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Joined 13 months ago

Most smart products are security nightmares, too. Smart TVs, refridgerators, thermometers, all of them have OS's that arent regularly updated, dont give the user any way to peek into the system, (you get a virus on your computer, and you generally know pretty quick) and usually lack the security features that your phone or PC may have. They're easy points for your network to be compromised.

The Internet of Things is more like the Internet of Shit.

Spelunky (HD/2) is my goto chill game. Put Spotify on and just start going for the hard end. It's a 2D, roguelike platformer about exploring a series of caves, and shouldn't be as addicting as it is.

I have no idea why, but I cant get enough of it. 200 hours in HD, 250 in 2, and I also had it on X360 a while back that didnt track time.