0 Post – 317 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

YouTube shorts are already a thing.

The magical half chair, half rock.

Because women on average live longer. Strange isn't it.

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Thanks for clarifying, but sad to hear.

I too miss my build in IR blaster from my S3.

Get an USB-c to aux adapter for phones without aux connector.

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I didn't even know that. Thanks for the info. But I guess an adapter is cheap. A phone on the other hand not.

This should count as violation of human rights. You're chained to the seat for hours and have no other option than look at this screen or force your eyes closed. Holy shit, people should get really mad. Flashing ads on a screen you don't look at directly are still very annoying, even if you look on your phone.

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Such a big win. What a fantastic week.

Someone probably found a way to hack or poison it.

Another theory, Reddit just recently sold data access to an unnamed AI company, so maybe that's where the data went.

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If it's legal to openly state this from a former president and possible future president, then you need to change your laws asap. Has to be born in america to even be able to become president, but openly admitting to accept bribery is fine?

Who's next? Some Epstein 2.0 donating $1b for rebuilding the island?

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They missed their chances. When I got the invite a few weeks ago, I did no longer care, because I already switched to Lemmy. There's no place for Bluesky anymore, they missed the Twitter exodus and the Reddit one. They should've send my code years ago but didn't. Such a fail of a company.

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I simply don't believe this. They probably don't count all the gamers, who get Amazon prime for all the twitch loot. Then you also have people who throw around subs like confetti. Thot streams.

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It would backfire like Brexit. Imagine the USA openly shunted by all former allies about their war crimes and other international crimes. The US forgets they currently can get away with a lot, and they do, because they are also an important ally. If you remove their NATO support, what reason is left to whistle ignorance?

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2024, scrollbars? What scrollbars? We decided that you don't need them. Sorry but your adblocker and script blocking, broke our own shitty implementation of scrolling. Please enable all scripts for our large ad family to feast on your data.

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The horror if all the OF thots would've swarmed the portal after this incident.

Edit fixed typo

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So like every regular day waking up, but this time with the million dollar chance.

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Apple scummy once again.

Because the MMORPG market is mostly dead, with rare exceptions that still can't beat WoW and the rest is free2play pay2win gatcha skin fest fomo garbage.

I'm not surprised at all.

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I need an AI Firefox extension that detects badly translated AI text and automatically blocks those domains.

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Sex work needs legislation and job regulations like every other job. That's what helps sex workers the most and reduces sex trafficking. Porn industry the same. We should stop treating it any different than other jobs. The time to be silence about it are long gone, everyone has Internet and most consum internet pornography. Hiding and criminalizing makes things worse, always has.

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I mean they could disable it until it works, else it's knowingly misleading people

IPO padding for the CEOs golden parachute.

Leviathan is awesome. I'd trade that for my common but bad name.

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I used to want this, but the latest updates of windows have all been so buggy. I'd prefer to not have this shit happen in mid usage. They once fucked up the search by accident and it was disrupting enough to my workflow until I found ways to disable the search being a default web search.

See, Russian money is currently tight because of the war. Bad timing orange old man.

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Go away with your homeopathic memes

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A good post doesn't necessarily need a lot of comments and engagement. It can have that, but it's optional in my eyes. While a bad post, with wrong and controversial information, can have a lot of heated comments, delivering a false engagement impression. Votes is much better with that. Going by heat of discussion, is exactly what I dislike about modern social media, where this is promoted, over real value (people who voted because the main content is good), fueling rage-bait promotion. It's not perfect and it still happens, but it's the less bad.

The buyers remorse game. Just give them a tiny bit more money and then a bit more and another, then the game will release, eventually, maybe, hopefully. Please release the game, we spend so much money on it. Here, take more money, we hope that helps. What, you need more? Okay, next quarter. We can't stop spending now guys or the money was all wasted.

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Links Awakening

For the furry

Cute that they think they can cat away with this. Noooo waaay.

UK you're drunk, go home.

Meh, low quality Twatter bait

Discord. I hate that premium costs so much and all the ads they put in place to sell useless junk features.

Google maps. So open street maps but with reviews like maps has. A few days ago people suggested apps, but they lack reviews. I disagree that they are useless.

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Opt-in but you get an annoying full screen popup every boot, like for the windows11 upgrade. It's only a matter of time, til they sell AI recall features as Win12 and then beg you to upgrade for free, pretty please!

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For Twitter I'm apparently also a turbo user, as I get loading errors every day, after opening a few tabs quickly. Then it takes a while before I'm unblocked. Before Elon bought Twitter this never happened.

"Fuck you" seams to be about the right reply to MultiVersus studio.

This is helpful of them, once the EU court fines them, we can quickly calculate how much that will be.

And so it begins, a billionaire owning the police. Smart move Musk, smart move.