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Joined 2 months ago

Instructions unclear, became beefy tiny woman, men scared.


Whenever I see that, I think of this. It’s basically the same picture. And he could do with some neck.

last time I tried to get help I got profiled as a drug seeker.

This is so dumb and lazy, because of course you are seeking a drug, but they have tests they can throw at you that will pretty readily identify if the drug is appropriate for your needs..

Like if they had another actually workable treatment option that wasn’t just “feel really bad about not being able to do things and we’ll teach you how to live with that feeling!” Then fine, we’d all do that and not seek the drugs.. but it’s really not our fault that we need stimulants.

So dumb. Anyway, as others have told you, don’t let that one dumbass deter you. As outlined above, they are clearly dumb.

I’m slightly upset the person is not named Joan. Joan’s bones sounds a lot better than Jon’s bones.

As someone who has always been on a low-sodium diet, but who nonetheless has a hankering for processed food, thank fuck.

Everything has become so ridiculously salty, if you aren’t already used to the salt, that it’s largely inedible. It would otherwise be really good, but holy shit.

If we can get people consuming less salt in some places, they will want less in other places as well, maybe food as a whole will be less salty.. that would be a win in every single way for everyone. Everyone who regularly eats with me tends to want less salt in their food overall as a result, so I know it works, and it doesn’t even take that long.

Wait is this real..? Are they saying the quiet part out loud again…? Screaming loud..?

What’s the context here?

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I believe an ai could write soap-opera-style drama and crappy hallmark romance. Probably has been for a while. Anyone can write those things even if they don’t have a good grasp of language.

But comedy is really difficult; you have to actually understand people, and culture, and communication, and language, and timing, and shock, and a bunch of other super nuanced shit.

If he thinks ai is ready for that, he’s ready to lose his own job to ai, cuz what a joker… (see? Comedy is hard!)

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Thanks for the link. It’s one thing to be told “trust me bro”, and another entirely to… have context.

I’d get rid of the daily headaches that started around 12, all the random aches and pains I’ve had since my early 20s, and give myself better dental/oral genes so I didn’t end up with a cavity every damned year.

But the thing is those are changes I’d make with CRISPR, too, if we knew enough about genes to actually implement them. I’d do it in a heartbeat.

The aesthetics aren’t that important, tho I wouldn’t mind having thicker hair. My mom got a nose job and told me I have her old nose, and even that I’d keep.

I’d keep my adhd/autism/personality/appearance stuff, just want the rogue pain/deterioration genes fixed.

Probably because if we admit that it’s a necessity of the modern age like power and water, it would basically need to be metered like a utility, and there goes all the profits with flat rate “up to” speed pricing that most people don’t even remotely use.

I wouldn’t call Amish people particularly violent, and all their transport throughout their lives is horse/buggy/bike..

Ooooh that’s gunna be a hefty fine. Hope he has a lot of money, but if he’s doing something like this, he probably doesn’t travel much, so probably isn’t terribly well off.

Way to fuck your life up for narcissism.

You can get them in pink and white too! As an extra fuck you over the normal yellow which can happen on their own.

Make seed bombs of pink dandelions and launch them before a storm.

Side note; I want pink dandelions but I’m sure my neighbors would hate me… but I also have an asshole neighbor and I’ve totally thought about seeding his property with them and letting them spread to mine…. I won’t do it, because cameras, but I want to so much.

I wish more games had playable demos. Even after the game comes out, just rip part of it out and let me play it. It’s one thing to watch a gameplay video, it’s another thing entirely to try it out for yourself.

I get that in this case, the demo showed too much (giving the impression there would be more growth), and that was a disappointing experience, but I’d argue that’s an issue with the demo/game combo itself - it’s for a game that only takes a couple hours total, so it’s very limited in what it can do with a demo. It would be like a demo of stray (2 hours to get through the story) or tinykin (under 10 hours for 100%) both also very short games with very limited abilities. You can do a short teaser, but then people would complain it’s too short and whatever.. it’s a no-win there, I think, because the author even says there’s a good story missed in the demo.

But if you have a demo of, for example, dysmantle, it doesn’t matter that the gameplay is exactly the same for 100 hours, and the only thing that changes is -what- you can smash.. there’s some progression involved, but not much.. it’s basically just smashing and exploring, and that’s all the demo would be. And that’s ok too, because holy SHIT is that repetition fun!

Do they expect him to be fully gay, even when it’s right there in the word bi-sexual..? Like his options are majority women, minority men. (self-admitting bisexual and gay men are a minority, even if -and I do mean if; this is not a statement of fact- actually most people are more fluid than they’d otherwise believe or admit, if they were raised to be just chill with whatever) especially for having a family..? That’s just statistics.

By that logic literally anything other than blasting it into space is temporary. Mountains weather, oceans turn over, even the planet as a whole has a cycle that involves melting the subducted sea floor and releasing gasses.

Sure it’s temporary, but if we have enough temporary storage to offset the (drastically reduced, I should hope) emissions, and continue to replace what is used/burned/etc, does it really matter if it doesn’t last forever?

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This is one of those things I’ve been afraid of my whole life that, crucially, I didn’t know could actually happen.

At least now I feel justified.

I said the exact same thing months ago when I saw that video. I don’t even use a toaster.

Nah, that only works in super close-knit, small town communities.

I don’t know any of my neighbor’s last names and I’ve lived here for 12 years. I’m in a semi-small town. I know my direct neighbors first names, and that’s about it, because anything more is unnecessary.

If I got something sent to a random name at my address, I’d treat it the same way as junk mail addressed to me; recycled without a second thought. I still get stuff for 3 other former residents, including pension stuff, despite being here over a decade so..

I’m not going to look it up, but I’m curious about the hyphenated last name.

Is he married and took his wife’s name as part of his own (progressive!) or did his parents do that (also progressive, but makes one wonder where he fell off the tree)?

I’m a pro-immigration canvasser in a rural-ish area of a swing state, and I’ve seen a lot of dem canvassers from other orgs on my turfs.

I’ve seen a car of people putting out door hangers for trump, but they weren’t canvassing at all, just leave the thing and take off. Meanwhile there are a dozen dem flyers there already. That’s it. That’s the extent of what I’ve seen out there.

In 2020 I’d run into lots of canvassers for trump… buuuuuuuuuut those groups didn’t get paid like they were supposed to, and those canvassers got super salty. Rightly so. It’s no wonder nobody wants to do it this time around.

He reminds me of billy the puppet..

There’s also a matter of size. Babies come in pretty standard sizes overall (ranging from tiny preemie to tiny newborn to toddler, and then a bit of extra market for in-between ages), but adults..

What works for one country does not work for another. I, for example, cannot buy underpants made for the Chinese market (I’ve tried) because the dimensions are just wrong. Even when scaled, they don’t fit right. The body proportions are just different for adults from different places, and that’s ok, but it does make the adult diaper scene similarly localized.

After all, you can make a one-size adult diaper, hospitals use them, but they have strong limitations for how hideable they are (most adult diaper products are marketed to women who suffer far greater rates of incontinence due to childbirth, so hideability is important).

I thought the same thing.

I’d play it. Sounds hilarious. Like cards against humanity as an rpg.

Those and milk bottle rings.

I just say the following every time:

“Your mother would be so disappointed in you if she really understood what you were doing, wouldn’t she?

Ruining the lives of little old ladies, just like mama. She’s probably not well off either, right Mr scammer? I feel for you. Really I do. I’ve lived in poverty my whole life too, and it’s been a huge struggle just to get by. But me? I wouldn’t shame my family by scamming people just like us out of what little they have. My mamma raised me better than that. I’m sure yours did, too.”

I always get a reply meaning it definitely strikes a nerve, usually get some sort of bravado about how mama is proud because they bring home the money, and I just respond “if you tell yourself that enough maybe you’ll believe it someday, too!”.

But I don’t want to be totally heartless because a lot of them don’t have meaningful options, and I get that, and I’m not the ragey sort generally. Or at least I try not to be.

Not just a useless middleman!

A nepotism monopoly middleman! Yay!

The focus on seniors (from pick your poison politician) is fine and all.. I realize a lot of people are seniors, and they are reliable voters and stuff.

Seriously though, I’m so fucking tired of hearing about what seniors will/could get from the next term, and this isn’t a lot better. There’s some good stuff, but cmon, you aren’t actually going to sway entrenched old people no matter what you give them.

I love sanders, I went to see him speak a few months back when he was at a union hall locally. But this country is mostly -not- old people. We really need to stop catering to them, at our own expense.

I’m almost 40. I don’t give a flying fuck into a rolling donut about seniors compared to the entirety of the working class. You know, the people making all their entitlements solvent? They fucked it up already, and they had their chance to fix it many many times since. As a generation, they fucking failed to do anything meaningful for us, their progeny, why should we prostrate ourselves to them? They are going to fucking die soon, and while we should absolutely take proper care of them…. (So please don’t misunderstand this rage)


(Full disclosure, I’m presently a canvasser for the Harris/Walz ticket, and I’ve talked to a lot of old people who only give a fuck about what it means for them. They have kids, they have grandkids, but their only concern is why they get out of it, and that’s fucking disgusting. I hate talking to those selfish assholes. I do it because it’s my job, but holy shit do I just want to say “cool story, bro” and walk away. Also those fuckers don’t shut up about what they want. Don’t care grandpa, you aren’t even part of the economy anymore except what they can extract from your estate to keep you alive, so your kids get nothing..)

I have an eBay account from 2000 or so, and my email is nearly as old I believe.

I don’t use the eBay account all that often now, but on and off throughout the years. Last used last year.

I’m about halfway through the video, and I agree with basically all of it so far.

Something I experience is that when I shower and wear my normal comfy clothes (which are 100% permanent press/spandex blend fabrics and thus look nicer, higher end, etc, but aren’t - I shop primarily at thrift stores and still wear stuff from middle school which was 24 years ago) people always tell me how nice and fancy I look. And the only response I really have is “oh, thanks, umm, well I showered today and my clothes are clean, that’s probably it”, simply because that’s my normal clothing so I see nothing overly fancy about it.

It’s not fancy or conforming to the male/neurotypical gaze or whatever nonsense, it just meets my specific clothing requirements (stretchy, soft, loose around arms/lower legs, loose collar like a v-neck or tank top), but because people tend to associate that look with business casual, they think I’m dressed up.

I wonder how often people judge me for that.. probably less than when I had colored hair (which I liked doing but was really uncomfortable to go out in public with), but more than if I could stand to wear jeans and cotton t-shirts.

I think this shift will be the end of me buying newer games, period.

I am that person who doesn’t ever buy digital. I have not bought a single digital game thus far (I haven’t pirated a game since like 2006, either). I have certainly played some, like with the PS+ subscription I got for a year when it was pretty cheap, but I wouldn’t buy them because I can’t be sure I own them, and there’s really no way to transfer the license to resell them.

If I can’t buy physical media, I simply won’t buy the games. Maybe I’ll use subscription services now and then, but more likely I’ll either find a way to play free or won’t play them at all and find other stuff. I want the physical media because I’m poor, and having the option to sell them in a pinch is important to me if I’m going to shell out a significant amount for something I’ll probably only play once, particularly since there won’t be a used game market to reduce my spend. I haven’t had to sell my games in a very long time, so I have some 400 discs, but it’s something of a savings option that inflates alongside currency, and sometimes much more.

Yep, I literally get paid (almost as well as my last job requiring a degree did, this just isn’t permanent) to canvas for progressive politics in a swing state.

Honestly, I wouldn’t do it if I wasn’t getting paid, even though I firmly believe getting out the vote for progressives (or as close as we can manage at any rate) is important. There’s so much money being pumped into it, that I’m not willing to give my time for free. I’m not in the top 10%, so my time is actually valuable.

But getting paid means I’ve had conversations with ~200 voters in the last week, the majority of whom are voting dem up and down the ticket, even if they used to be strong republicans. Maybe it won’t help overall, but we have a GOP-sponsored referendum almost nobody has heard of, for which our org is encouraging a no vote, so if nothing else this effort may help defeat that.

(Hopefully this plug is ok, it’s not my organization, I just work with them. If not I’ll edit it out.) If anyone reading this is in the US, and interested in getting paid (well paid, and with insurance available from day 1) for canvassing work for a couple months, check out the outreach team’s website. They have open positions for various sponsored regional campaigns in lots of important areas across the US, and they hire quickly with minimal hoops to jump through. I worked with them for the 2020 election as well, and in both cases it was 2 days from interview to start date.

Have you ever listened to the podcast “ologies”? It’s a woman who interviews people who are -ologists (proctologist, ornithologist, geologist, etc., as well as some non-ologist specialties that nonetheless fit the theme)

Maybe something like that would work for you :) then you aren’t stuck with a single topic, you don’t have to do it alone, and you don’t have to find one person to commit to it, it could be several. Just come up with good questions and have a semi-formal chat. It’s a very enjoyable model for learning new things you didn’t know you wanted to know about.

I just finished the Lego Harry Potter games.. kinda old, but with the next horizon game being a Lego game I figured I should give them a fair shake. I love horizon, and I want to like the next incarnation.

TBH I’m not really a fan of the Lego games. They are ok, but I don’t really like the format of rush to the end to unlock what you need to then go back through and collect all the things you can’t collect the first go around.

Next on the list is the Lego movie games, there’s actual dialogue and some of the mechanics seem like what they would use for aloy.. so probably a good next step.

I’ve also got marvel, city undercover, worlds, and some real old Star Wars Wii games. The Harry Potter ones are the first I’ve managed to finish.

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Not where I expected that to go, but then.. I never know where to expect comedians to go.. I think that’s the point.

Anyway, keeping to the subject, when I worked at the hatchery there was this guy.. he was the guy who killed all the male babies, and that was his whole job.. he was fucking weird, in a bad way, and we all gave him tons of space. It didn’t bother him at all to kill thousands of birds in a single day as just his normal job. That’s all.

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I don’t want anyone verifying my identity for any reason other than government or financial business, where there is a legitimate reason to do so. There is absolutely no reason some random-ass company needs access of any sort to my demographic information, when I am a legal adult doing things well within my rights to do. Especially if this thing was automated to feed that data without my consent or knowledge, as you are suggesting. Absolutely fuck all of that. Plus that would mean there’s a central query database of all the sites you’ve ever accessed for any reason, and that’s fucking scary, even if you aren’t doing anything wrong.

This wouldn’t work any better than any other privacy-leaky method anyway. People hand down phones to their kids a lot without factory resetting them. And stolen IDs/identity theft are a thing. And you don’t think that central identity bank would be prime target #1 for hackers? If the last decade has taught us anything, it’s that companies WILL NOT protect your data properly, and they WILL NOT suffer consequences of any sort when (not if, when) there is a breach.

At the end of the day, ensuring someone else’s kids don’t have access to something said parent doesn’t want them to access…? Not my problem, and absolutely not a good enough reason to violate my privacy that thoroughly.

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Despite being cis myself, I wish I had the option to delay my puberty a couple years. I stopped growing at 12, and am very short. Even another 2 inches would have only put me in the “almost average” category.

It’s something that doesn’t harm anyone and allows kids to choose another aspect of who they want to be as adults. I’m here for it.

Does that one at least tell you what’s missing? Like the first Harry Potter I had to look up the red sparkles, to find out that you need a specific character type to use that. The second game had that as a tip when you got close so it’s at least clear about what you need.

The marvel version I have is ps3, is that what you are playing?

Sure, they might know my identity. But very importantly, they aren’t every single random company out there whose website I happen to briefly access for whatever reason. They don’t need to know anything about me, and they shouldn’t.

I can’t do anything about big tech companies knowing things about me, tho I do try to limit it when I can, but not literally everyone needs to know who I am just because I want to access their content. That’s absolutely absurd.

It definitely isn’t impacting me in the slightest. Idk what you do with your time, but I don’t really want my platforms to be unmoderated cesspools, and the places I do choose to exist or use are in line with what I want, so.. meh. It’s literally not an issue I have.

Breweries and bars in my area are often kid-friendly with toys and everything, and I just don’t go to those places. I do the same with online spaces. They aren’t meant for me if they aren’t what I’m looking for, so I don’t go. There’s plenty of places that are for me, though, and I go to those places on and offline.

Y’all would be fucking horrified by the state of food manufacturing if you knew.

I used to work at a food processing and distribution company, in the document processing department.. we weren’t strictly supposed to read the audits, especially the internal ones, but we did, to make sure they were complete and compliant, which was our job. Also our job was intensely boring and we needed something to gossip about.

The number of our distributors (first level manufacturing) who got C or D grades on their inspections.. fucking gross. I reported a few of them, but the company did not care.

Before that I worked at a chicken hatchery. The cultures I cultured -doing an audit just like those I read later in life- were sooooo gross and problematic. But I was instructed to cover it up because, and this is important context, it was all self report after the initial inspection. I was doing this at 16, and was likely significantly more thorough than any veteran employee would have been. (Absolutely not why I was chosen; they chose me due to incredibly mild nepotism, as my manager was my step-dad, and he knew science stuff was up my alley.. plus I was a filler worker, being under 18.)

I really hope things have improved, but somehow I doubt that the past 20 years has made a positive impact from my audit experience. (The document processing was less than 10 years ago, supporting my belief nothing has changed for the better.)

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