8 Post – 65 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I've been using the 'Open With' extension on Firefox to play video through mpv with a click

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I think that's part of why he is being so careful with language, it's in line with him coming out to say homosexuality is not a crime earlier this year.

Hopefully this is just paving the way for further change but when the Church holds a lot of power in countries where lgbtq+ people are outlawed and heavily oppressed I can see why he's slowly introducing ideas like it's not against the law and being permissible to baptise.

I'm no fan of the RCC but if the pope quickly does a full 180 on these issues the church will likely fracture and the countries where things are pretty extreme will break away and, double down on the persecution and allow it to become an identity marker.

Debian had a very long and painful public debate to eventually depend exclusively on systemd, from Red Hat. I'm not so sure they choose wisely to heavily depend upon RH/IBM LGLP code.

The new release is the first ever, I think, to offer non-free software by default.

Personal opinion is that Gentoo had it right all along. They spend a lot of time & man hours ensuring pretty much anything coming from Red Hat, that isn't being filtered by Linus, is optional. They created eudev, elogind & made Gnome portable again when Red Hat tried to shut down portability. Neddy shows that you can run a bleeding edge system whilst not depending on much at all from Red Hat over the past 15yrs or so.

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linked added to the OP....odd, I posted it as a link, but added an image which seems to be the only visible content.

Sorry, new here & confused by stuff.

Was worried for a minute I might not even be running linux, but neofetch has saved the day.

We need more threads about not talking about that thing that we have been talking about too much.p


Triple booting is a pita, moreso if you don't know how to partition a disk. I'd want any laptop encrypted, which adds further complexity to the triple boot.

If you wanna browse, research, watch videos and tinker just install a distro. If you wanna spend time switching your system off and on again over and over and over again to find out what's working/broken go for the triple boot.

Docker could be worth a shot. You can 'docker pull fedora/arch/debina/whatever' and can play around with the base systems. Alpine takes up about 6mib so isn't too resource intensive if you need to nuke it a few hundred times to get up and running.

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Shit, you've just reminded me I've been running this install for months now and I don't even have neofetch installed.

Sorting immediately, not sure how I've managed these last few month.

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I'm not sure there is a need to run linux on bare metal, or carry around a second laptop.

I don't doubt that relying on Red Hat's code makes life easier.

My needs are minimal. I can get by on openrc, runit, systemd or sysv.

Curious to see where s6 goes.

I lost interest in Arch when Tom Gunderson was aggressively promoting systemd whilst being funded by Red Hat, I was sad when Debian made the decision to rely on Red Hat to take care of the low level system plumbing.

My tinfoil hat from around 2010 still seems relevant.

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bcachefs could be the answer but I don't really want my data on a fs I need this week's kernel to access properly. Maybe I should just hold off for a few months.

I'm not monitoring the drives, I have backups of important stuff...but would be nice to tag more important stuff amongst the mediocre stuff on the off chance both drives don't fail at the same time.

Mastodon & Kbin can access Lemmy. Best have one of each, and 2 Lemmy's just to be sure.

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yeah, it plays 2160p x265 media nicely. Doesn't do Dolby Vision tho, play smooth but colour is off.

I got this album a year or two after it came out.

Have just realized right now they are The Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy not Hypocrisy.


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New to linux, think she needs a gui. I will look into UTM.

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Sounds good, is there a simple guide to UTM on MacOS?

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Cheers, never had Five Finger Nug Punch b4 but 5 Deadly Venoms is one of my favourite movies, might stick it on.

Been looking at it a little more over the past month or two.

There's a lot of interesting music out there and nice to be able to wander around people's music collections.

I'm not sure on how one should navigate Funkwhale land. I have an account on a pod but don't know how I'm supposed to follow or interact with other pods I have bookmarked, it seems to only mention channels which are a bit useless.

Perhaps I have just misunderstood Funkwhale but it seems like it could be an amazing federated community for music. As it is I think I need an account for each pod or to just use listen not logged in. It seems more like a replacement for jellyfin/navidrome and the like with some fediverse functionality as opposed to a world on federated instances sharing and collaborating.

Is it reasonable to advise someone who is new to this stuff on MacOS to just installl Ubuntu on VirtualBox?

I'm using a pi4 as a media center so 265 as it can cope with 2160p

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IBM/RH have been a major contributor to Gnome for over a decade. Yamakuzure, Dantrell, Gentoo, Drobbins and others have helped ensure it remains portable.

My preference is i3/dwm ,or if pushed lxqt or xfce4.

I don't know much about KDE at all.

Found a forum post that explains how to add and follow other libraries, which is nice. The libraries I'd been trying to follow don't seem to have public share links displayed, the ones in the example work.

Appreciating the sharing side of FunkWhale. There's a lot of potential and some good sounding pods out there. It has the basics. It works as a personal or social music pod, pods can interact, subsonic & maybe other activity pub stuff too. Most importantly it has content, lots of it.

Currently listening to another pod directly from my home pod for the first time, which is nice.

Void is my plan. I went with Fedora last time as I couldn't be bothered setting up Void properly and Fedora was the only distro with a generic kernel that seemed old mac trackapd/keyboard friendly at time. I've not tried Puppy for a long time, I tend to opt for AntiX or Porteus in that kinda area.

May give KDE another spin someday when I have a machine better suited but not for this potato.

Fair point...but it seems the Debian stuff being included in their images is all software.

Hey Zucca, I've not been around fgo much since around the time otw vanished but remember you from there and I'm still a happy portage user.


What is resizable BAR?

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I don't have anything that can play 4k h264 aside from my phone.

My Rpi4 plays 4k h265 beautifully, so I like h265. Space efficient is just a bonus.

mpv & ffmpeg have been my go to's for a decade or so....but mpv on the Rpi4 can't yet manage 4k 2160p afaik, so Kodi it is at the moment.

Thanks, looks cool.

I find i3 & dwm a bit much out of the box and need to remove titles, borders & hide the status bar. Hyprland had a lot going on, will check out Vivarium.

I'm very new here and curious if I could ask as it sounds like you know what you are talking about.

My self hosting skills are extremely basic. I have an 8G Pi4 I run jellyfin, navidrome and a few other bits and bobs on. I'm scared of opening ports on my home network so use Timescale for external access. Could I run a personal Lemmy instance like this? Can I interact with other instances via Tailscale or do I need to actually open ports?

Resource wise what would a personal instance require in the cloud? Would something basic like a 512mb 10G droplet from Digital Ocean suffice?

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Yeah, I was using Alpine for a long time on my pi2 or 3, and an old htpc filling in as server but I've stumbled upon a few small issues with musl compatibility and feel glibc just makes life a little easier. I recall 'testing' it out using an ancient 2gb usb2 stick, it ended up running 24/7 for about 18 months just fine before I replaced the old box with new pi. With flatpak and all the other new and shiny things it makes a decent desktop/laptop OS too. They didn't seem happy at all with upstream openrc a year or two ago and think they were looking to integrate s6 instead but haven't kept an eye on the development and think skarnet is still working away on his frontend.

I'd put the 1gb ram laptops to server/kodi/retroarch/something mode and focus on the three decent machines for anything that requires a modern web browser, or add some ram. Porteus might be worth a shot if you've not tried it and want to push the Firefox on a potato idea.

I don't think this is a one OS fits all situation, unless maybe Gentoo.

Thanks, I do have backups of important stuff.

I think bcachefs is what I'm looking for, but I'm gonna wait a bit until development calms down a little and keep on the way I am at the moment.

Boot times aren't really an issue and not really relevant to good vs bad. You should be able to rice each one for speed on your particular use case if you really want to.

Be wary of anything you get from RedHat. I use their stuff sometimes but ensure I can happily live without gnome, systemd, pipewire, wayland or whatever else they are generously gifting to us freeloaders.

I just search for the instance in Mastodon:


Makes a pretty big impact on my Mastodon feed.


Debian only support systemd, if you want systemd free Debian there are forks of the project like Devuan...but then you are no longer running an OS officially supported by the Debian foundation.

LGPL, less user freedom, more room to entangle with proprietary crapware.

Firmware is software.

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I use it on my laptop & pi mainly as I'm lazy. Fedora was the only 'just works' option for a 2010 macbook, the kernel seemed touchpad & keymap friendly unlike everything else I tried. The systemd out of memory killer made the system completely unusable and disabling the service doesn't actually disable the service at all which led me to shout some sweary words, eventually found a guide on how to mask systemd services.

Last time I tried Gentoo & Void on my pi I spent a day on it and couldn't get smooth 2160p playback with Kodi so I tried Raspberry Pi OS which, perhaps unsurprisingly, 'just worked' in this department.

I will get round to converting them at some point as I don't plan on upgrading Fedora beyond 37 and the pi4 2160p playback is solvable when I have a little time.

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TBF someone did say stream 'wasn't a great name' which was the harshest criticism of Red Hat I heard.

If: "The entire Linux community is seemingly latched on to one side" as you say it might not have been too difficult to source someone knowledgeable with a slightly different opinion to that of someone on Red Hat's payroll for at least an interesting debate, or follow up podcast as presumably Red Hat/ IBM don't want employees debating this stuff.

If, as you say, the entire community is seemingly against them, a balanced take doesn't seem to be 2 people just agreeing with an employee about company policy and denigrating "freeloaders".

I've been watching shitty behavior from Red Hat for well over a decade now and am not a fan of the company but I'm happy to be written off as a tinfoil hat wearing relic of the past....but people like Jeff Geerling describing them as sticking a knife in his back, twisting it and abusing the community should at least give a little pause for thought. He explicitly says he doesn't want Red Hat employees patronizing him with exactly the sort of stuff the Red Hat employee is being encouraged to do in the podcast.

Jeff always seemed like quite a reasonable and easy going chap to me and doesn't often use his platform to discuss being stabbed, abused, patronized and made a fool out of.

In light of the community response to the Red Hat situation that podcast really did feel like a marketing piece from Red Hat.

Things are getting entertaining though as Oracle have indeed, as hoped, stepped up to question Red Hat's moral ethics 😂

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