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Joined 1 years ago

Assuming this isn't an attempt at trolling, Trump ran up the deficit nearly double that of Biden. Given that the argument is generally government spending leads to inflation, how exactly would that not indicate who is more responsible for inflationary costs?

Reddit's content has taken an absolute nose dive, I still lurk, but every time I think about posting, I close out the tab and leave now. The site has also become an ad filled dumpster fire.

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If only more people would move to Mastodon it could drop another 50% in value!

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It can't possibly have any relationship to morons like Florida's Surgeon General citing bogus claims and vaccine efficacy denialism could it?

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The simple solution is not to rely upon AI. It's like a misinformed relative after a jar of moonshine, they might be right some of the time, or they might be totally full of shit.

I honestly don't know why people are obsessed with relying on AI, is it that difficult to look up the answer from a reliable source?

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Good, no child should be placed with parents who may discriminate against them for their natural state of being.

Given the reality that Linux simply isn't viable for some people (including myself), I highly recommend using this tool.

Between this, and manually uninstalling a lot of bloat (or using a specific type of windows install) and a few other tweaks, windows becomes significantly more usable.

Disabling garbage in the task bar, removing Cortana and indexing services, etc etc, it can also add a fairly decent uplift in performance.

I'm sure there is still telemetry being collected but significantly less and less impact on my user experience and day to day performance.

Oh and make sure you turn off auto/feature updates!

What is wrong with these people?

We need to start an organization that helps to rehome any woman in one of these states to a state with sane laws.

I feel truly sorry for the women who have been brainwashed since birth to agree with these laws that subjugate them, and continue to vote for the people passing them.

Freshwater Snail??? So that thought experiment is actually kind of real if you piss one off enough? Well...

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There are so many problems with this.

Far too many homeless people, there is so much wealth in this nation, there is no reason we cannot provide ample shelter. This probably is going to continue to become worse with the disproportionate wealth distribution and the continual increase in use or automation and AI.

Additionally, we should have broader access to wifi, specifically for those who are homeless and need access to online resources, so they can eventually no longer be homeless. Seems like a great federal program opportunity, if we actually want people to be able to recover from being homeless. No one is going to become homeless or stay homeless because of the badass government subsidized wifi.

This seems incredibly self perpetuating on the cities behalf. It's like making places uncomfortable to sleep upon... Why not invest that money into someplace people can goto sleep and get the assistance they need to exist in society.

Here I am... Joined because it was supposed to be a security, privacy and FOSS focused community. Now people are probably going to block seeing my comments.

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I have news for you, as an old millennial, it's not just G Zers.

I have to tell you, I know many intelligent people that have succumbed to propaganda, and outrage porn addiction. I see it continue to happen on all sides of the political isle. (This isn't a both sides kind of statement, simply acknowledgement that the same tactics work on our brain, indifferent of political ideology.)

Whether they are hooked on the dopamine rush of rage baiting up votes, likes or comments; or only seeing everything in the world through a myopic lens of negativity, it has captured many of my friends and family, including myself for a time.

For some their drug is Fox News, others it's Reddit, Facebook or TikTok, the results are often the same.

I have yet to figure out a manner in which to communicate with individuals who spend considerable amounts of time in echo chambers, constantly having their personal beliefs reinforced. Evasion of cognitive dissonance and social conflict are very powerful psychological motivations. I wish I knew the solution.

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It's literally come to the point where you can almost guarantee doing the opposite of what any member of the GOP says, is actually the right thing to do.

I live in Florida, he's a total piece of shit pandering to lunatics to attempt to be to the right of Trump...

I got my booster Monday evening, despite this chuckle fuck and his supposed doctor "surgeon general." Oh and I'm well under 65...

How much VC is really being invested at the moment? I know a variety of people at start ups and the money is very tight at the moment given the current interest rate environment.

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I never liked Twitter to begin with, once it became an unabashed environment for hate it was a piece of cake to close my account.

I am very sorry you all are living like that, it would drive me mad.

Contract subsidies are kind of coming back in the form of "trade in bill credits.". Previously you'd sign a 2 year contract and they would subsidize your phone, however; I just got $800 of trade in credit at Verizon for a phone they normally give $150 for.

The catch, of course there are many... the bill credits are over 3 years, and in my case fully offset the cost of the monthly phone purchase price; if you leave you need to pay off the remaining balance, and if you upgrade you lose your credits. Also you need to be on an unlimited plus plan.

However; I now have a new phone with no additional monthly payments. The last Samsung I had made it 5 years, and the new one actually has a serviceable battery!

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And here I am... I've never even tried it.

I've been getting these for ages now... UPS, USPS, endless scam texts all the time!

And this is why I'm still on Monterey... Being in audio production, it's rare that updating your OS (barring security updates) improves your stability.

I grew up here, have family here and have built a life here. It really is awful how much the state is being destroyed, so much has changed since 2016, it is unreal.

The propaganda has been incredibly effective here, and it is absolutely disheartening.

They need these every block in Miami. I absolutely cannot comprehend how some people don't see Trump is a dictator. Left, right, center, it doesn't matter, a dictator is a dictator and no political ideology is safe from them..

It's abysmal at this point... Whatever they did to it, the results are now awful and far more inaccurate than they were a few months back.

This is one of the best tools I've used, works really well!

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Admitting she is wrong about a single fact would bring the entire house of cards tumbling down... Imagine having to admit you are wrong about everything you have come to represent. It would come with soul crushing pain to your ego, and these people can't confront that.

This is so dumb, he must not realize that a significant portion of the GOP voter base has relied upon mail in ballots here for many years.

I suppose they have run the numbers and think it will still benefit their party somehow or another, but I think they grossly over estimate the competency of the average GOP voter here.

GPT has been utter garbage lately. I feel as though it's somehow become worse. I use it as a search engine alternative and it has RARELY been correct lately. I will respond to it, telling it that it is incorrect, and it will keep generating even more inaccurate answers... It's to the point where it almost becomes entirely useless, where sometimes it used to find some of the correct information.

I don't know what they did in 4.0 or whatever it is, but it's just plain bad.

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Well, I've kept my reddit account as I use it occasionally from desktop... Guess it's time to finally say goodbye.

Since Sync came out, absolutely love it! Hope more people join!

Only a few more years now till the retro sound of CDs comes back into style. I realize vinyl is a great and unique user experience with a specific timber, and more enjoyable to collect.

It's kind of funny when you hear about the "analog warmth" when albums were being digitally mastered as early as the late 70s... And pretty much all re-releases are digitally remastered.

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Yes and garbage subs being promoted as well.... Like Outfits anD AITAH.

It is pretty awful these days...

Small houses in most Florida Metro areas are in the 400k range... Multiple 3/2s in the 1500sq range are 500k+

The people here are such fucking morons... Yes, let's ban WIND POWER, literally one of the oldest forms of clean energy generation. I swear if I didn't have family here I'd be gone.

I think E Bikes are amazing, but people don't seem to take their speed seriously enough in my area. Those things absolutely crank, and people seem to have no concept of their potential danger to themselves, pedestals or other motorists. Nearly 30 mph isn't a joke, and they seem to ride on the sidewalks here rather than the roads.

You are missing a very important part of the GOP insanity.,would%20vote%20to%20pass%20it

Don't attempt to both sides this issue, they won't bring a bill to the floor that doesn't have support to pass WITHOUT bipartisan support. The entire GOP is run by extremists and has been for a long time. When your core principal says that you cannot be bipartisan, you are infact an extremist party by nature.

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Anything that helps demonitize Twitter is good in my opinion!

They did the same in Florida... And we are yet going to try again...

I find solace in the fact that 50 cents out of every dollar of his campaign money is being spent on legal fees at the moment. His main PAC had a balance of over 100 million and sank to under 5 million. This was all prior to the George charges, which I imagine is going to radically increase his legal exposure.

These people are systematically transferring hundreds of millions to the ultimate con man.