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Imma let you finish, but all conservatives are pedophiles. Full stop.

Lmao typical blue MAGA

Bonus points for more imperialist genocide supporting BS from shitjustworks

It’s simple, if you speak, you die.

Boeing, a private corporation, had a hitman assassinate a whistleblower in public and nobody in power gave a shit lmao

This is America

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This saga has moved fast so I don’t blame you, just an FYI Intel has issued a statement saying the microcode update “will” fix all affected CPUs (it won’t, because the damage is physical) and will not be issuing a recall.

We are witnessing one of the more obvious end-game states of capitalism. Intel continues to state they don’t give a single shit about this issue, and will not do anything about it.

The corporate nihilism will continue until the collapse. More and more companies will act like this because why does anything matter when we can profit more today?

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I’ve noticed an increase in the trend of local governments just clear cutting their expensive decades old shade trees.

They turn entire main/arterial streets full of beautiful green canopies and pedestrian/micromobility activity into a baking wasteland of 150 degree concrete and asphalt. With predictable results for the retail businesses.

All to save a few dollars on maintenance.

Man humanity really is cooked. How does any of this shit even matter when we will all die or have our lives ruined by climate change in our lifetimes?

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Oh honey, the USA has been committing genocide for hundreds of years. This visit is a return to form, not some sudden heel turn.

  • a near-total genocide of Native American populations
  • a near-total genocide of the Native Hawaiian people (90% population loss following colonization)
  • eugenics programs that inspired Hitler (literally not even a joke. This is history.)
  • using black folks for medical experimentation without their consent (Tuskegee, etc)
  • creating terrorists out of American citizens using the CIA
  • constant ongoing state sponsored violence against minorities and the disabled
  • 6 million excess deaths caused by the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan
  • millions of deaths in Cuba directly caused by American economic terrorism
  • egregious human rights abuses. Read up on how Uyghurs in Xinjiang are treated. Really weird how when it happens to American working-class citizens, it’s suddenly not a human rights abuse anymore.

I was told here that voting blue would fix it all. Republicans brought this monster in, will the victorious DNC do anything about it after November besides… hold their applause?

I think we all know the answer. History will remember them as collaborators.

Also a classic:

Claiming a literal kindergarten attendance chart as a “terrorist check-in record”.

What else is Israel lying about if they are using such brazen propaganda?

You think you’re pissed off now, wait til you find out those slackers are making more money than you and will be promoted ahead of you because, well you do such good work, how would they ever find a good replacement?

This following sentences are something that took me years to fully internalize, thankfully it didn’t take more.

Nobody on their deathbed ever said “I wish I worked more unpaid overtime”. Nobody grieving at a funeral ever said “I wish I spent more time at work instead of with them”.

And nobody at your company ever said “I wish I paid you more”.

Considering pilots shitpost on guard to the extent that actual emergencies threatening lives are literally not able to be heard… I don’t doubt this lol

Bill Gates, a decent person? LMAO is OP literally a kid or something.

Americans are the most propagandized people in the world and simultaneously genuinely believe they are not propagandized, it’s incredible.

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Any word on the 200,000 civilians killed by Israel in Gaza?

Any word on the 6 million excess deaths caused by the US occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan?

The hundreds of millions killed by capitalism?

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Lmao are you a literal child

That’s not how online risk management works at all

In fact mods should take this down for spreading malware

Trying not to be an ass with this info:

A large McDonalds coke is 290 calories and 77 grams of sugar (153% DV). Even a small is 150 calories and 39 grams sugar (77% DV).

I get it, I don’t like my lifestyle being attacked either and I freely admit I consciously choose some unhealthy options in my life such as having a few drinks a week and eating fatty foods or cheesecakes now and then.

But please, if you are starting your day by slamming 70 grams of sugar in your face, please reconsider lol. It’s gonna give you diabetes and ain’t no regular American can afford that.

That doesn’t even take into account what they add to the food itself 😟

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Well, the GOP had project 2025 planned for decades and the DNC had project “suppress any semblance of leftism in the US” going on since the Southern Strategy.

One of them succeeded.

My favorite part of science discourse will always be people self-reporting how little they understand science the math behind statistics by complaining about sample sizes that have nothing wrong with them

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Mobile game studio has trouble with a bleeding edge (heh) blockbuster AAA RPG, I’m sure this will be a BG3-tier banger.

The funny part is I’m also unironically hoping it’s good 🤡

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Anti semitism is when a Zionist doesn't like you.

This should be a reminder to the suburban family units that go on strenuous or even straight up dangerous hikes, carefree and letting their children and animals roam everywhere.

I’ve seen tourists kids just casually fooling around on a ridge hike with a sheer 500+ foot drop on either side of a like meter wide ridge with no barriers. Dogs gladly running into the brush which leads to said 500 foot drop.

This hiker chose to free solo an almost vertical wall and unfortunately paid the price. Mountains are dangerous. People regularly climb and fall off Morro rock and that’s literally just a rock, not even a mountain.

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A corresponding proportion of profits were also distributed back to the state, right?

What an idiotic broken window fallacy. Use the money directly on a jobs program maybe????


It’s honestly so funny how this is old news, settled peer reviewed behavioral research that conclusively states corporeal punishment is shit parenting used by shit parents that results in shit kids

And yet every time it comes up, legions of CHUDs crawl out of the woodwork to debate how it totally worked for them and their kids just fine

Having engineering controls like those balls is generally a good idea and promotes safety.

Unfortunately having a safety indicator be completely unpredictable in appearance (like art) at every different airport, or even every gate at the same airport, not as good of an idea.

But the real answer is that installing art costs more than $0 and 0 seconds, so nobody making the decisions cares.

Yeah I wonder which sentiment will win out. Personally, I thought SouthWest was on the decline with consumers due to their psychopathic boarding policies.

Even for work travel, I’ve been noticing colleagues shitting on SouthWest and realizing it sucks. Playing this ridiculous game trying to fight for a seat, people AND STAFF ignoring boarding number guidelines with no consequences, it’s fucking ridiculous. Delta offers much better travel contracts.

All that effort just to sit in the middle because you didn’t pay $300 extra for the ultra omega line skip. Might as well fly a normal airline and pick your desired seat or pay a little to sit in “comfort” class behind business.

Every flight I would see people frustrated that they paid $100 extra for whatever new fast pass they rolled out only to find out there are 5 boarding groups ahead of them with even faster passes.

Bad for work travel, bad for personal travel, what else is left lol.

In North Korea, homeless are swept into some dark corner, away from liberal eyes. Wait a year or two before the abhorrent conditions literally kill them. Throw the body in a furnace and make room for the next group of people who couldn’t afford another $200/mo rent increase.

Or maybe they got illegally towed and lost their job. Illegally evicted to turn the home into an AirBnB. Maybe their boss Illegally withheld pay.

The collapse of an imperial core is experienced by seeing homeless people die one by one until you’re one of them.

Ah just kidding it’s actually the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the entirety of recorded human history this happens in.

  1. The USPS is objectively profitable
  2. The reason they posted a loss is because a 2006 bill mandates the USPS to fully fund all employee pensions 75 years in advance. There are full retirement accounts sitting around for employees that aren’t even born yet.
  3. Even then, reliable postal service to all addresses in the country is a basic expectation of the government of the most powerful and wealthy nation in the history of human civilization.

The fact that you start with the premise that the USPS should somehow make profit off being a public service is a self report that you are here in bad faith.

Why are you spreading right wing propaganda?

I sent 4-8 tailored applications every weekend for over 6 months to find my current role. Background is an accredited Bachelors in Engineering with several years experience for context.

It’s a marathon, not a sprint - 2 real leads in 5 apps is incredible.

What you’re asking is how to internalize the reality of living under late stage capitalism. There is no easy answer to be provided here.

Personally, already being in a shit role helped motivate me to keep building my resume, taking on even more projects, and keep hunting.

It makes it even funnier when they see this dedicated incredible profitable hard worker turn in their two weeks out of the blue. Last time I did it, two warehouses had to close because the replacement was not up to par and they lost the account lmfao.

Possibly tourist “shark watch” charters chumming up the shallow water? This is the theory many locals have for the increased incidence of shark attacks in Hawaii.

Absolutely, student loans are one of the pillars holding up the Wall Street machine. That’s like throwing away free money.

Would you like to know more?

Ooh, crossover moment!

The beachfront homeowners in Hawaii are notoriously parasite foreigners from the other 48 states, literal local crime bosses, or just old plantation money.

They buy up all these mansions and act like the beaches are their property, blocking public access easements and building illegal seawalls that accelerate beach erosion, and harassing groups of middle schoolers on conservation field trips. Because of course they don’t have jobs.

The beach is not theirs. In Hawaiian culture, beaches are sacred and for the people. This is enshrined in state law. ALL beach in the state is public property.

The state has (had) the most beautiful culture and environment I’ve ever seen in the world. And it’s well past ruined by colonization.

Hawaii is one of, if not the most, solidly Democrat state in the entire nation. I’m sure just one more election and they’ll get right to work!


Massacring civilians was business as usual for American soldiers

The most famous and highly decorated US units openly tortured and killed civilians whenever they felt like it in the Middle East occupations.

And I don’t mean just at Abu Ghraib. This was a daily occurrence, the same way Israeli snipers send a steady stream of children shot in the head to the hospital every single day right now.

You’ll never hear about it from anyone than another veteran though.

Hey can someone tell me real quick what the difference is between 1) a party that actively supports genocide, and 2) a party that actively supports genocide while telling you to your face there is no genocide?

Somewhat related, a growing trend is to offshore English-speaking customer service roles to the Philippines. They have lighter accents and lower pay compared to Indian firms which is attractive to American business.

Also I am not sure if people understand that athletes are generally immunosuppressed when they are trained to peak competition form.

Especially for endurance sports like cycling, the body is simply not supposed to be pushed that hard. Competing and training at peak form actively damages your body. They sacrifice everything for pure performance.

The liberal silence is deafening.

I would certainly hope someone buying a $1900 phone would at least take 30 seconds to install a free DNS-based adblocker

Plenty of people have refuted the point.

But please, keep embarrassing yourself, incel.

Witness how, yet again, these types play their cute little games dancing around the question, never addressing the core issue that they themselves spout as some kind of grand “gotcha”.

Israel is committing state sponsored genocide on the Palestinian people.

We will remember you as the collaborator you are.

Kid didn’t deserve that shit.

The parents, however, absolutely did.

You mean the servers that are overwhelmingly opposed to minimum wage laws applying to servers?

The same ones that complain all day about their wage and make >$40/hour with no education or training while not reporting their cash tips to the IRS?

The same ones that just drop off your food, never come back and take 20 mins to process a tab?
