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Joined 1 years ago

I love the comment from Chipotle about justice being served.

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Definitive edition still alive and well

I mean it came out in 2008 so that tracks

Already runs at 60 FPS 👀

Without textures 😐

Yeah but he doesn't work there anymore, why would Apple lawyers be able to stop him from saying this? He also calls Apple "the good guy" when it comes to privacy.

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Especially disappointing since adaptive triggers and whatnot work on the dual sense when plugged into a pc

Yeah but they have a premium account already.

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That's too legible

There's a video on the article a little lower down the page

Don't forget "Muffin Man"

The only good ones are the Playstation and Xbox exclusives ported to PC, because those games have to be good to be a selling point of the console.

Halo Infinite and Forza Motorsport say hello

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Check the pinned megathread post, should have what you're looking for.

Awesome to see on GOG!

Hyundai Elantra?

Would be awesome to see implemented in vr games, nevertheless excited to see how it works out.

Maybe more people with headphones in? Sounds like a job for a bigger horn!

Me too!

Rip LG smart phones

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Where is he going to go?

They lowered the prices of the the games already available, but today they added everything before c&c 3 and red alert 3 to steam.

Very exciting to see a new RTS, though a bit worrying to see free to play.

NSFW obviously !

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Quake 5 when

Well, we're they able to experience crispy tacos?!

Use right ctrl and alt

Servers looking pretty populated right now

As a pc player,it's a ton of fun. Enjoying the rocket jump

*fun allowed for 16+

Really shows the decline in journalism.

Wym night? We can see the sun!

Some of the older COD games had guns you could only get with real money, and they were overpowered. Nowadays it seems even free to play games have mostly cosmetic micro transactions.

*US nursing home

Oh believe me I remember that V10 bootloop. I liked how lg held out a little longer on removable batteries, and stayed with ir blasters and other niche things when other manufacturers abandoned them. I won't miss the screen burn in.

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I guess we know which is the true GoW now.

Fuck yeah! Quake 5 when?

Looks more like a pickup car.

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