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Theoretically could congress pass laws stating that the EPA has the right to regulate all chemicals if they do choose? I'm sure it would also have ramifications I suppose

And yet, the giant oil corporations lied about climate change and subverted efforts to develop renewable energy back in the 80s when it could have actually helped. They did that to line their pockets, fucked over the entire world, and have had no repercussions for it. Don't act like it's the people's fault. A large large portion of the damage to the climate was done so executives could save an extra .1% of profit for themselves.

That should be no surprise. They have been designed to be purposefully addictive.

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I'm guessing it's them talking with Sony. Sony is the one requiring this, I'm sure the devs hate being forced to destroy the good will of the community.

Just because the product they are making is quality does not mean it isn't a scam. The game was supposed to be released a decade ago now. They said they had the entire single player finished and ready in 2014. The things they have made are impressive, sure. But after that amount of time its looking more and more like they lied about how ready things were to get more funding, and have been doing that for a decade now.

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Cops are cops everywhere. Progressive police do not exist.

I feel like with what you've stated it is far too early to point to corn itself as the cause. Their are so many things that have grown in usage these past 30 years I'm not sure how they could confidently say it is corn itself doing it.

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During the BLM protests there were stories all over the country of police intentionally riling up crowds and destroying property as an excuse to use violence in protesters.

Honestly wouldn't be surprised if most people chose it as a joke.

Inequality has lessened somewhat in recent years as wage growth has favored poorer workers

Also that means pretty much nothing without also looking at how much more money the richest of us have. Their wealth increases by the trillions during covid. To say that inequality is now better because some of the lowest earning workers might be making a few thousand more each year is disingenuous at best.

The acquisition has barely even started. I don't think Microsoft has a single say in this games development yet.

Do we charge car companies when their vehicles are used to run someone over?

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They said 10 khz not 10 hz

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It's very common to have grocery stores in the bottom floors of buildings that are open to everyone, not just the residents of that building. And in parts of Europe it is the norm for large commercial/residential buildings to reserve the bottom floor for small retail businesses. It would greatly improve cities to have this.

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It is competition for experienced devs, and from everything I've heard about working at Larian and CDPR I would MUCH rather work for Larian.

Oh man that makes me sad. I remember seeing that when I was 12 on a trip there and it being the coolest tree I had ever seen.

When the alternative is letting an actual Nazi type leader win, people should be weighing their options accordingly.

C is more than just the speed of light. It is the speed of Causality. No information can travel faster than C in a vacuum. Gravitational waves already reach us faster than the light from events that cause them (i.e. neutron star collisions) Because small particles slow down the light over long distances, as they absorb and then re-emit the photons.

Incredible argument. Can really see the thought you have put into this.

Don't Nvidia cards natively support this through gamestream? I don't know if Amd has something similar or not but you can already easily set up something like this to stream to a steam deck

Every breath you take has at least 1 atom that was in your mother's brain when she gave birth to you.

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I mean, they had chat logs of him coming on to minors. I don't think it's as unclear as you think it is.

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You are hopelessly naive.

That's a lot more than "just the tip" tbh

There are PLENTY of resources to go around, but a teeny teeny tiny percentage of people are hogging over half of them all for themselves.

You're not going to college level math to do basic calculations. You're going to college level math because you need to learn how to actually fully understand and apply mathematical concepts.

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The people who don't know how I understand completely. But honestly people who have the know-how are underestimating how easy it has got. I can torrent a movie at a much higher quality than Netflix will even stream to my PC and do it all within 5 minutes.

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When you're rich, $200,000 and "free" are the same thing.

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Too many people think that when we spend money on space, that we are literally sending the money into orbit. Almost all of it is going back into the economy and keeping tons of businesses alive.

I definitely see issues with how it targets young people so aggressively and can have a huge negative impact on their mental health. China can essentially use it as a tool to lower the mental health of our youth and spread misinformation on purpose. The fact that the version available in China emphasizes educational content and limits usage per day shows that they know exactly what they are doing with the international versions.

If valve is still going to release new crates that they make money off of they should at least work on the game enough to keep it playable.

I think it says far more about the capabilities of the steam deck. The thing is perfect for older, less intensive titles. I wouldn't expect this list to be filled with new releases.

Norway (iirc, or some country near it.) Has been making a large containment facility in a deep mountain cave that would be able to store a large amount of the waste. The waste is actually pretty much a non issue at this point. I would much rather we start making more reactors now while we still have a chance, than be paralyzed with fear that the nuclear waste is gonna be some major crisis. It won't be, but the amount of pollution from NOT having the reactors will be.

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No, measuring one particle collapses the entanglement and they no longer affect each other. It is a one time thing. You can't modify them after they have been observed.

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Games this large and complex, with this many systems are always going to have some glitches. Overall this game runs great, and the vast majority of people have not had major issues afaik. Saying it's still "early access" because there is a glitch in it is just ridiculous.

God it's ridiculous how much power we give to banks. If the content is not illegal it should not be up to the payment processors what content a web service can provide.

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The death penalty is generally MORE expensive than prison for life, and if you don't want it that way your giving the government monetary incentive to give out more death penalties. Which is obviously a HORRIBLE IDEA

Only because there was major backlash for releasing dlc content before the base game is even in a finished state and is still missing content that players feel should be in the base game.

It's not literally about the color. The way iMessage works is if everyone in a group chat is using it you can send high quality video and images over it. However if you have a single non-imessage user (i.e. android user) it disabled that for everyone and defaults to MMS video/pic quality. You can see how that would obviously lead to immense peer pressure to not be the one making all of your friends experience worse, or risk just never being in those group chats.

But most people don't live in most places.

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