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Joined 1 years ago

Honestly, I don't even know myself. Was very much drunk when I wrote this last night. I'll keep it up though for a reminder to not get too drunk and write things like this.

7 more...

Humble bundle had a bundle of all the Mega Man games for 20 bucks.

I instantly regretted it once I loaded it up and I thought to myself, I could've just got roms for these and a better emulator than the one it came with... The emulator doesn't even let you fuckin adjust the audio levels.

How many times I have to repeat the same thing to the same people on a daily basis.

Just because it's a new unit/ work order doesn't mean the process changed on how we do it Rhonda. I still need the same things sent to me/ filled out. Just like last time.

I'm 38 and I just achieved that goal.

Don't stress about this shit (too much).

Go to concerts, take trips, eat your avocado toast. Indulge.

You're only young once, and everyone is poor in their 20's. Unless you're lucky or it's given to you.

It sounds trite, but success will come. However you measure it.

Man some people just can't be pleased. I've been playing the game all week, and it's fantastic. It delivered exactly what I thought it was going to be.

Sure there are some bugs, and some complaints about a few minor things, but as a whole this game is spot on.

I'm just not sure what people are expecting. It's Fallout/Skyrim in space, and it's exactly what I thought it was going to be.

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Coming from a band member from The Strokes, that would make sense.

You need to point out you mean the skin head punks from American History X.

As there is a vast variety of sub cultures of punk, most of which despise the Neo Nazi Skins.

Most skin head punks have nothing to do with being a Nazi.

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Right like holy shit! I never even knew what the term tankie was till I came to Lemmy.

It's like some people here want Stalin back in power, but for the whole world.

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I believe Russia are bastards for starting this war and should all go home, but if I was a Russian, I wouldn't believe any of this.

So glad my boss trusts our team. Quite literally only have a 30 minute meeting with everyone, once a week.

Very rare they ever ask anything from us. If they ever do, I make sure it's a priority and it gets done.

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Start it at 11 minutes. Everything before that is just his opinions on why people don't want to emulate games.

Not saying it's a waste of time or anything, just if you already know the arguments then it's unnecessary.

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It's usually less that that too. Typically if you show you have got your license within the time of getting the ticket they let you go. If he just showed up and said he has an appointment or was going to make one, the judge would've made another date so that he could prove he got his license. Then no fine or jail.

Happened to me. I was pulled over without a license. Immediately went and got my license. They made a date but the mailing address they sent to I wasn't there. Being dumb I thought meant it was handled.

Lo and behold like 10 years later, when I'm getting hired for my current job they say I have a bench warrant. I went down to the courthouse the next day, the judge gave me a real weird look since it's been like 10 years, and said " do you have your license " I showed it to him, and then let me go.


Ghibli? Sure. A nice feel good animated movie with loveable characters, definitely. It already has the anime feel to it.

Lynch? Idk about that... That's the complete opposite end of the spectrum. I'd rather not feel weird and or confused by a Stardew movie, with a whole bunch of random obscure dark metaphors of farm life and the pitfalls of capitalism presented by heavy cinematography with very little dialogue that went way over budget.

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I was opening a sterilizing toothbrush cover and sliced the tip of my finger from the plastic.

Normally that isnt something really to care about, but I play guitar and had a gig the next day.

Playing an acoustic steel string guitar for 45 minutes with a cut on the top of your finger fuckin sucks.

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Get a jacket, get some Casey Jones, Have Heart, and early Refused (since you're vegan) patches sewed on. Mohawk you're hair, tattoo giant Xs on your hands, and go around picking fights with people who drink or do drugs.

Now you're straightedge

I read it and watched the video.

The video was of sarcastic tone, but he was totally serious about his support for Trump.

He makes it seem like California is just this lawless place of criminals running around everywhere, because of what he claims of slashed police force budgets and closed prisons.

When he had a deputy get caught with a bunch of fentanyl supplied by the cartel, and his police force had an increased budget of 270 million since 2019.

He's totally one of those "rules for thee, not for me" kind of people.

Riverside sucks anyway.

I was a "contractor" for JnJ. Which ok, is a different company but it's the same premise. The reason they contract the work out is so they can avoid giving benefits and cut costs for an essential job. All so when something like this happens they can just pass the buck off to the contracting company saying it's not their responsibility for the working conditions they set.

I recommend getting off your high horse.

I appreciate you.

I redownload insta like a month ago because I thought fuck it. Other than reels from old friends from highschool, it's all adds and the same regurgitated memes and stand up comics.

It was creepy that after nearly 4 years of being inactive it knew that I liked golf, and drink too much.

Dune 2 was postponed because of the strike, and I was really looking forward to it.

I mean I'm REALLY looking forward to that movie, but if my minor inconvenience means a better standard of living/opportunity for a large amount of people I'll wait for however long.

Damn my hometown...

This is just my opinion but most comic book based games suck anyway.

I stopped watching when Glenn finally died. Mainly due to the fact that I found out through social media because I missed the first episode of that season when they revealed who got beat with Negan's bat, and everyone on social media ruined the reveal.

He was my favorite character, and I know in the comics he dies much earlier than in the show, but I lost interest after that.

Looks like a standalone fast paced Stellaris. Kinda like how Ozymandias plays, if you know that game.

So a dumbed down version of Stellaris.

It's fairly insane that from Romford to Sutton which is only 30 miles, it's roughly an hour and 45 minutes.

I just went to the Wiltern in downtown LA last night and it's about the same distance as Romford to Sutton from where I live, and without traffic, it takes 40 minutes, with traffic an hour.

You're right my man, we need to see what they're talking about. Never believe what some random dude just comments online with no reputable source material other than "I read it somewhere, trust me man".

I agree with you there. I consider myself a fairly liberal person, but man, Lemmy can be on another level sometimes.

I'm not sure what your experience was, but yeah it's pretty damn left leaning. However Lemmy is on another level. I never heard of the expression tankie before, until I came to Lemmy. Now I see that label being thrown around all over the place.

Im all about seizing the means of production for the proletariat and giving freedoms, equality, and justice to the working class and minorities, but people here are more about just transferring power to government bureaucrats and casting out anyone who isn't some die hard communist that will parrot anything for the state.

I don't even really want to tell people to come to Lemmy because of how much of a bubble/circlejerk Lemmy is in half the time.

Rimworld is one of those games I'm addicted to for like 2 weeks non-stop.

Then once I have 30 colonists and they can't even keep the floor clean cuz I have too many things going on, I'm done because i know I'll never "finish" anything. Even though every time I start that game I tell myself I'll finally build the spaceship this time.

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Fuck yeah man. You're more hardcore than me that's for sure.

Rabbit isn't all that bad though...

I wouldn't go that far, but we could benefit with less of it.

Aww man... I loved PayDay 2 and was stoked for the 3rd, but now I don't have much desire to get it...

The only good game was Mario Tennis.

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Well they are just different. It's like saying a despotism is a monarchy. Technically a despotism is a monarchy, but having a monarchy doesn't necessarily mean it'll be a despotism.

This is the only time I "use" Reddit now myself.

So angry. See as you see fit my friend.

Your Song - Elton John (Cameron Bedell cover)

Mainly because I'm gonna play it at a wedding while a friend walks down the aisle they requested me to do. So, it's on repeat to learn the chord progression, and the little runs he does vocally. By the end of this I will loath the song.