1 Post – 21 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

As a citizen of Nebraska, this is bullshit. This rule was one of a handful of things I liked about living here. While yes the state is blue eyed red fish, and this rarely changes how our votes swing, the fact that the state would listen to the actual people in our voting districts if we chose a non republican candidate was nice. Felt like we actually had a say, like my vote actually mattered. If they repeal this I'll still vote, just with an even more upset sigh everytime.

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One could argue that as alot of us are exredditors we would be the more progressive or left side of the crowd. Something happened we didn't like so we left it behind for something we hope will be better and put in the effort to make it so as opposed to staying with what we know and really waiting things out before choosing a new direction. It would have been easy to stay with reddit, hell I could go back in an instant and it would be like I never left, but I chose this new path and I'm sticking with it. That is what progress is all about

This, it's the litmus teat for basic human dignity

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Invisibility - bank robbing, free movies, tasting expensive food right in the kitchen, hiding from people I know in the grocery store that I don't want to talk to, ect.

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I just got back from the're gunna want to get tested...

5,7,9 all the way. I'm happily married, but people are typically nicer to you if they find you attractive and I have a pretty low bar

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This. They make twist lock receptacles, for certain applications. Normally in commercial settings where small appliances are powered by ceiling mounted outlets.

What shoes do wear the most?

Also would you rather fight 100 duck sized horses or one horse sized duck?

Edit: added a question

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I've been saying it for years, war is coming. Best get prepared

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Hopefully they are in the center stall so you can polish both with ease

I have cried for Matt Pat four times this week. I feel like I'm losing a friend and it hurts. I know I'm not but it still hurts.

I've done this for years due to drunken rage. I probably have a ton of poorly healed hair line fractures in my right hand. This last time, I feel I've done permanent damage to my wrist, it just aches is certain positions. I have since bought a punching bag and filled it with shredded memory foam with rice at the bottom for weight. The only "positive" thing I have gained is the ability to punch hard enough to hurt myself. Don't punch walls, doors, hard surfaces in general. In my experience they always win that fight.

Edit: I suck at typing

As an addict myself I can say basically yes. Not always to that extreme, think of the smoker who starts eating more. Maybe you get into marathon running? Well that's just a hobby, right? Maybe or maybe it's filling that gap alcohol used to fill. It's hard to say. When you break it down, from my experience, addicts are filling some kind of hole with drugs, so when you take the drugs out most people want to fill that hole. For the short time I was in AA 90% people chained smoked and only drank coffee or soda, the 10% who didn't found Jesus.

So can some addicts get by without something else, yea probably. But for most, ultimately the hole will be filled, just hope it's with something positive. For alot of us, it's just a different drug to be honest.

Lol I was gunna say he's too distracting to be safe for work but I like this answer better

Phat bitch dip: 2 blocks cream cheese 3 cans of shredded chicken drained 5 diced jalapeƱos Siracha to taste Shredded cheddar

Microwave cream cheese till soft. Mix in chicken, jalapeƱos, and Siracha. Put in a casserole dish and top with shredded cheese. Bake @ 350f for 10 minutes or until cheese is melted

Edit: Phat is 80s slang for 'Pretty hot and tempting'

Fucking love this! So jealous! I have a pair of metal gauntlets and I feel this weird rush of confidence and power with them on, in a full suit I'd be unstoppable!

Super great! Love the sound!

  • a reddit refugee -

Sorry, not sure how I did that

Let's see,

Nutmeg: Nutters Nutters BoButters Nutters BoButters Pants POO Butt

Jessie: Jessers Jessers BoBesseres Jessers BobBessers Pants ( see a patern?) Cuddle Bumpkins Also dumb as a stump but twice as cute as the cutest stumps

Timone: Mister Drool boy Sir Timoneus the Hungry

Gizmo: Gizzy Princess Gizzy Her Royal Highness Gizmodius the Sassy

Fucking love it! Thanks for the new sound!

I didn't read that, thanks for the update, definitely good news for my morning!