1 Post – 113 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This place kinda seems like that sloshed guy at the bar who unprompted keeps talking about how over his ex he is.

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An increasing percentage of what I read is from federated instances. If Beehaw isolated itself I'd probably make an account elsewhere and hook into the fediverse from elsewhere, leaving Beehaw behind. Beehaw is great, but it's not enough of a community by itself.

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He knows it will fail, but it gives him headlines with the racist, xenophobic base which is precisely what he needs in order to win the primary. He'll probably be screwed in the unlikely chance he even gets to general, but that's his problem.

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Oh wow, a topic for which I'm somewhat of an expert.

Get a box of cornbread mix. Dump it in a bowl. Add milk. Stir and then consume with a spoon. If you want some violence to your shits then mix a considerable amount of crushed red pepper before the milk while it's still a dry powder. The milk will help dull the impact of the CRP as you're eating it but not as it's passing, and passing fast.

With this method you should be able to make a load of poop that floats a bit and will pile up above the water line, significantly increasing the stench you leave in the bathroom.

The amateur enhancement is to also slam down a number of Fibercon tablets, but if you want to amp this up to pro-level defecation then go look in the supplements section for some stuff called "chitosan". It's like ground up shrimp and crustacean shell, and it bonds to fats so instead of being absorbed they pass through you. That plus a bunch of fatty stuff from other suggestions you'll be receiving will take your adventure to the next level. This plus swapping in heavy whipping cream for the cornbread concoction then you'll probably have bowel movements so horrible you'll have to register them with some kind of government agency.

Good luck and may your toilet paper be the good stuff.

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Considering the end goal is obviously genocide, the ocean?

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She does, it's just that she's the one receiving the money.

Those things conveniently double as a flag pole at a rural Ford dealership.

With 19 defendants it's going to be a scheduling mess, never mind the mountain of discovery. There are also 30 unindicted co-conspirators who might flip and cause charges to get added or they themselves get added causing this current indictment to get replaced with a new one. No, this one will be slow. The interesting part is that Trump may very well have to sit in a some form of detention awaiting trial because of the witness tampering charges plus the fact that just 24 hours ago he was trying to intimidate a witness into not testifying in front of the grand jury.

At this point there's a huge swath of Republican voters who don't know who the heck she is. Trump may have done the right thing by snubbing the primary debates because he's managed to help keep the knuckle-draggers who form his base ignorant of the other candidates who aren't trying to out-Trump Trump himself.

How? Because by coming to America they got Freedom? Florida once again bores through the bottom of the barrel.

Manufacturing shells in the middle of a populated area? How Russian of them.

98% of bots are crap. The problem is that people have different opinions as to which 98% of them is the crap portion.

Absolutely any bot needs to self-identify.

There exists ActivityPub library implementations in golang, just sayin'. It's a big lift to start anew but at least the low end protocol is there and golang is a good mature language for productivity and security.

DB is going to be to bottleneck and I'd build on ScyllaDB (or Cassandra) in a heartbeat. ScyllaDB on a single node is quite well behaved and auto-tuning, but from there these two can scale globally with scaled writes everywhere. I always architect with active/active in mind because at some point for some reason you need multiple sites even for just disaster recovery.

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Mine was an 11 year old account with almost 400K karma.

The sad thing was thinking about all the time I spent in it, realizing that it's time that was literally spent.

Ignore the money and look at the conditions of his release. If he so much as farts without offering a written apology he's done.

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Point 1: Russia already used them in Ukrainian kindergartens and hospitals

Point 2: if Russia has an issue with this then they can try leaving. Honestly as far as I'm concerned they can have chemical weapons too, if Russia has an issue with that then they can try leaving.

Beau is the YouTuber who got me to finally start subscribing to channels and I voraciously consume each one as they come out. He's quite excellent.

Unfortunately their misguidance is putting them in a position where they're there to kill Ukranians, and asking nicely didn't get them to not be there.

Floridian here, we deserve your ire.

More than half of the Republicans voted against expulsion.

Post cards was the first thing I turned off in RIF. I don't want a photo gallery, want a concise list of threads and maybe a small thumbnail at best. Thread title, domain of post's link,, how many comments and upvotes and the pertinent things to click, in as efficient a format as possible.

Do that and you can get like 10 posts per screen would makes browsing and scrolling very efficient.

Now, if you want to make it god-mode then add tabs at the top for queuing up stuff to peruse in detail.

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50% revenue drop is a good start, if you ask me.

Let's not forget that no matter what happens with this trial the US military has to regard the plans as being compromise. Whatever plan they had is the best plan they had which offered the best chances of success with the lowest losses of American lives. They now have to assume that Iran has those plans and is actively working on how to defend against precisely that. Therefore the US military would have to go in with a lesser plan that will possibly not be as successful and possibly cause higher losses.

This is too emotionally intelligent to be u/spez

Palau-flagged vessel. I guess that's what Palau gets for not owning 20 aircraft carriers.

These days Green Party is code for Kremlin Asset. Just look to where Jill Stein contested 2016 results and Gemany's green party actions in trying to stamp out support for Ukraine.

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Traditionally it was my hard budget for in-app purchases, but that's dropped off and I've been buying movies. I've found that I can buy a movie via Google Play, share it with my Movies Anywhere account and then share it with my Vudu account. Movies on Vudu simply look and sound better, they run at a higher bitrate. They're still not as good as UHD Blu-rays but they're real darn close.

Controller: Witcher, Cyberpunk, Senua's Sacrifice, Shadow of War/Mordor

Mouse and Keyboard: Diablo, things that end in "Craft"

HOSAS: Flying things

I've noticed a sharp increase in content, both quality and quantity. When I first arrived this felt like a ghost town and in just two weeks it now feels like it's starting to be a thing.

Bipartisanship is alive and well!

He's one of the elements holding back the monster he created. MFer vetoed his own bill after Obama came out in support of it.

Gently explain to anybody who will listen that you accidentally spilled some of your cocaine.

He definitely attained terminal velocity.

I can personally attest to the efficacy of this tool. It destroyed 12 years of typing in like 6 minutes.

Five stars, would nuke again.

Kinda reminds me of Al Quaeda or ISIS where every other week the second in command was getting ventilated.

Which is why I ran Power Delete Suite on my account on the way out. I created a lot of value and they apparently didn't appreciate that, so now it's all gone.

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Hittin' stuff. I have one and it's what I grab when I want to bang a paint can closed or knock together some Ikea junk. I use it for "adjusting" woodworking stuff during a glue-up. Basically anything I might use a rubber mallet for, the neon orange dead blow "maraca of death" comes out.

Seriously, they're handy and one of those things you find uses for.

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Fascism. It's called the rise of fascism.

I'm in the US and I got mine,, but it took a couple days. I would imagine they're quite busy these days servicing those requests.