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The Danish media reported that it has the explosive potential of a first generation nuke.

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Does being a Jewish Palestinian somehow make you Israeli? What then if you're a non-Jewish Israeli? 🤔

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"the vegans"

Unified grammar and spelling increases the speed, accuracy and universality of communication

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Military response and operations to save the hostages is naturally justified, but that can be done without actively

  • cutting off water, food and power supply
  • bombing hospitals and apartment buildings full of civilians
  • executing civilian families in the streets
  • allowing members of parliament to call for eradication of the Gazan people without criticism
  • trying to shut down any criticism of their extreme and indiscriminate violence by calling their opponents part of Hamas (South Africa, UNRWA)

Sorry, I was trying to ask a genuine question, I didn't mean to come across in a negative way.

I'd still be very interested in the answer.

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Ugh, the video about "leftist code" feels straight out of The Boys.

Hmm, sounds more like they are adding structures to the images such that what is clearly a picture of a dog registers as a picture of a cat to an AI. I suppose this can be done by altering the pixels in a way invisible to humans, but visible to AI, adding a cat into the "ghost pixels".

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No sympathy for him from here, but this is an interesting conversation about justice.

Is it his responsibility that the justice system gave him the sentence it did?

Who gets to decide what is adequate consequences, how long ago the crime should have been, what is appropriate sentencing and what is appropriate steps of reconciliation?

I agree with the gut feeling that he was sentenced lightly, but as the previous comment said, how do we combine that with a belief in the rehabilitation of criminals?

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Thanks, I'll try to be mindful of that! English isn't my first language, so there is surely some nuance to be learned.

How is that?

The point of having an age of consent (in this case 16 in the UK) is not popularity, and not just parental awareness or protection from people in positions of power.

It's a decision by society that kids below this age are incapable of grasping the full consequences of their consent.

Of course the limit is going to be somewhat arbitrary, and you can definitely argue that age of consent laws are bad without being a creep, but you'd have to argue that a 15 year old understands the ramifications of consent.

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Anno 1800, love working with the supply chain.

Technically ready and available now, just not ready to compete with classical computers.

Which, sadly, is a step above what fusion has achieved so far.

Remarkably similar to the Icelandic railway map

How would you feel the charge outside the black hole? Electromagnetic interactions are mediated by photons, which are famously unable to escape black holes.

Sorry about your issues, I never meant to diminish them. I was genuinely curious about how one can become so limited in ones protein intake, but clearly worded my question poorly.

If you consider serious, global issues with empirical data, such as disease, poverty, hunger, the world is indeed improving, and has been for a while, see e.g.

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I guess it gets somewhat blurred when you don't need to kill stuff to eat, but you do it anyway because you like the taste better. That's arguably some version of killing for fun?

Who did you choose?

Not sure I understand, who is being called names?

And sure, laws like these are always a compromise, with no objectively true answer.

What a horrifying disaster.

The book "Quantum field theory for the gifted amateur" is really good. It's helped me understand quantum fields a lot better, and I work with quantum mechanics every day.

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Same. Prey feels much more related to Bioshock than Dishonored to me. Never could get into Bioshock.

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Thanks, hadn't heard about that before.


What is this black magic?? How are these symbols a valid domain name???

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That other countries would do it too does in no way make it morally justified, it just makes those countries monstrous as well.

Hamas are horrible terrorists. There, your first liberal pointing a finger at Hamas. Now, consider what the point of critique is. Will Hamas ever care about western criticism? No. Will Israel ever care? Maybe. They depend on Western support in their political and economic stability. Therefore continued scrutiny and criticism of Israel has a chance of actually making a difference.

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Makes sense. But does this community know whether he has done so? My understanding is that the crime was committed a decade ago, and that he admits fault. I assume nobody here followed it at the time.

It seems this community has turned very quickly to an un-nuanced discussion with very little data.

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True, but I, at least, had to do a double take. I'm not a native speaker, but it's much the same in my native language.

Being understandable feels like the minimum ask of language, isn't it better to also make it easy to read to a broad audience?

Not saying you have to be a dick about it, just that prescriptivism has its benefits.

Calling HITMAN a crappy live service thing is hardly fair. True, the always online part feels really unnecessary, but beyond that it is a stellar single player game with the best Hitman gameplay of the last two decades, a large selection of excellent maps with variants and extra missions, as well as a really impressive rogue-like mode added later for free.

The elusive targets and seasonal content can be completely ignored, and the game would still be a major milestone in modern singleplayer games.

It's actually expected that matrix inversion will see a polynomial increase in speed, but with all the overhead of quantum computing, we only really get excited about exponential speedups such as in RSA decryption.

Absolutely, but the morality of said rapist competing at the Olympics a decade later, after having served his sentence and possibly having been rehabilitated is a pretty nuanced subject, wouldn't you say?

Quantum mechanics does not allow for FTL transmission. Disallowing information flow is the same as disallowing transmission.

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From its own cover,

It is written by experimental physicists and aimed to provide the interested amateur with a bridge from undergraduate physics to quantum field theory. The imagined reader is a gifted amateur possessing a curious and adaptable mind looking to be told an entertaining and intellectually stimulating story, but who will not feel patronized if a few mathematical niceties are spelled out in detail.

This might sound pretty casual, but it gets into all the math of it, with an aim at practical use.

The "message" does not have any local effect on reality - when you measure your particle, you have no way of figuring out if its partner was already measured elsewhere. The effect it does have is on the global state, maintaining the correlation that was encoded from the start.

If you write up the density matrix for the system before and after measurement of one of the particles, you can see that while the density matrix changes, it does not change in a way one can measure.

What I will concede is that before the first measurement the global state is |00>+|11>, afterwards it is |00> or |11>. This projection appears to happen instantaneously, no matter the distance, which is indeed faster than light.

But calling the wave function collapse a signal or a message or a transfer of information is misleading, I would say. In your example, we know that the initial state is |00>+|11>, and that the result of the first measurement is then, say, 1. Then no further information is required to know that the other measurement will result in 1. No messages required, no hidden variables, simply the process of elimination.

I would like to say that this is indeed a confusing subject, but that the math is clear, and that I am arguing what is my impression of the mainstream view in the field.

I fully understand the concept of entanglement and the experiments you mention, but I'm still to understand what you mean when you say "something" is being transmitted between the particles.

As you say, this "something" cannot contain information, and it also cannot influence the particle physically, since there is no way to distinguish the physical state of the particle before and after it receives this "something". So the signal contains nothing, and has no effect on physical reality. That sounds a lot like "nothing" rather than "something".

I completely get the argument that somehow the two particles must agree on what result to give, but in the theory this is just a consequence of how entanglement and measurements work. No transmission required.

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I found the Iberian Struggle to be pretty flavorful and challenging, quite enjoyed it!

Indeed. I'm not completely sure what point you are trying to make, but my point is not a hidden variable point. The states can be in a perfectly correlated superposition without any hidden variables, and still not "share anything" upon collapse into an eigenstate.

I will concede that it looks a lot like one particle somehow tells the other "hey, I just collapsed into the |1> state, so now you need to as well", but at a closer look this seems to happen on its own without any such message being shared. In particular, while the collapse of one state causes the collapse of the other, there is no physical way to distinguish between a state that was collapsed due to entanglement, and one that wasn't. At least not until you send a sub-FTL signal to explain what happened.

So if physically, the state of particle 1 before and after particle 2 was measured is indistinguishable, how can we say that "something" was shared from particle 2 to particle 1?

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I'm not sure what you mean. If something is "shared", but this something contains no information, how can we know that it was shared? In what sense does this something even exist?

The perfect correlation of entangled particles is well established, and very cool, but perfect correlation does not require sharing of "something". The perfect correlation is baked into the system from the start, from local interactions only.

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