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I can only imagine they meant caffeine, another common drug that's heavily abused but a little more socially accepted

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Can we consider this an open and obvious secret? They're DDoSing that instance not because they think it'll take everyone down, but because it'll take down the most number of people with the least amount of effort.

Whoa I had no idea this happened. I used to be a part of a group that would go in and add street view for places like public transit stations so people could gauge accessibility. It's such a shame that Google killed that ability...

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That's where I'm at. Discord isn't the issue for me, it's them not using their own platform to communicate major announcements. At that point it's like you've given up on your own platform.

I appreciate the law in Massachusetts, USA where jaywalking is so common that the fine was reduced to $1 for the first three times in a year and a whopping $2 for each time after that.

You can't remove the law, but you can make it silly enough that it's never enforced.

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Oh but didn't you know that's just a slippery slope argument and he's really just a cool dude and who doesn't encourage hate or violence? /s

A whole lotta people in this thread who don't want to acknowledge that this dude is trash, no matter how good or bad their music is.

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Richard Stallman is a bad person but I don't think we need to make stuff up to prove that. He's said he's fine with child pornography (as long as it's consensual) and might have favorable views on pedophilia (that may have since been backtracked) but that doesn't make himself a pedophile.

Just a misunderstood crazy person.

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"Living the dream" is also in the US but it's usually more sarcastic like "Just another shitty day at this job, just living the dream!"

Accidentally checked the bot flag in your account?

They might have changed the OP to fix it in the past hour, but for me the "screenshot" is coming from the social image for the link on the post itself. Clicking through the link gets to the actual article.

As someone who has a server rack with multiple servers, I would not recommend them to start with as they use up a ton of electricity. I'd recommend a small form factor computer (or a mid sized tower) to start with, it'll be marginally less powerful but for what you need it'll get the job done perfectly fine.

If you have an old desktop laying around, that's the perfect way to get started. Even if you only have some old parts, that'll cut down on your initial costs. For anything new I generally recommend looking around at places like to see what they recommend for CPUs and motherboards at different price points. For hard drives I use and also eBay. You generally want motherboards that support 4+ SATA connections or have PCIe slots for an expander in the future.

Can I discourage rolling your own password manager (like using a text doc or spreadsheet) and instead recommend what you hopefully meant, self-hosting your own password manager?

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Both? Both!

Upvoted not because you're right, but because you realized you were wrong and will hopefully inspire others to look up the meanings behind phrases they read on the internet.

I also needed a refresher.

My knowledge on this is very limited and I currently lack sources, but I believe the issue that Mindgeek has is not the implementation of age verification, but instead the fact that all of the work is being put on Mindgeek to implement it instead of the states. I believe they've been fine in the past implementing age verification if the system already exists and they just have to tie into it.

A lot of it was updated with both OSM (imagery via Mapillary) and Google Maps.

While I love the "don't make Google stronger" stance, the goal wasn't to help Google but instead to help the people who needed the imagery. And (at the time, at least) most people planned their routes using Google Maps so it was important to meet them where they were.

Many years ago there was a local grocery store nearby that got caught doing this for years. And not cleaning the butcher's table basically ever.

I live in a city where taking an Uber or Lyft a few miles is like $25, maybe $50 at the last call surge. Unfortunately ride-sharing is a lot more expensive in cities that don't also have good transit, so I keep getting reminded that $25 is cheap for a ride share across any distance.

Back when I used to go out drinking, catching the last train home or taking an Uber was my go-to choice. I don't drink much nowadays, but the rush home in an area without good transit infrastructure is still something I think about a lot.

I personally used Connect for a long time (currently trialing Sync) and honestly it's a fine client for Lemmy. The really nice thing is that there are so many apps, you can start a Hunger Games out of them and narrow down to the one you like the most. That's how I got to Connect after starting with all of the maintained Android apps a month ago.

There's nothing worse than SSHing into a remote machine, coding some stuff in vim and losing the SSH connection randomly. Especially when you're working in a controlled remote environment instead of locally, screen is super useful to keep your place when you get back.

People absolutely think something about it when it happens, and hell sometimes the government even does something about it (as demonstrated in the article you linked). Just a whole lot of us would argue they don't do enough about it.

Are they moving issues or just code storage to GitHub?

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Also a fellow ex-Bacon Reader user, same deal. So far I'm using Connect for Lemmy to try to get a similar feel, what app are you using?

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They're starting to charge $0.30/packet in some areas of the US. Clearly this place is going downhill only because of that /s

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I think Musk is scummy, but I appreciate your response here clearing things up. It makes sense why he wouldn't re-activate it, but at least it's not like he shut it off mid-flight. They just went out of the known range.

I still think Musk is scummy, but for other reasons.

I believe there's also a ! which was posted earlier.

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That's a popular enough opinion that it's being worked on and should be coming soon.

It's wild when I was looking to do something similar and instead ended up buying a newish electric vehicle because it was about the same price as what I'd otherwise have gotten.

No, no. Water and death, the two example remedies.

The terrifying part to me is how many people they must have had doing that boring task week after week.

Like sure, I don't want everyone to be jobless because the robots are taking over. But I am hugely in favor of the boring, repetitive tasks being automated away so people can work on more interesting things.

MA (and much of the US) has a multi-level tax system where they all stack up.

Let's tax someone in Boston, MA making $1.5m/yr

Local = 0% State = 9% (previously 5%) Federal = 37%

So on their final dollar of income they'll be paying 46% income tax now. Note of course because of graduated income tax schemes, that 46% is not applied to the entire $1.5m but instead only to the amount that fits into the highest bracket.

I've unfortunately met people before who think those areas are just another parking spot, so honestly I wouldn't be surprised if this was the real answer.

You know, I was just thinking how stupid the name sounded until you pointed this out. I still think it's stupid, but now it at least makes sense how we got here.

I think it's fair to say that our understanding of history, something which can change because it's always in the context of the present, has changed.

Man, imagine how useful that would actually be though? You'd save a lot of money and headache a few months down the line...

There's a car that I see occasionally that has a vanity plate that's basically "SPOTTY". It's a car with spots on it. I approve.

Yes. It partially makes sense because you could screw the new congresspeople who aren't corrupt with hidden income sources into not being able to afford their living situation, which could become a really bad point of leverage for awful people. I believe their staff goes without pay though.

As someone who has very little experience with ActivityPub but is always interested in learning more, what's the risk of "burn"ing a domain? Does it come from certs or signatures changing on the same domain, causing it to no longer be accepted or something?

I thought all FSD updates were beta updates? Did I miss the announcement of FSD going GA and being stable?

If that's the case, then yeah I probably wouldn't test run a new update on the highway first. But I also have no idea if this issue happens at lower speeds as well.

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Yup, there was a very well known case covered on an early episode of Mayday / Air Crash Investigation (like season 1) about this. A lot of people got to watch the same terrifying view as the pilots as their plane plummeted from the sky.