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Joined 1 years ago

No certs and degree isn't in CS. I just have lots of experience.

My pathway was basically:

  1. Got a low tier job as a glorified intern (paid)
  2. Switched jobs a few times, pay increasing each time. Chose interesting jobs.
  3. Left a low paying gov job for contract work. Got hired full time by one of my contractors.
  4. Have stayed at that job. Golden handcuffs.
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They are butt showers.

You poop first in the toilet and if it was a messy one you use some paper (not all countries' pipes can handle paper though). Then you go to the bidet and clean there. Let the jet hit your hole and wiggle a bit if need be. Use some paper to dry off. Woman will also wash their privates with the bidet after peeing.

In India and China you also got a hose or just a hose in many places. That requires a bit more finesse due to the risk of giving yourself a shower if you don't aim well. You might even just get a cup which you fill and use to wash yourself manually. You need to carry some liquid soap and sanitizer when traveling in areas that might require this and keep your fingernails cut short. In remote areas it is a hole next to the animal pen and you bring your own paper.

I got a bidet attachment for my home during the pandemic due to the severe toilet paper hoarding that was going on.

It temporarily goes down when the laptop gets moved to another Starbucks location.

Future generations will blame you for everything also.

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You left out the bow at the end.

Ticks and botflies. We don't need maggots making a home in our skin. Even worse is what they do to animals like sheep.

Mosquitos are mainly an annoyance to me and I can deal with them.

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I don't know why people get into meth and crack in the first place. They've heard all the stories and likely know people messed up badly from it already. "Hmmm, this is the drug for me!"

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Conversely why do we act horrified that someone in the past didn't act according to standards that only exist today and pressures that don't.

When you are the victim of a loot ninja

Hey, he is supporting the massive FL mansion and mega yacht industries.

I never answer unless I recognize the caller. If it is important they can leave a voice mail.

On the plus side I no longer get the weekly call from the Chinese lady.

Ah yes, you breathe through your gut. Even if it did provide oxygen you'd burn through it in a few minutes at most.

Me but reddit comes up in searches and I still have to go to it for things like local postings and gaming stuff

Some sorting would be good. I'd also like to be able to hide posts without having to block the poster. Right now there is very little user control.

I'm still struggling with it. I clicked on a post that looked interesting and it took me to a server I didn't have a logon to. I wanted to leave a comment but I couldn't. Was I banned? Nope, I finally realized I'd been directed to a different server. Now imagine someone with zero IT background trying to deal with this. They'd probably just quit it.

It is interesting to be on the ground floor of something new though.

I could switch but I don't see any need to. The lockin from apple apps and google play apps is far stronger.

Yes, the world fracturing creates a bunch of duplicate islands. They need to overlap.

Manage app startup and profile settings

I read that it was a DDOS but I wonder what the motivation for doing that is? It isn't like you can extort any money out of lemmy.

I wonder if they somehow think they will be able to manage it.

Unfunny, she asked if I was dating her because she had blonde hair. Well duh, yah part of dating is that you are physically attracted to that person but her accusing me of being that shallow guaranteed I wouldn't go out with her again. "You are a judgemental shit."

  1. We already have a solution for this with tcp/ip with resiliency in the communication chain. Make the communities duplicated across servers and any server has a copy of the community.
  2. This is definitely an issue but maybe a mod would only be able to control via voting with other mods for that community across servers? Make it more democratic than autocratic? Mod actions should be public too. No working in the shadows allowed.
  3. You see this in gaming. People looking for interaction all swarm to the busy servers and you'll see dozens of servers all barely in use. Maybe your login should be load balanced and redirected to low use servers.

Agree it isn't simple. "We want control without control"

Alfred E Oliver

Seagulls are fine, it is people who leave trash out that create the problem

These are maggots that get laid in your skin specifically. Look up "bot flies"

Fungi do most of the rotting anyway.

I have mixed feelings about this. I'd fire many of the bullies.

“Lemmy, what do you call users of Lemmy?”

"Lemmings" is the obvious answer

This is where some cultures got their thing about not using the left hand to shake or eat food with. The assumption is everyone cleans their butt with the left hand. Little do they know I'm a righty.

Still better than dealing with reddit mods

My date went to smoke pot with the band we were seeing (small nightclub)

Dealing with SSL on windows is a pain vs Linux

I think his point in this case is you own the physical item but not the information on it. If not then I could buy some musician's cd then I could say "Now I own their music" and start selling copies of their cd, publishing it, stealing their rights to it, etc. I think we can all agree that would be bad.

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Laziness or not giving a damn is a choice

Piracy by definition is stealing.

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