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Joined 11 months ago

If ever there was a good a reason šŸ«„

Can anyone with experience/knowledge of these types of cases hazard a guess to how much the claimants might realistically receive and in what sort of timeframe?

And if Rudy doesnā€™t pay up in his lifetime, could the money be seized from probate?

Final one! If the claimants arenā€™t likely to see any money for a few years, are they at least able to secure loans against the ruling immediately?

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It really depends on the type of community. I created a few a missed from Reddit and honestly the screenshot/photo based communities are piss easy to start. !badrealestate for example is 3 weeks old with 48 posts and 3.6k subscribers. I just posted every day for a few weeks, now other people are posting and I contribute a couple of times a week.

On the other hand !tennis_fans and !downtherabbithole are much harder to get going because they require very regular or in depth text posts. Those two have less than 200 subscribers between them.

What I find really annoying is when people criticise posts on the communities Iā€™ve created, when they havenā€™t contributed at all. People want more communities, people want more content. Donā€™t be a dick and then criticise the content that someone has put their time and effort into sharing with you for your enjoyment! Anyway, rant over.

If anyoneā€™s browsing this thread and looking for more (active) communities to join, thereā€™s also !DontYouKnowWhoIAm !clevercombacks !murderedbywords and !confidently_incorrect

Not a direct answer, but if youā€™d like to do something now to help someone while youā€™re still alive (and youā€™re under 30) you could sign up for bone marrow donation. And of course, give blood as often as you can. Regular blood donors are straight up angels.

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If someone donates a kidney to a stranger and later on something happens and they need a kidney transplant themselves, do they get a bump up the waiting list? I can see an argument for either side.

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I was a little confused by the smile too, assuming she was no older than 30. Losing 6 years of your youth seems harder than 6 years in your 50s. Although it depends on the conditions sheā€™s kept in.

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Itā€™s really hard for some disabled/chronically ill people to join a protest or a rally/march too. There were a small group of protesters outside Downing Street here in the UK a while back, calling for changes in how disabled people applying for benefits are assessed. I would have loved to join them but itā€™s so far beyond my capabilities the idea is almost laughable. Creating public awareness or demonstrating your discontent with the status quo is really hard when your practically housebound.

I feel you. This is the second winter weā€™ve only been able to heat one room to at least 18C, and thatā€™s not warm enough for my disabled ass. My electric throw blanket is on 24/7 though and is incredibly efficient - it costs less than 25p a day. I would highly recommend one if you can manage the upfront cost. Also wrist warmers are highly underrated imo - cheap, you can knit/crochet them yourself, your fingers are still free for touch screens and they seem to keep me warmer than just a hat alone. Wishing you more comfortable times ahead, friend.

Itā€™s a Christmas miracle! šŸ˜‰

Thatā€™s a really good point. Thanks for the answer!

Most wedding bands are gold arenā€™t they? Gold isnā€™t magnetic and can be worn for MRIs. As can titanium piercings. I have one in the cartilage of my ear thatā€™s stuck. Iā€™ve had multiple MRIs on my knees with it in. I still call bs on that persons story though.

Good for you! My grandad had some rare blood type that was good for newborn babies (Iā€™m a bit hazy on the details, heā€™s long dead now) and he gave blood as often as he could as soon as he found out. My mum told me he was a superhero who saved poorly babies when I was a kid and I believed her wholeheartedly!


I could pay for my prescription, that would make my life immediately better. Pretty depressing state of affairs tbh!

Sorry, I confused myself and thought you were replying to a later comment - I thought you were asking how people would have guessed JK Rowling and JK Galbraith were the same person.

I think itā€™s fair to say Robert Galbraith-Heath is an (in)famous psychiatrist. I remember his name from my student days. As for her purposely using the name of a conversion therapist as a pen name in order toā€¦ be more homophobic? That seems like a bit of a leap to me, but idk her bigoted views in any real depth tbh.

And I looked up the other name before I realised Iā€™d confused myself and found there was a famous JK Galbraith too, according to wikipedia He sounds like a bit of a dick too. Sorry for the confusion, I need sleep.

I thought this was c/justguysbeingdudes (or something like that) but Iā€™m not sure it exists here. That was a great sub.

E: it does it exist! Dead but it doesnā€™t need to stay that way. Iā€™ll cross post: !

Itā€™s British slang for a convict or prison term. Itā€™s not very common now, but ā€œold lagā€ used to mean a habitual criminal. No idea of the etymology though - maybe related to a lag (in time)?

Iā€™ve had 6 covid vaccinations and Iā€™m still not protected. Itā€™s not a case of ā€œhaving the chance to get sufficiently vaccinatedā€ if the vaccines donā€™t work on your immunosuppressed body, or if you canā€™t have the vaccine at all.

Itā€™s unbelievably selfish to go out when you know you have covid. How hard is it to stay home for 5 days or so when you test positive ffs?! The fact that you donā€™t think staying home for a few days is ā€œjustifiedā€ when you literally risk killing someone vulnerable by not isolating is frankly shameful.

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Both CDB and THC reduce nausea.

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Iā€™ve been prescribed medical cannabis for over a year now and neither CBD or THC oil do anything for my appetite. Vaping dry herb does though, even the low THC stuff. Maybe Iā€™m weird though!

CBD oil does wonders for my arthritis, depression and anxiety though. And I slept for over 6 hours for the first time in 2 years when I started THC oil.

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I think I did that thing when you start a conversation in your head and then your comment posted mid-thought has no context, iykwim?! What I was thinking was: Feeling nauseated can reduce your appetite, as can repeated vomiting and the anxiety associated with it. People with chronic nausea tend not to want to eat, and not eating (or vomiting what you eat) is far more medically problematic than experiencing nausea. Hence, stimulating appetite as well as suppressing nausea is what makes medical cannabis so useful for cancer patients. But OPs wife isnā€™t going to see the anti nausea/increased appetite side effects from CBD alone. THC is the more important cannabinoid, and if sheā€™s no longer pregnant/breast feeding she shouldnā€™t have a problem getting it prescribed- even in the UK. But it will be a private prescription here which is expensive af.

I was disappointed too. Iā€™ve never liked weed - the smell, the fuss, the mess, the taste. Blugh. Iā€™d hoped oils would be all I needed but thereā€™s no denying that dry herb vaping is more effective for my symptoms. The private pharmacy is going to start offering gummies as an alternative to herb, maybe that will work for me? Fingers crossed!

I didnā€™t want to say it if it wasnā€™t already on your radar, but I have PoTS and know a number of people with jejunostomy feeding tubes due to their gastroparesis. I even know a girl on parenteral nutrition. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever met anyone with nausea as their main symptom though so I didnā€™t think of PoTS until you mentioned youā€™d researched it.

I love the acknowledgment that itā€™s not your body - you sound like a loving, supportive partner šŸ™‚ Sometimes the ā€œanswerā€ seems so simple when youā€™re not the patient but when youā€™re chronically ill, youā€™ve already lost so much control over your bodyā€¦ having to take a drug you donā€™t want to feels like a step too far. Itā€™s hard to explain and Iā€™m not doing a very good job!

THC is not remotely in the same category of awfulness as a feeding tube so Iā€™m glad sheā€™ll probably try that first. And you donā€™t need to get high high to feel the anti-nausea/pro-appetite benefits - I use less than 0.25gm a day, maybe even half that and it does the trick just fine. Wishing your wife better soon!

Thank you for that! It was really interesting and informative, I appreciate the time it took. I have a vague idea that civil litigation is pursued largely out of the principle of the matter, and thatā€™s fine if youā€™re a billionaire suing for a dollarā€¦ but these women werenā€™t rich and no doubt incurred debt by having to move/go into hiding, when they did absolutely nothing wrong. I feel like they should get a couple of million right now - enough to clear their debts, pay off the house/car and have a long holiday. As scummy as those lenders sound, maybe thatā€™s the best move for these claimants, especially the older one. I think Iā€™d rather have a couple of mil now than fight (probably unsuccessfully) for Ā£70m each over the next decade.

I just finished the Eddie Flynn series by Steve Cavanagh and would highly recommend it for anyone looking for an easy but captivating read. Itā€™s kinda like watching a decent Hollywood action thriller. You have to suspend belief for a large part but itā€™s kinda fun and the characters are likeable.

This isnā€™t a spoiler, itā€™s on the blurb, but Eddie Flynn is a con man turned lawyer and I really enjoy antihero protagonists, particularly in the crime/thriller genre. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know!

Can you think of another author who uses JK before their surname? It would have been a pretty big hint as soon as people realised JK Galbraith didnā€™t exist.

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Wtf? Thatā€™s an insane amount of money!!

Iā€™m a really big reader and have had 4 or 5 kindles now. My latest is the oasis and it was a considerable payout for me but I absolutely love it. I rarely pay for books, but kindles have a send-to-kindle function so you can download books from anywhere in any of the main formats and just email it to your kindle.

E-reader screens can seem really basic to the uninitiated but the paper white/oasis is just like reading from a book imo. Except you can read it in the dark too.