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Joined 1 years ago

horrid take

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Seems like some of you guys want a secret club and not a proper forum/platform people use in a meaningful way.

this is the gold checkmark for brands, not the Twitter Blue sub checkmark

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crazy we're having all these abnormal record breaking weather events world wide. wonder what the cause could be!

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You guys act like an infinitesimally small blip of traffic coming from a relatively niche community will be enough to make reddit successful again. People on /r/place drawing "fuck spez" using 1d old accounts and adblockers are nothing. Ruining this year's /r/place in exchange for a blip of mostly useless traffic is a W imo.

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Monkeys paw curls: Republicans are the ones who decide what a "terrorist" is (hint: it's black people protesting)

Actual CSAM on pawoo wasn't even a problem. It was just spam from feds or scammers.

I've literally had these "hacks" before. They get into one of your friend's accounts and message you asking to alpha test a game they made. It's so blatantly fake though it's embarrassing anyone can get caught by it.

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I've had personal experience dealing with them and they're by far the worst and most narcissistic individual I've had the displeasure of interacting with.

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It's because of loose definitions of "death threats" and the fact that when you piss off millions of people a couple of them are bound to tweet "i hope u die" at a ceo

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real though. every time ive tried to use gimp it's a struggle to make anything lol. im dumb though.

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Steam has DRM free games

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If this is US only absolutely no way in hell it hits 100 million. A majority chunk of those users are old, dead, don't engage in any media that would have told them about the class action, or are just too incompetent to fill out the simple form. I'd be surprised if it's much more than 10-30 million.

I have no hobbies I enjoy longer than about a month except gaming, and even then I still get like a month mileage out of each game. I can't hold a job because every time I start a new one it's like a ticking timebomb in my brain until I can't handle it anymore. Even if the job is easy and the people are nice. Something about the repetitive schedule and saying/hearing/doing the same thing every day brings me to a near panic attack level of restlessness and anxiety.

pretty sure you can't send images on tinder

you guys have a really weird fantasy of what China is actually like

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they already have

considering it's something the vast majority of people have strong reactions for it's kind of to be expected. for most people it's as basic as craving food. even if it wasn't in marketing it'd still be everywhere in art (songs, movies, etc)

better than natural born citizens that dick ride a government

Yep. Sucks being trapped here forever unless I get a PhD or get rich.

that's not admins editing your comment that's just what it says when it's removed by admins vs mods

it doesn't matter if they read it or not. the average non-techy person is turned off if a site/app doesn't let them log in with one of their existing accounts (Google Facebook etc). Having them read a guide to understand isn't beyond most people but most definitely do not have the attention span.


Yeah idk how to link it. Here:

My first thought when seeing the title was also Rimworld. Glad to know others are fans of the corn monopoly.

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Stories is real good. Much better than the recent pokémon.

Exit the Gungeon is basically a different genre using the same IP.

I feel like a game being made available on an additional platform is like the opposite of monopoly. If steam paid Blizzard for exclusive storefront rights and you could only get the games on PC from Steam id be inclined to agree.


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seconding this

What does "processing" data mean though?

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Well if you're genuinely interested here's an account I enjoy a lot:

I'm not sure of his exact title but he works for Redwoods Rising and talks about lots of redwood tree facts I didn't know I needed. He also educates about the local native people and their impact/contributions on the forest. Most of his videos are like 2-5 minutes. May sound short but I honestly get exhausted watching full length documentaries that often go for some kind of dramatic approach. I just wanna learn about cool stuff, I'm not usually in it for anything else.

Theresa also lots of people who work with/educate about different animals, actually funny comedy skits, and lots of niche shitposts for basically whatever you're into.

You gotta give it a little bit of time for the algorithm to curate to you but once it does it's actually really high quality content imo. At the very least it's nice seeing actual original content from people who have interesting passions/jobs versus people just linking articles/"TIL" style posts.

I don't even really understand how usenet works tbh let alone finding a place for 4k rips.

Wooo. Just doesn't show properly on Boost i guess!

no man's sky

You don't have to reply to make the notification go away. I'm pretty sure you don't even need to interact with the request.

yeah im not denying that but it's not black and white. people either praise it as this super intelligent AI or act like it's cleverbot 2.0. if you have low expectations and use it for what it's intended and actually take a moment to review the output then it's useful for lots of things

I never said that but if you're looking for shorter form original content entertainment in video form I'd go to tiktok before YouTube or something.

tiktok allows videos up to 10 minutes

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that's just what All view is for tho. I don't think there's anything wrong with personalized algorithm for your subs