2 Post – 6 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

just wanna add that it is easier to get them with testosterone. i think it makes sense to make that distinction here since there are literal cis women body builder who take it as performance enhancing drugs.

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depends on the order. if you build abs on testosterone (t) then go on estrogen (e) then you just can with relatively easily upkeep them. if you went on e before working out, its just as hard as for cis women. so hardcore cis women body builder go on t for a short time (some weeks) to get big muscles easier before retuning to e.

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can we also talk about the length of the arms of the person in the back?

Thank you :) I hope it will become a save and supportive community for all of us. as someone who struggled with this for a many years and has learned how to live happily nevertheless i felt called to create this space. equivalent spaces on reddit and such have helped me alot.

hope you will enjoy it :)

fixed it. thank you very much ^^