to digest.

An alien that died on earth would probably not even rot because our food chain is so dependent on our proteins.

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Panera makes me mad because I used to really like some of their stuff back in 2005-ish, but the quality has really dropped in the last few years.

At one point they were the largest free wifi supplier in the US, but now they just provide disappointment.

And enough of a population to be a good chunk of the market share. No business can simply boycott the state like they could if Vermont or Washington passed laws like this first.

Would the courts laugh at it? I believe it is up to the states to decide how they want to choose their electors, and it is just tradition that dictates they go to the popular vote. In fact, this is the way the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is designed to get rid of the electoral college.

I would bet they WANT to courts to come in and decide that a state MUST deliver their delegates to the popular vote so that the NPVIC is dead in the water.

How about if you have a destination, find me a rest area/restaurant/whatever that is on the route. Not just around somewhere.

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I think that having a strong public domain is good for everyone. For instance properties like Sherlock Holmes really took off once it was in the public domain and people could write spin-offs and whatnot without worry that a copyright lawyer would come along and sue them.

Linux is the same thing, Amazon using the kernel and stuff to build an OS on doesn't take anything away from anyone else who uses Linux as a desktop or server environment, and in fact can lead to some good pass back, even if it is just that the devices are easier to root. Take a look at the Open-wrt project, where Linksys built their router on top of a Linux kernel and it led to a whole ecosystem of open routers. People went out of their way to buy a WRT-42G just with the intent of rooting it, and Linksys got their money either way.

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People always undervalue the cost of free time.

So…just a normal Friday then.

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The problem most of these examples and counter examples make is only showing simple code and assuming that you always want to apply the patterns of abstracting things or not.

This is the real problem. Without context of what the project is for we can only speculate on what the "best practice" is. If my problem is that I have a directory with 2000 videos in it, and I need to process all the ones with an English language track, I am going to write a one-off bash script, and not a huge C# project filled with the OO concepts.

But if the method is one of 10,000 needed in a huge project, then sticking with the coding guidelines of the whole project is more important for maintainability. A dev coming in 36 months later who is familiar with the code base would have less problems going through an abstracted setup, just because they have experience with the project and can make assumptions from that.

That’s good to know. It seems like almost all browsers are chromium based right now so having an option of real ad blocking is great.

I am amazed that anyone can browse the web or watch YouTube without ad blocking.

You are being downvoted but HFCS and honey are almost exactly chemically identical. They have to inspect honey farms to make sure it comes from bees since looking at the final product you can’t tell the difference.

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Alcohol, still allowed to advertise every where, and can sell fruit flavors, but tobacco…nope.

Tell that to the vape industry. Nothing more disgusting than walking through a cloud of shit that smells like cotton candy.

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I’m sure you could give yourself an abortion by taking too many shrooms but there are much easier ways.

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I think my oven/stove can be connected. I have never tried because I don’t see the need to preheat my oven when I am not home.

I like the notes field so that we can keep track of what this is supposed to do.

The thing is that having everyone who has a natural gas furnace switch to a heat pump and having that gas burned at a municipal generator instead IS a good thing. It will use less fossil fuel than keeping the furnaces in people’s houses and it is easier to switch a whole city’s power grid over to something cleaner like wind, solar, or nuclear once the demand exists.