1 Post – 26 Comments
Joined 3 days ago

Tbf if wine were released under regular GNU instead of LGPL, Valve wouldn't have been able to make Proton proprietary, and so their contributions would also be open source. It is unfortunate that this is the situation, but by using the LGPL license WINE basically permitted this, no?

:O The Archive! It's back online!! WOOOOO

Right now I'm taking things one step at a time. I got my legal name and gender marker changed several months ago and got my name and gender marker amended on my license 2 months ago, after already having it changed on my birth certificate (thankfully it was before Texas made the ban). While there's still tons of other paperwork with different companies and entities I have to individually update (it's such a pain), the only big important document left for this is my passport, and I have everything I need to update it ready except for a new photo. So that's my first step. From there I'm not really sure what to do tbh, money is also an issue which is why I wanted to wait until I have a degree and can get a job (in community college atm). Maybe there's some way to save up and attend uni in Europe but I'm really not sure.

I just know the US is not the place for me, and neither is Canada. I love the wide range of cultures in Europe, the walkable cities and public transportation, the better social programs, and the Schengen area allowing me to visit tons of other places in Europe on a whim. I just know it's right for me so I'm willing to work towards that goal, to get a work visa and work my way towards citizenship.

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The thing is that is exactly what I mean by having a problem with people who force their religious values onto others, which is expressly not okay. But I know plenty of people, be they Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or whatever else who practice their faith in their own lives and do not disrupt the lives of others according to their beliefs. As a matter of fact, the vast majority of religious people I have met and know in real life are like this. Christian nationalists are different, they don't respect the beliefs of others and want to force their faith onto other people. That's where the line is. What I have a problem with is those who attack people who are not past that line, who are practicing their faith in their own lives without forcing anything onto others.

90 days is a really long time haha, so I don't mind that limitation for other countries. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I am pursuing and what would be most strategic, but it seems like there is a lot of demand for IT jobs in many parts of Europe. I'm very interesting in programming, computer science, computer hardware, and networking -- really anything with computers or electronics tbh. So surely there's some niche I can fill.

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My plan right now is to get a degree and move out of the US in the next 2-3 years, preferably to somewhere in Europe. Texas isn't the best for trans people but since I got my license changed before the ban went in place (even though I'm def on the list :p) and I pass pretty well, I'm not too worried right now. Ofc that all depends on November, might have to emergency move to Canada if things end up going south 😅

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This is such a huge problem in atheism communities, which is why I don't spend any time in them despite being secular and non religious myself (yeah, I honestly don't even like using the term "atheist" anymore). Religious or not, you shouldn't be telling people what to believe or how to believe. That goes for hardline Christian nationalists just as much as it goes for hardline Atheists attacking anyone of faith. If it's not hurting anyone, let people believe what they believe.

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Wow, that is pretty ridiculous

Ugh, not surprised. Apparently even sci hub is blocked in the UK

Really I prefer the word secular for myself, and for me that means I am comfortable within my own ignorance. Scientifically, we can neither prove nor disprove the existence of a god/gods, afterlife, etc. They are unfalsifiable, and therefore inproveable either way. So I just say I am comfortable not knowing. I neither assert the existence of god or the nonexistence of god, because I have no way to know either is true. That, and as I stated previously I just don't like some of the connotations aetheism has gotten. Long ago I used to be a very loud, annoying, self-proclaimed atheist. But eventually I realized that just as there is no way to prove theism, there is no way to prove atheism. That, and I recognized that in my efforts to "spread" atheism and debunk religion I'd basically become what I was originally trying to "fight against," essentially. Now I should be clear that I very much do still massively criticize those who try to exercise their religion onto others. I'm trans so I'm very used to it at this point. But I know plenty of religious people from all kinds of different religious backgrounds who practice in a way that is accepting of all people and does not impact those who do not share their faith, and I really see no problem with that.

Aww, thank you!

As a trans girl in Texas I'm really hoping we can finally get Cruz the hell out of here. He has done nothing for us and everything for himself.

Legitimately back when I chose my CPU and I was debating between the Intel i9 14900K and the AMD 7950x3D, my final decision to go with AMD came down to this because at the time their specs seemed almost identical. And based on the more recent news about the 14 series, I absolutely made the right decision! 🇵🇸


Happy to be here!

Thank you!! If I don't manage it it just ends up being just wavy and frizzy, but when I touch it up and get the curls nice it does turn out pretty well haha

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aww 🥺 tyy tyy

Matrix is promising, but I think it still could use a bit more polish. That said, I run a discord community, and soon one of these days I'm going to make a Matrix version of it and encourage users to try it out. Though very few probably will.

There's no way this is real 😭

That inability to passively keep "consuming content" is honestly a big strength of Lemmy for me. On Reddit I can sometimes get sucked in for hours on end, and I can get mentally exhausted pretty quickly but just keep scrolling for "the next thing." The fact that you can't really do that on Lemmy has made it a much healthier choice for me to spend time here, and I've only just started (kinda – it's complicated).

Interactions here feel so much more personal too, which I like. Even with all the various instances and communities, we're also all part of the same community. And that can kinda extend to the fediverse as a whole too. What we have in common is that we all want an alternative to the corporate social media landscape that gives more freedom to the users, and enables interchange between platforms to discourage monopolizing walled gardens. It really is fantastic.


As someone who used to be in those circles, it wasn't always like that but quickly devolved into it. And I went along with it not even really because I believed everything that was there but because that was where all my friends were, and I tried questioning some of the principles but was then met with cold responses like "why are you questioning us?" And so I kind of just went along with everything. It took me a long time to get de-radicalized, but it's something to keep in mind that a lot of what keeps communities bound like that has nothing to do with the politics and everything to do with maintaining social connections. Which isn't to excuse any of it, but just provide a succinct explanation for how and why they proliferate.

Literally me the other day when I realized being trans had become the least of the problems in my life xD

except for shaving, that's still an issue and annoying AF

Having a group of transfemme friends to shop with IRL is literally peak

"Despite everything, it's still you," but authentic now!