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Joined 1 years ago

I'm just your average Canadian arctic wolf. I'm a siren enthusiast and railfan as my main hobbies. I run the Civil Defense Sirens Wiki, and am working on restoring a few vintage sirens (such as a FS&S Model L and a rare Sterling Siren MOD. F) as well as a 1970s Safetran mechanical crossing bell.

Who downvoted this? Conservatism has always been an ideology that's opposed to progress, democracy and freedom. It holds back society to preserve tradition and "family values" while promoting xenophobia, bigotry, and unquestioned submission to authority. The most conservative states in the United States are also some of the poorest, with the lowest standards of living, and also the most backwards. It isn't much different in other countries. The Nazis were conservative. Islamic countries with Sharia Law are conservative. And right now, American Conservatives are trying to implement a Christian-flavoured Sharia Law.

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And like cancer, it will eventually kill its host once things are beyond saving.

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They've already shown their hand, so why should anyone trust them again even if they did backtrack? They've proven they don't care about us and are willing to go back on their words if it benefits them. I don't see any restoration of community faith in Reddit's administration.

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Stuck with the same problem, both Subscribed and All take me straight back to Local.

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It's an inherently self-destructive, unsustainable ideology. None of them think that they'll become a victim of their own ideology until the Gestapo knocks on their door.

And even so, it might just be another Ellen Pao situation where it's just a gesture to please everyone, meanwhile the new CEO keeps making things worse.

I certainly think it will be, enshittification has become a problem that's plaguing so many platforms and companies, and more and more people are becoming aware of it.

Words mean nothing to fascists, they want you dead regardless if you're not considered to be one of them. Anyone who is "different" or an "other" is a target for those fucks.

I haven't used Reddit for more than 5 minutes since the blackout. The site clearly has absolutely zero interest in changing their terrible decisions, and they've shown their hand to everyone. I'm fully moved onto the Fediverse, and I feel all the better for it. I'd been using RIF since 2019, and I refuse to use the stock Reddit app. The community here is wonderful.

Have you not been paying attention to what's been going on? The protests have done serious damage to Reddit's reputation, the viability of its IPO, and is causing a significant drop in the number of users. Not to mention the loss of content creators and moderators who are necessary for the site to function. The protests are intentionally making the site unusable to bore and drive out those who are reasonable, and leaving only those who shill for and lick the boots of Spez and the rest of the incompetent administration team. And without content to consume, those people will leave as well.

There's definitely some hardcore shilling and astroturfing in a lot of subs where blackouts and John Oliver memes have become the norm. People with no posting history, brand new accounts and low karma accounts have flooded in to insult the mods and attack the protest.

Without lube.

Yeah, that's literally the entire point. If the subs are unusable, site traffic falls, Huffman makes less money and looks worse to the investors, and people find better alternatives like here.

I was considering making one for r/airraidsirens, seeing as that's my main hobby with a decent community. But moderating it sounds like it could become a real pain, so I have second thoughts, lol

Jesus christ, what a dumpster fire that comments section was.

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I'm referring to the comments section on the post he linked to, where half the comments are tankies trying to defend the actions of the admins who were banning users and calling them racist for criticizing the CCP/Kremlin.

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I never said anything about that person, your copy/paste comment is not relevant to what I said. I don't hate the devs, I said the comments section of the post that was linked to is a dumpster fire of tankies and genocide apologists.

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Then why are you replying to me...?

Always used RIF, the stock Reddit app has always been unusably terrible.

Apologies for not being clearer!