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Joined 12 months ago

3.14 backwards spells PIE

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What do you mean by "[chrome] ... has more storage"?

"go down like Reddit did" ... But did Reddit "go down"? It definitely lost users and content quality dropped, but still, everyone I talk to (that isn't a total nerd like us lemmings) still uses Reddit and has no idea what Lemmy is.

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Genuinely asking and know very little about it... why is Lemmy terrible software?

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So... "thing I don't understand is overrated"?

I don't understand the "it's complicated" thing. Figuring out which instance to use was slightly confusing (I went with because it seemed to be the most popular at the time), but after that, it's no more complicated than Reddit or any other social media site. Am I missing anything?

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Yeah. I introduced my wife to Reddit (she knew of it but didn't use it until I kinda showed her how great it is (was)). Now her family and friends use it too. They all heard about the drama but didn't seem to care or understand and they all still use Reddit.

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Salesforce e-commerce is horrendous.

Your interesting fields... AI, ML, Data Science, etc, seem amazing on paper and in the movies, but a) it takes an incredible amount of dedication to master and b) in the real world, it's monotonous, repetitive and frustrating work.

Cybersecurity sounds like the matrix or the movie Hackers, but in real life is incredibly complex, technical, not "exciting" by any means.

The entire industry sounds incredible. But it's a lot of work, takes a lot of dedication, and is more boring than you'd think.

All of the above also has a very steep learning curve. That doesn't help.

I'd say get into front end web, but you said you don't have any interest. Have you tried React or similar front end web stuff? I'd say it has a less steep learning curve and it's rewarding seeing the UI you build in real time. Maybe try it out?

I think the issue is that the entire industry is kind of over hyped and Hollywood-izd. It sounds cooler than it is. And it's very complex. Try to get into something that sounds interesting and hope you enjoy it.

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If trump is nominated, I think the probability of trump being elected to the presidency is zero, or it will be zero when election day rolls around.

I said the same thing in 2016

Is it DIY? This sounds like one of the things I'd rather hire a professional for.

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(copy/pasted my response to another comment)

Yeah. I introduced my wife to Reddit (she knew of it but didn't use it until I kinda showed her how great it is (was)). Now her family and friends use it too. They all heard about the drama but didn't seem to care or understand and they all still use Reddit.

I know the term enshitification, so maybe I've already read his stuff. I'm going to check it out more. Thanks!

Yeah, I get you. It's a crap situation to be in.

I love front end because I enjoy UI/UX and I generally prefer to work in large, complex applications. If I can have both, I'm good, and I've been fortunate enough to be working on large, interesting projects.

BUT, no matter what, I go in cycles of loving it and trying to learn as much as possible, then sometimes I stop giving a shit and spend my free time on the couch instead of learning or doing side projects.

I don't really know the point of this comment. I guess that, for me, at least, interest waxes and wanes. I just try to accept it and do whatever feels good at the moment. I don't really have any good advice, but how you find someone you enjoy (at least some of the time).

What's the difference between keepassxc and the regular keepass?

Yes! I came here to post, "a modern phone that fits in my hand"

ReVanced? I used to use Vanced, but I guess it was shut down. I've been looking for an alternative (but clearly not very hard).

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I've never worked with it and don't know in detail, but it lets you compile several languages into web based client/server code (basically, converting other languages into website code). Works with C, C++, C#, Go, Rust, Swift, etc)

Right. "just build your own YouTube" is the solution. 👍

Wow. Nasty! We had ours professionally done less than a year ago and I'm pretty sure it was expensive, so maybe I'll look into DIY next time.

For web dev, I like "Syntax" with Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski

You don't work in AI, do you?

Unless your car is older than 2010, there's almost a 100% chance your car has a data connection and is collecting data. I'm not sure what you think you're the exception to the rule.