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Joined 1 years ago

I'm glad they are finally doing something about climate anxiety.

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Learning to deal with "unmaintanable" codebases is a pretty good skill. It taught me good documentation and refactoring manners. It's only a problem for you if management does not accept that their velocity has gone down as a result of tech debt pilling up.

Code should scream it's intent (business-wise) so as to be self-documenting as much as possible As much as possible is not 100%, so add comments when needed. Comments should be assumed to be relevant when written, at best. Git comment should be linked to your work ticket so that we can figure out why the hell you would do that, when looking at the code file itself. I swear some people seem to think we only read them in PRs (we don't). Overall concepts used everyday, if they need to be reexplained, should probably be written down (at least today's version). Tests are documentation. Often the only up to date one?

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You'd think the republicans, their voters, their donors, and the whole media apparatus behind it, would get some of the blame too. I know, they'll see it as glory rather than blame. The dems didn't do it, they were just lame.

My personal hate is the word “settler”, which invokes an image of somebody taking previously useless land and making it fit for human habitation, but apparently has been redefined within the borders of Palestine to mean “armed invader”.

North American Natives probably resent that sentence....

It is very rare for no humans to make use of land at all. Whenever someone "settles" it, they are taking it away from someone else. Usually force gets involved at some point, even for nomadic tribes. It's why colonialism has a bad rep these days.

It works like that in French until you use a different word for the machine.

"Mon ordinateur est une bonne machine". In a single sentence my computer was described with words both male and female.

It's just vocabulary and grammar, not the deep essence or identity of things or people.

I think this points to a large problem in our society is how we train and pick our managers. Oh wait we don't. They pick us.

I think his point is about judges being corrupt. He has information useful to us and he's not mentioned how he feels about his uncle. No point being mean to him.

Or if the debates weren't managed by a private entity owned by the other two parties.

Canada has first past the post voting, and 3 active parties. My province has first pas the post and has 4 major parties (with a 5th one that is close but can't get a representative in). I'll agree that ranked voting at least would be a lot better.

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"we need more resources" is bounded by the rate at which you can incorporate new teams members without absolutely destroying your productivity, or having a bunch of untrained fools running around breaking things (of course the later is standard at many places already, so I guess it doesn't always matter).

The right answer is usually : "No". Or at least "Prioritize". Or "This is what we need to get it done" at which point they might start to get software takes time to make decently, and they don't want software that doesn't work decently in the first place.

There's a whole list of 8 points over what constitute a cult.

I don't remember the whole thing, but it was something like : Cults don't let you leave. If you do leave, your family and friends who are still in the cult will not speak to you. Cults control you in details. They make sure you are tired at the end of the day, too tired to think for yourself. Cults make you dependent financially. Once you are that deep in, leaving means starting over economically.

There's more, but it is different from how most people experience mainstream religions (I mean there are pockets here and there that are very cultish, but really the religion as a whole is a different beast that just works differently than an actual cult).

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Yeah, but it's easy to overuse it. If your for loop is much longer. For a few lines I'd agree, don't bother using something longer.

Code should scream out it's intent for the reader to see. It's why you are doing something that needs to be communicated, not what you are doing. "i", "counter" or "index" all scream out what you are doing, not why. This is more important than the name being short (but for equal explanations of intent, go with the shorter name). The for loop does that already.

If you can't do that, be more precise. At the least make it "cardIndex", or "searchIndex". It makes it easier to connect the dots.

I think this depends on the crowd. Unfortunately, the intelligent crowd and the crowd with money and power is not exactly the same. Though hopefully there is overlap.

This, to a point.

Other things help :

  • Unit test to help catch regressions. If you are confident in your test catching a good portion of bugs from refactoring, at least you feel confident refactoring. Worst case, at least you ensured your code is testable. There is nothing worse than refactoring untestable code.
  • Self-documenting code and when it fails to self-document, comments or refer to a wiki page.

the problem is you can’t easily go get another job because all the other jobs require a stupid amount of qualifications that don’t really relate to what they are offering in anyway shape or form.

Job postings are a wishlist for an ideal candidate. Only some of the stuff is actually required, For the rest, it varies based on how scarce people able and willing to work in that field are.

To see through the fog, you have to try reaching out. Either apply at places or try to build yourself a network. Sadly I'm not great at it myself. Alternatively, if you have the time and inclination to learn new skills, that's a thing you can do.

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That is different than for layoffs, which generally is less about rooting out toxic people and more about lowering costs. And people know it usually.

That said, anyone causing trouble for management or viewed as not pulling their weight will be the first on the list since management won't have to justify firing them.

Those are really stupid managers.

If you don't have docs it's a tough competition between having your more knowledgeable devs re-explaining what they know X times to X new hires, or letting new devs figure it out on their own which is both costly in terms of their time and more importantly, risky as hell.

Bad managers love risk though. Since it usually is a choice between speed now and risk later, it only blows up in your face later, and quite spectacularly, and everyone looks like heroes while they are putting fires out on overtime.

That said good managers probably don't tolerate that shit from bad managers under them and can sniff out a firefighter culture pretty quick.

I guess what I meant to say was, managers that value doc do exist. If they really do, they'll let you know.

Ecosystems there won't necessarily fare all too well. Trees are drying up because they aren't used to that dryness/heat. New trees will take time to grow and they don't necessarily support the same species.

The mix of species you used to have that lived in a balanced way is being disturbed by various invasive species.

I'm not saying those ecosystems will necessarily collapse, but there is a nonzero risk that they might.

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Git wasn't used all that much in the 2000s. As far as I know it became popular in the 2010s (though it was always a thing in some circles I think) and then just supplanted almost everything else.

Also keep in mind some shops tend to follow larger tech companies (microsoft, etc.) and their product offering. So even new products might not have been on git until MS went in that direction.

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Takes time to become ubiquitous.

It has literally been tried. You don't control the world. China, North Korea, Iran and India get to do what they want. They have their own interests too look out for and could care less about a European country being invaded by another European country.

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I mean as far as feeding the data to AI, isn't Lemmy worse? Any data on the fediverse is as good as public and would just get gobbled up by AI or adtech in an instant?

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We don't have time to wait for kids to grow up before doing what we can. Ah, sorry. Before putting all of that responsibility on them and screaming "NOT IT!"

This. Especially if your team does not follow SOLID principles (as then someone fixes a bug in a base class method that shouldn't be shared. This fixes an issue in a subclass but introduces one in another. Rinse, repeat.


All the rest of this conversation is pedantic nonsense (on both sides, I might add).

It's like if the law decided that only fire brick red as defined by this website is red :

And then someone on lemmy said "the court said your car isn't red". And then we'd have to spend a half hour and an incredibly long post to explain how courts sometimes use different definitions for words that people use in normal conversation, and to be careful how you interpret that.

Bottom line is Trump did what everyone else is calling rape.

And then y'all exported yer culture out to us via Hollywood.

I was under the impression that even in other countries, activism is generally separate from the political parties and it's more like activist groups putting pressure on candidates and organizing for them if they are more favorable, and sometimes getting something in return.

I've seen exceptions, but I gather they are rare (and we can already see some change as the party is under pressure to become more "normal" and "competitive").

Yes and no. I mean sure, if you are going to leverage this to gain a significant edge in the market, that works.

If you add a tool to the project, that you need to understand to maintain some parts of it, which adds to the learning curve of someone joining said team, then the gains have best be worth the effort.

We adopt so many librairies/plugins/tools over time that adding more complexity than you need this way is just terrible.

Sorry to hear about your hardship. You deserve a better system. Best of luck rebuilding and I hope things get better.

That said, working from home has so far saved me a lot of both time and money. This is a thing to consider as an employee when considering who to work for (or if your boss takes it away, if you still want to work there after essentially having a benefit revoked unilateraly).

Public transit pass. Actual time for transit which for me was around 90 minutes a day (7.5 hours a week!), more complex lunch logistics (time or money), etc.

A quieter workplace, no need to book rarely available rooms to take calls/meetings. There were upsides.

My first remote job had almost no issues at all. We already knew each other and we still took time to discuss issues via calls. New job not so much. We tend to be pressed for time so only focus on obvious "work" and then works suffers because of a lack of communication/common vision.

We need a new paradigm for social media. And no, I'm not satisfied with Lemmy either (privacy issues).

Never touched it? A website? What about updating frameworks for security issues?

Expect this from corporate and political types alike.

Sorry for the late reply, the lack of a red envelope makes me not notice replies.

People on election day have to decide if they go voting at all. This is a big deal, it's what most of the campaign in the ridding is focusing on changing (you want to make sure all of your voters go vote, that is top priority in an election).

Having a party that is a bad fit for you is demotivating and likely­ to reduce turnout. That is what I mean by "likely to vote". It's not the right wing option that people will go for. It's the comfort of staying home and not bothering to vote for a "lib" if you're a progressive, or for a "commie" if you're a lib. For some people, the NDP is already too far right...

So yeah, some of the support of the NDP would transfer over to the liberal party, but definitely not all. And that's not to mention all of the crazy people who can go from NDP to tories at the drop of a hat (voters have shallower roots than the base, or have irrational hatred of specific politicians or parties) or who would just vote Bloq Québécois or something else.

It's like a few lifetime's worth of efforts went into defending this guy.

Don't tempt the fates. You will get this, but everything else will be worse.

Trust me. Don't temp the fates.

Which is "ok" as wages will start to go up over time (for some). But some wages don't climb as fast and some people are on fixed revenue (old people, disabled people).

So it requires readjustments

I mean you assume that a significant number of NDP voters would vote for the libs if they weren't there (or maybe vice-versa). I'm really not sure of that.

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I don’t understand how people can work for sleezebag companies.

This is part one.

To this day I refuse to carry debt or even own credit cards tho.

I think this is part two.

It's awesome that you do this, but if you can afford to avoid debt entirely you are probably somewhat priviledged compared to some. A lot of people in the US are working off student debts for degrees that didn't quite deliver the jobs they were expecting. Or just were dealt a bad hand to begin with.

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Yeah, firefighter mentalities are terrible.

That said, as someone in software development, wouldn't there be some optimization work you could do? Keeping up with the technology? Preparing training material? Figuring out the next steps for the next improvements to be done to the system? Looking at solutions to better monitor what is going on? Scripts to automate tasks?

I find it hard to believe that things are so static.

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The closest I got to this kind of job., is the closest I got to running away. I'm much happier elsewhere now.