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IMO, I'd say Dioxus is more of a portable front end framework. If you're looking for an electron alternative i.e, something to run web applications like they are native apps, I'd recommend Tauri.

Also, this might be a bit out of date, but I believe Dioxus is using Tauri's stuff under the hood. Although I heard this before the dev went full time on Dioxus, it could've changed, I know they have done a lot of work on it.

In Australia my employer reports my income and does all the tax before I get paid. Then at tax time I go to the Aus tax office website; review it, add any claims I want to make and submit it.

This is an American solution to an American problem.

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ez! I work for a company that builds a SaaS end to end product.

Myself and my coworker were asked to build exports for a single client. They were json exports. To start the client would take weeks/months to get back to us, their spec was very vague and their exports had some really complex logic to sort data. We'd been going back and forth with them for almost a year when they said we should give it to them "as is". They now are the proud owners of 2 complex broken exporters.

There are only two kinds of languages: the ones people complain about and the ones nobody uses. - Bjarne Stroustrup

I think people criticise every language. I've generally got 5 languages that I use personally and for work: Rust, Go, Python, JS, PHP. I can complain about all 5 of them at the drop of a hat. No one likes everything about any language.

I think I understand this;

cancel -> submit the POST request and cancel -> undo this thing. maybe they shoulda just used submit & cancel or cancel & exit instead.

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I didn't know we even had dynamic compiled languages but a quick google search tells me Lisp counts. Wonder if Musk actually knew that or if this screenshot is taken mid dunning-kruger.

you probably don't need to learn it, Deno was a massive upgrade over Node and it didn't matter, not convinced this will be any different.

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If you think this is more structured than traditional SQL, I really disagree. Is this a select * query, it's ambiguous. Also what table is being queried here there's no from or other table identifier.

I like how at the start of the line it explicitly says "out of memory" but we're just pretending this is some satanic bullshit.

She obviously read the error to find "kill process" and "sacrifice child" but still ignored the memory error

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I don't know where "software engineer" started but in Australia engineers have to study for years and then do a minimum amount of study every year to keep their license. Which we don't have to do. I've always been weirded out by Software Engineer even though it seems to be becoming more common.

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Why do you need to spend a "considerable amount of time crafting commit messages?" That feeding your code into an LLM and getting it to summarise for you is faster? I don't understand how this could possibly streamline anyone's workflow? What do your commit messages normally look like?

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Would it be better to use A's and B's? We could half the necessary length of a symbol by assigning a certain combination of A's and B's to a symbol. And if characters take up too much space we could use 1's and 0's instead!

Either I come up with a new project or I rewrite an old project in the new language.

I used to do those old school language tutorials where we start with how to write a variable, then how to write a function, etc. but I think that's better for complete beginners just starting out.

I think it's a mix of three things.

  1. Java is the only programming language to get popular as a result of marketing. Java was marketed so hard that the company who built it (Sun) went under, but Java did get some really wide adoption.

  2. Java is the backbone of Android. If you want to build apps for Android you're using Java or one of the languages built on top of it (Kotlin, Scala, etc).

  3. It's pretty hard to justify rewriting your codebase to another language. So Java is still around. If you need more proof of this, Most people are still using Java 8 (including android) we are currently at ~java 20.

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Yes but no. Modern PHP lets you put types in function signatures and it will then attempt to convert your inputs to those types at runtime.

JS/TS and Python don't do this. They have optional type annotations that's treated as syntactic sugar. You can use static checkers against this but if you get an error like "expected string got int" you can still run the code. It won't behave any differently because you have annotations.

When I went rooting around to find it. I figured it was some QA process that starts 5 seconds after the video loads (the timer seems to be async and the code sends a promise off while it waits). Of course, it's all minified JS so it's a huge pain to read.

I've got a pixel 6, never had any issues with it. I would recommend all the usual suspects: turn it off and on, update, factory reset.

If you are up to date I remember people complaining that the latest update broke some stuff for them, that might be your issue?

Ahh yes, the privacy company which required you to give them your email in order to download the browser.

Mojo is a Python superset, Python is written in C therefore mojo is written in C.

I don't know what that rust library they benchmarked against is but given that they claim to have performed 50% better I would be sceptical. Given that most sources benchmark rust, C and C++ at about the same level.

Ahh yes memoization, the complicated way to say "remember this, I might need it again"

My brain goblin is a big fan of performance. Recently I reviewed a teammate's code. It was a small 100ish line PR and he calls the same function twice in a row with a tiny variation. My brain goblin went "you could consolidate these into one call", "since it's only one call you could inline it".

A couple hours later when he came to ask me what I'm smoking I realised my proposed solution had more LoC and was more complex to read. If we needed better performance, step 1 should've been to offload this task to an API that wasn't made with python. Not to mention the next thing this API does is string manipulation and then write to file.

When it comes to mobile apps, I generally recommend native (swift/kotlin) or Flutter, they all have good tooling and have good performance

In this case though, they are all curly braces languages and don't have much in common with python.

If you don't want to learn at least 1 new language, there are some python libraries/frameworks which can be used for mobile dev. Like Kivy or Beeware. I've never used any of these though so I can't tell you how good/bad they are.

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At work we have a lot of old monolithic OOP PHP code. Dependency injection has been the new way to do things since before I started and it's basically never used anywhere.

I assume most people just find it easier to create a new class instance where it's needed.

I've never really seen a case where I think, "dependency injection would be amazing here" I assume there is a case otherwise it wouldn't exist.

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I'm a developer working for a SaaS company and you didn't NEED a degree to get hired but it sure was a "nice to have."

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I'd be more worried that this could count as some form of cybercrime.

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I generally say, "I want to make X" then I slowly work up to it. Currently I'm making a pathfinding algorithm.

I input a map with my starting point and finishing point and it has to get there. It has to know where to go back to if it goes the wrong way, when it's allowed to stop, etc.

The next steps will be getting it to only show the finished path, then to work out the fastest path when it has multiple possible paths etc.

It's already been said a couple times but if your more experienced team members are saying, "that's a really weird task" the issue is probably the task not you.

Having daily meetings with a senior because you're having a lot of trouble progressing isn't necessarily a bad thing. Everyone has jobs that are absolute ordeals and sometimes it's better to break them down even further and just go one step at a time.

Also, are you involved in your team sprint planning? Who says "this ticket is a 1 day job" that should be your teammates, or at least a subset of them? Why did they decide this was an easy task? What did they, or you, miss in the execution?

Maybe I'm dumb because I'm a backend dev, but if we can't offload these tasks to Async tasks and we need to block the main thread, why can't we just put up a loading screen? "Don't turn off the application we are saving" games have been doing this for a decade and you can't convince me that your enterprise application is heavier than a AAA game.

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I'm not sure this is a fair comparison, since this is only coming to RCS and not SMS my (completely unsubstantiated) guess would be that this is a message protocol issue.

On the other hand Signal is an encrypted internet messaging service and editing internet messages has been easy for everyone not named twitter for years.

As far as I'm aware cybercrime is generally: "anything done maliciously involving a computer" intentionally sticking a drop table command over your plates because you're expecting something to read your plate and input it into a db might count.

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I really don't get it, I suppose the setting to auto fill common patterns on a form could be useful. But why do I care about an autocompleting textbox? Do you think I've never used a search engine in my life?

If you don't have a Mac I don't think you can get the MacOS SDK.

So in that case I'd recommend Rust. I still think most of Rust's tools/frameworks need more time in the oven but Rust is massive and has tools being built for everything. If you want Mobile I'd recommend you take a look at Dioxus or Tauri. There are probably others as well but I don't know them it's been a while since I've looked.

To do quick and simple explanations:

var test int = 0

assign an int, var = let in rust land


This is basically an inferred assignment e.g.

a := "hello world"

The compiler will know this is a string without me explicitly saying

func (u User) hi() {}

To return to rust land this is a function that implements User. In OOP land we would say that this function belongs to the user class. In Go, just like in rust we don't say if a function returns void so this function is for User objects and doesn't return anything:

func (u User) hi(s string) string {}

If it took in a string and returned a string it would look like this.

map[string] int {}

I will give you that this syntax is a bit odd but this is just a hashmap/dictionary where the key is a string and the value is an int

This does strike me as odd, your commits should be cleaned up if they are a mess of "reverted X", "fix typo", "saved days work", etc. on the other hand, you don't usually have to explain your modifications if you didn't squash your commits.

IMO the specific language doesn't matter here. Python has JiT compilers, AoT compilers, (proper) coroutine tools, front-end dev tools, everything you could need for dev work, that's why it's so popular, even if none of this is in the standard library.

On the other hand, if you want to learn JS or Go you could use them as well. Last time I checked Go doesn't really have any front end tools/frameworks though.

Of the two I think Go is easier to pick up. Also, if Python is your only exposure to programming, you might be surprised to learn that syntactically, Python is the weird one, not the other way around.

I feel like helium works as well as helix. When I search Helix I don't get the editor but if I search Helix Editor I will get what I'm looking for.

When I search Helium editor I don't get any exact matches, but of course SEO is a dark and mystical art so your mileage may vary.

Sure, so you just get a fine for obstructing your license plate then.

You can also do this with dart. I swear there was another "new" language which could also be compiled to JS as well.

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  • Kind of, I work mainly in PHP, Python & JS the only one of those that I was exposed to in school was PHP. I learnt the other two on my own after graduating. I did also get a little exposure to git in school but I learnt more about it in a month or so of being hired then I did in school. I also got a lot of, how to do documentation, how to analyse requirements, etc.
  • what does this mean?
  • 1000% yes.
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Well if you can't break out of anything then I guess you will just have to return instead. I'm sure this will result in code that is much easier to read.