SoyViking [he/him]

@SoyViking [he/him]
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Joined 3 years ago

Why are our tools of imperial enforcement no longer working as they used to? Could it be because they are wielded by the failsons of failsons who have steeped in imperial propaganda for so long that they actually believe it?

Nah... It must be the pronouns.

The neural network was told to make Asian people but it really wanted to make white people.

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Hitler was a billionaire and in the end he did kill Hitler.

Just what we needed, another pointless carbon-guzzling ride to amuse the undeserving rich.

This has been tried many times and history shows that it's a really effective way of getting yourself couped and get a brutal reactionary regime put in your place. The bourgeoisie is not burdened by any high-minded liberal ideals when it comes to preserving their wealth and power, they are going to do whatever it takes.

order-of-lenin to the trans communist who is destroying both Twitter and the emerald boy.

Brussel sprouts. Lots of people hate them because they got them overcooked as children but they are so pretty and so delicious if prepared properly.

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First person shooter but leftist instead of imperialist, with campaigns based on historical revolutionary struggles

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In Danish we have "you can't cut the hair off a bald guy"

Møgsvin (filth-pig), used as an insult similar to "asshole" or for someone who is literally filthy or messy.

Ikke den hurtigste knallert på havnen (not the fastest moped on the docks), used to describe someone who is stupid.

Pis mig i øret (piss in my ear), similar meaning as "fuck off".

Svagpisser (weak-pisser), for someone who is squeamish.

Pikhud på fingrene (cock-skin on your fingers), for someone who is squeamish about manual labour or about touching hot objects.

Skidespræller (shitkicker), someone who is annoying and unserious.

Bonderøv (peasant-ass), someone who comes off as rural or in a more broader sense someone who is uncool or uncultured.

Klaphat (clap hat), synonyms with idiot. Refers to a type of hat worn by football fans in the 1980's featuring a pair of stuffed hands that will clap together when the weather pulls a string.

There's this corner store in my town where you can also pick up packages. Everything about it seems half-assed, their opening hours are short and in the middle of the day and the store has some displays with overpriced expired candy although they couldn't be arsed to fill all the shelves with something. It's hard to know if they're open or not because they can't be bothered to put up signs on the sidewalk or something.

Based on the smell, the energy level of the staff and the wide variety of joint paper on sale in almost 100% sure the place is a front for weed.

Southern Jutland for the redneck backwardness and incest/zoophilia, the island of Lolland for the rural poverty and hopelessness.

I've received checks three or four times in my life. I've never written one. As a kid I had a physical paper booklet for the savings account I put my birthday money into. The only way I can get to own a house is by winning the lottery. I remember when small shops had manual credit card machines that would transfer your account details to a slip of paper. I also remember when local stores would give credit to people from the community. I get low-key annoyed when I have to use cash instead of digital payments. My retirement plan is not to retire.

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Those were not vacation days, just days where they could till their own fields instead of their lord's. For most people life then was full of backbreaking labour, illiteracy, disease and the constant looming threat of starvation. There is no need to romanticise feudalism.

In Denmark the closest we come to the "marrying cousins" stereotype would be southern Jutland although that trope can be used about all rural areas.

As for being backwards and reactionary, rural Jutland is the place to go.

As for rural poverty and hopelessness an area stretching from northern, western and southern Jutland, over southern Funen to the islands of Lolland and Falster is known as "the rotten banana". Rural poverty is worst on the northern Jutland island of Mors and the island of Lolland.

I'm Danish and I drive a manual transmission car every day. Most cars here are manual transmission and you legally can't take driving lessons in an automatic transmission car here so everybody who knows how to drive knows how to drive manual.

I don't get why so many Americans try to make it seem like some amazing feat of traditional blue-collar masculine excellence to able to do it. It's not that hard, anybody can learn it in an afternoon.

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Tides of History is a very well-produced history podcast that deals with ancient history. It tells history in an engaging way and is founded in recent scholarship.

Podcasting is Praxis, a funny politics podcast made by British communists.

Blowback, all the praise heaped upon it is absolutely justified. Listen to it.

We Are Not So Different, an entertaining podcast about medieval history. It has a leftist outlook on things and treats medieval people like people and avoids romanticising as well as looking down on them.

A People's History of Ideas. An amazingly detailed history of the Chinese revolution with offshoots into international Maoism. If you want to listen to an episode about how CPC safehouses worked in Shanghai in the early 1930's, this is a podcast for you.

The European Commission aims to empower consumers and ensure tech giants adhere to European rules, providing immediate accountability for any issues.

Part of this "adhering to European rules" means complying with EU laws on "disinformation" and giving police forces of EU refined backdoor access to take down content.

If you're drilling six holes a year, a cheap-ass power drill is going to work just as fine for you as the expensive one intended for professional use.

Corporate Memphis, those shitty minimalist cartoons they put on apps for adults in a stillborn attempt to make banking or meetings look engaging. I don't want to be infantilised by cartoons, certainly not by butt-ugly ones.

I'm shivering imagining how cursed the content on the EU branded social media apps was. I'm having nightmarish visions of Eldritch horror levels of neoliberal cringe.

You can pick a fight with a wasp and win it. But mosquitoes sneak up on you and once you notice the little bastards it's already too late.

Seagulls. These fuckers shit on everything, they scatter your garbage all over the place and they're noisy.

And these tiny black insects that are small enough to get into picture frames and computer screens. Fuck then.

And that Brazilian penis fish that swims into your urethra. That im thing is just the stuff of nightmares.

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