2 Post – 241 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

It's no more absurd than somehow sleeping outside is illegal. It boggles the fucking mind.

It is extremely kind of you to take the time to explain since our media can't seem to be bothered to.

... that's literally the point of a rubric.

The enshittification will continue until moral improves.

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You're whistling past the graveyard if you think the online rise of tankie ideology and propaganda isn't going to manifest itself into reality if they're ignored and dismissed as just a bunch of revolutionary larpers.

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Also highlights the fact that government agencies are doing Rockstar's dirty work. Think you'll ever see this level of investigation for someone's account hacked for nudes or identity theft? Nope, only corpos worth multi-billions get expensive, in depth investigations paid for by tax dollars.

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The same music industry that made it impossible to have open mics in my city because their reps lurk around like little beady eyed trolls threatening to sue coffee shops and taverns over amateur musicians playing covers?

They suck the joy out of music and the day they finally wither and die will be a great day for intellectual freedom.

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Whoever saved this as a jpeg instead of a png is the real crack smoker here.

CNN, did McHenry order Pelosi to vacate or not? Here's an idea, do about 7 minutes of investigative journalism and find out one way or the other, then make a definitive statement in your headline instead of hedging with 'Pelosi says this thing happened, but who knows? We report, you decide!" So lazy/cowardly.

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Of those nine people, three said they were 16 when they started talking to Roiland.

That sick son of a bitch! There needs to be repercussions.

his career expanded into producing other animated series, creating NFTs and leading a virtual reality gaming studio.


Any AI model that uses publically available information for training should be open source by law.

This business where corporations (that includes authors, who are published by huge corporations) fight over who "owns" ideas is assinine. When it comes down to it, this is a fight about money being wrapped in an argument about "ideas."

AI models were developed with the collective knowledge and wisdom of society. They're like libraries and should be public like libraries. OpenAI, Google, all those fucks should be forced to open source their models, end of story.

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Okay so that cuts it. Every single AI model should be open source as they ALL use our collective knowledge. They should be treated like libraries, as publicly owned stores of knowledge for everyone's use

I thought maybe Firefly was the one exception, although I suspected some kind of shenanigans. But nope. These corpos stole our collective knowledge and culture and are now ransoming it back to us for profit.

Wow. I haven't seen a Penny Arcade comic in a long time. Their style has certainly, uh, evolved.

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Definitely NOT a slow coup going on, guys. Just normal democracy type stuff happening around here.

Also, Microsoft could just be lying.

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I'm just an ignorant Yank, but is this really a big enough issue in the shit hole states that a billboard is necessary? I can't even believe this is real!

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That's already here. Anyone can run AI chatbots similar to, but not as intelligent as, Chatgpt or Bard.

Llama.cpp and koboldcpp allow anyone to run models locally, even with only a CPU if there's no dedicated graphics card available (although more slowly). And there are numerous open source models available that can be trained for just about any task.

Hell, you can even run llama.cpp on Android phones.

This has all taken place in just the last year or so. In five to ten years, imo, AI will be everywhere and may even replace the need for mobile Internet connections in terms of looking up information.

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Wow, what a cool artist, making 30 grand a day shilling fucking cheetos online drawing lame shit an AI could crank out in 2 seconds. Truly a revolutionary thinker that will be talked about for generations to come.

EDIT: Removed the quotes around 'artist' because they are, in fact, an artist, I just have no respect for their art.

Is it possible the stock photographer was referencing this film?

EDIT: A BBC article another user linked below says the stock photo is probably not based on the Chaplain film (although no one is really sure) because the still from the film is mirrored to more closely resemble the stock image.

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I'm going to go against the grain a little here and say you may have just grown out of it. A lot of kids have access to Chromebooks through their schools (at least in the States) and you better believe they know exactly where all the online games are.

Of course! She should never have been allowed to oversee this case. Not sure what Smith was thinking by not challenging her assignment.

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It also says something about Merrick Garland in that it took him two years and a lot of arm twisting to force him to finally order an investigation on the Orange Fuckface's blatantly illegal activities whereas with Hunter he was right on that shit the second the Reds started whining. He makes legal decisions based on politics and optics. He should resign.

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I'm just here to up vote the hilarious image.

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They say pretty clearly in their Twatter post that they are not the IP holders and the episode is for research only, so I seriously doubt Trey and Matt will care.

Likely worst case they get a cease and desist to take it down, so they do.

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On the one hand, I strongly agree with you. But when I think about it, she was teaching high school kids who would 100% get access to her videos. That just doesn't seem like a healthy situation for anyone involved. She sounds in the article like she accepts that she needs to do one or the other.

$42,000/year for a full time teacher is the real story here. That's outrageous.

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I read an essay where the author argued that in the first few seasons, the GRR Martin material, World events happened and the characters were forced to adapt and react.

Once the television writers took over, the dynamic flipped so characters' actions forced the World itself to change and react, which is apparently how most television writing works since television writing revolves mostly around characters.

That's a pretty inelegant way to explain it, sorry, but I think the idea feels pretty accurate to me. There is a definite point where you can tell when the staff writers have to start plotting for themselves.

The NY Post? Why not link to The Crackpot Gazette while you're at it?

bUt ThE GDp gREw 5.2% EVeryOnE! 🍆💦

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I think it's more to do with Israel's behavior becoming so blatantly repulsive they're easier to criticize and also the fucking Boomers are finally thinning out.

People did not consume the amount of meat they do today. Meat used to be a serious luxury most people couldn't afford at all.

You should educate yourself instead of knee jerk reacting to bash on vegans.

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I think there's merit to what you're saying, but it's not a one to one comparison. Most users aren't gambling with their future livelihood and financial well-being on Twitter or Reddit.

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Imo it's because most of them used crap-ass Chromebooks in school since the US school system is underfunded and allowed Uncle Googs to foot the bill and teach an entire generation the shitty Chrome "OS" is how computers work.

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Telling people to purchase their game because they're delisting it, then coming out later and saying, "haha jk" is kind of shitty.

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"Hey! Stop goofing off on the internet!"

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Tbf, they also gaslight and project.

Your free choices are pixelated snoo, a goddamn doge head, or wall street kid? Those are some douche-tastic options.

I guess Spez is revving for a very specific user base.

Try relax and no hit with club even if mad.

Good to see people finally stop being a bunch of reactionaries about it.

Artists make art using tools. AI is a tool. Bad artists still make bad art regardless of tools.

EDIT: Getting down voted by n00bs that don't even know a DDIM from a Euler A but call folks 'prompters' like it's derogatory.

I think you're right, none of this matters to them.They have their judges in place and everything is set up for Jan 6 II, Coup Boogaloo (but this time it will be 'legal').

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The sheer amount of plastic that goes in the trash any time I take a trip to the grocery story is maddening. And I'm someone who is conscious about it and try to buy products with less plastic waste! Like, what is the point of all this? Is waxed paper not good enough?

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