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Joined 11 months ago

I am trying to quit all screens aside from workrelated things.

Picked up going outside and doing woodworking on my driveway. I have had such nice conversations with the people in the neighbourhood. Let's connect is a great thing.

The singling out of a group and taking away rights seems familiar. Something, Something, Something third Reich.

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And it looks like sawdust. Damn that is dense.

Somehow the whole 'Make America Great Again' is only helping Russia. Such patriots, much wow.

That's the point of protest. The rules are made to keep the status quo, not be good. And some rules suck balls.

I'm sorry mate that you lost your doggo. Take care

Really. Because it is all bloatware, all the settings menu's are all over the place, things get jammed in your face ( Use this new thing we made so we can own you even more ) and other nonsense.

A fresh install of Linux takes me far under 30 minutes. Most of them work out of the box.

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Eternal loneliness is a choice. Most people nowadays tend to dwell away behind their phonescreens / PC / TV. Get out and meet some people. There are meetups for things you find interesting. There are walking groups, travellers etc.

If you are alone, you are in the wrong context. A change of place, scenery, people or maybe your own personality is needed.

Ah, miscommunication in that case.

You are missing the point. The Dutch has Nazi's too, but also a lot of resistance. There is good and bad all around, even within people. If you want to label it as one thing, that would be shortsighted.

It is not about the meat, it is about the safety regulations that should have been in place.

Capitalism will exploit unless there are reasons not do so. If the monetary risk is high enough, such as a % of total revenue in fines which should be more than the profit made, there is less of an inclination to perform such practices. Or death for the whole directive board, you know.

Funny how the whole 'Make America Great Again' helped only the rich. And the country that was aided the most was Russia with this movement.

Again, I am an idiot. So taken down the bad comment. Don't assume and react based on those assumptions, me.

I am hungry and probably should go out for a snack.

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The names may have changed but boy does the current situation in the USA catch the spirit of it. Scapegoat one particular class and villainize them.

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Noot Noot

You make a valid point, I shall address my comments made. My assumptions made are a bit crass and short-sighted.

You mean dd like a madlad

Do you even know what Europe is?

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Good for you. You can use whatever you want. Linux works for me.

Have you tried a fresh install on the laptop with Linux. May help at times

Sometimes in life there is such a thing that is called: "Maybe there is no Good Vs. Bad just assholes all around". Good luck with that

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europe Try it. Even it is not the best resource, it can give you at least a gist about it. It is not a city, it will surprise you.

Alright, continue to suffer on Windows. Or fix it yourself.

Edit: I should have taken a different approach. It is difficult for older games or games specifically made for the Windows System. However there are many efforts made by good people. Valve's Proton is doing good things and Lutris is also making it easier. I am not expecting that all the games will run however there a few options that others made such as filing issues with the manufacturers or supporting projects that try to port it / fix it in some other way.

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Both Israel and Hamas have blood on their hands. I know we all like the whole Good vs. Bad but in an eye for eye situation, they are both wrong. People, on both sides, suffer. If the politicians would fight on the front, they would be less eager to create these situations.

Edit: I am not defending the Israeli Actions nor the Hamas actions. It is fucked up situation. Israel in the first place, shouldn't have been created. However it is, and they should make the best of it. WITHOUT COMMITTING GENOCIDE. For people who believe in a good God, they sure are willing to kill.

All I am saying is that the ones that are not fighting, are suffering. Rockets land in Gaza, Rockets land in Israel. People, yes on both sides, are dying.

I am against the actions of Hamas, I am very against the actions of Israel.

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