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Joined 1 years ago

Exactly what I was thinking every time I saw one of these.

I run netdata to collect usage statistics etc. directly on my VPS. I don’t need Uptime Kuma for that, because of course I know right away if my server is down or if it’s just a service. I am hosting some things also for my friends and family, and I’d like to have an option for them to check what is going on. Imagine they cannot access a service, they go to the status page and see that it is either a planned maintenance (updating, editing the configuration etc.) or there something else wrong, and they will see exactly when the service went back online. Without externally hosted status page like this, all they would get is an error. This way is much nicer for the non-technical audience.

So sad, so cute

I have recently started using Caddy and I love it! FOSS, automatic HTTPS, super easy to setup and works well as a reverse proxy. As your website will not be complex, the Caddyfile would be just a few lines.

They deserve this 100%, they had multiple chances to fix their mistakes and they just doubled down on the stupidity. This is deserved

Well, we have all been there and fortunately learned from these “mistakes” xd

Yeah, I love Caddy so much. I’ve only ever used Nginx before, and it was a pain to configure. With Caddy, it’s just a few lines, and the automatic HTTPS is very nice.

Thanks for the SSH port tip, I’ve disabled password auth on all my servers before and only used key auth, but I will move the port to something other for extra security.

I checked out the Free tier and I like it a lot, already created an instance and tested it a little, and I believe it’s more than enough for running Caddy and Uptime Kuma, so thank you very much for this :)

I would like to use something open source. For now, I use the free tier of for my two websites and 3 cron jobs, but with that the free tier is all used up and I will have a bunch more services I want to monitor too.

I don’t have a problem with using a VPS, I just don’t want to pay for another one in addition to my current one just for this one small thing. Sorry if my wording was confusing, English is not my primary language.

Thanks for the Oracle Cloud tip, I will definitely check it out. So far I tried but that has weird problems (I can only access the site from Safari on my mobile, from any other browser or device I can’t - even plain ping to the domain name returns service unavailable).

I immediately started with using docker-compose because I was playing with a “playground” server from my provider and I wanted to be able to move my setup to the “production” server after setting things up. It’s much easier than the long docker run commands some docs suggest.

One question about the UID and GID, I’ve run into some trouble because the official Caddy image runs as root, so I had to set php-fpm also as root because otherwise it was causing problem. So what do you suggest to do with all my containers (I do not mean Caddy and php right now)? Should I run everything as the same UID and GID, or every container with it’s own user?

Thanks, I’ve never heard about it, will definitely check it out!

Yep see you! ;)