6 Post – 151 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

Norwegian proto with a taste for shitposting Deeply sorry for my photoshop creation

Former account at Kbin

A controller and a snack. What a great product!

Here's one of the Norwegian sources

I think our government is finally pushing back after the constant bullying and sabotages Russia have been doing to our infrastructure.

Even if that happened, wouldn't the pipe handle a lot more current than normal house wires, or even the main ones connecting the building to the grid. I assume the pipe would be thick enough that the wires in your walls would be glowing long before the pipe itself was.

::: spoiler Now the real question is Is his shlong big enough to fill his hat, and if so, does he use a garden hose roller to keep it tidy when not in use? :::

Financially speaking, it makes a lot of sense. If the make beds noone will buy more than they need, which means they lose customers. If they sell blåhaj I will continue to buy them until the end of time, which means they have a solid revenue stream.

we bought a collar with a bell for our cat to stop her from killing birds in our neighborhood. Fucker taught herself how to walk so the bell wouldn't ring and alert the birds.

She's getting old now so there's no energy for messing with birds so that issue fixed itself, but still...

Idk who needs to know this, but in Norwegian "runke" means to jerk off. "runk" is the word you add a prefix to in conjugation to get the different inflections

  • runke - jerk off
  • runker - jerking off
  • runket - jerked off


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Omg is that a 70s faucet knob?

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Has north Korea started marketing themselves on lemmy?

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Get fooled fool

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Oh musky wusky

There's a game on steam that lets you be in 4d space, but only a slice at a time. It's super trippy to play

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A couple of years ago there were discussions on how stupid 20+tb harddrives were, mainly because they are so slow that the time it takes for files to transfer to a spinning disk was too long.

Let's say you have a good 20tb drive and it can transfer files at 200MB/s. To fill that drive, it'll take 1 day and 8 hours of continuous transfer. If it's failing, and you're trying to get as much off of it you're screwed.

Now let's think about that micro SD card. It's 4tb, and let's be gracious and give it a v90 speed class. That's 90MB/s. Looking at a calculation for the time it takes to fill it up, we're sitting at about 14h and 14 minutes. Worst part is that SD cards don't have SMART, meaning you don't know when they'll die.

From my experience, even good SD cards die in my raspberry pi running pihole, and the cards runs idle almost all the time.

Also there's this thing that the higher capacity a storage device gets, the more valueable the data stored on it becomes, not directly because it's high capacity, but because it's more trusted by the user.

Guys, gals and anyone in between, please get a proper storage solution, something that won't fail spontaneously. If you need that kind of capacity, go for a Nas with spare drives, or at least get an ssd.

/end rant

19 more...

Break em up! Break em up!

I'm ready for the trans mission, but are you ready for the transistor?

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I learned blender just to make a representation of my code in action ... gif


I will not ignore you mohahahah

If you learn something wrong, the more you use the skill, the harder it becomes to unlearn and kill the habits you learned in the first place.

Im about to get a driver's license, but I have to spend a lot of time unlearning bad things I was taught by my parents. Different rules they don't follow which have become instincts of mine since they taught me to drive. In this intace they're pretty minor, but damn is It hard to get rid of them once they becomes instincts.

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So now we need an adblock blocker blocker to unblock our adblockers

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Call me crazy, but this is definitely a ploy to force users who bought their products to pay for Adobe's crappy subscriptions.

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Stop calling out my commit messages... I swear "fixed bug x (for real this time)(ok now it should be fixed) added feature y" is a valid commit message scheme.

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Wonder if you could drive on that obsidian, or is it too hot/sharp for any vehicle to drive over that area.

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Pov: the GTA 5 ai when I park my car on the highway

Wireguard vpn+pihole and you won't need to watch those ads. Set it up to use an ntp port, and you won't have to sign in to use the wifi.

12 more...

You know what... I'll use their support page for copy pastas from now on. Here's a 1300 word article on the comma symbol...

::: spoiler Copy pasta

What is a comma?

Comma refers to the punctuation mark ‘,’ which is used to separate words and phrases in sentences. In computing, this can be seen when working with computer code. For example, when declaring a variable or setting certain parameters in a program, you will often have to use commas to separate out the different items. Commas are also used extensively on the web for the same purpose, such as when entering passwords or filling out online forms.

What is the purpose of commas in programming?

The primary purpose of commas in programming is to separate various items or values from one another. This helps make it easier for a computer program or script to understand what it needs to do with these values and how they fit together as part of a larger command or instruction. Without proper usage of commas and other delimiters such as semicolons and colons, programs become difficult to read and follow.

How can commas help me make coding easier?

Commas can help you make coding easier by making code more organized and readable by both machines and humans alike. Proper usage of commas helps programmers divide code into smaller chunks that are easier to process and debug. Commas also help programmers ensure that parameters passed into a program are properly separated so that the program can interpret them correctly without having to guess at any data points.

Why are commas important for web development?

Commas are extremely important for web development because they play an essential role in separating out values from HTML tags and attributes that define how a page will appear on screen once it's rendered by the web browser. Without proper usage of commas between attributes like font size, position, color etc., your website may not look how you wanted it too - so using them correctly can make all the difference between an attractive website design versus an ugly one!

Can different programming languages use different punctuation marks?

Yes, different programming languages can use different punctuation marks depending on their syntax rules and conventions. For example, some languages might require brackets ({}) instead of parentheses (()), while others might prefer using underscores (_) versus hyphens (-). As a developer it is important for you to understand these nuances when writing code for specific applications or projects so that their programs run correctly without any problems due to incorrect usage of these symbols during compilation time.

What is the importance of commas in web scripting?

Commas are essential for web scripting because they can help separate items in a block of code that define certain aspects of a webpage, such as its layout, function or styling. Without proper usage of commas between attributes and values, a website might not look or behave as intended due to improper formatting or lack of structure. Furthermore, commas also play an important role when it comes to separating out data points within an array or object that contains multiple elements - without these symbols, the data set will be difficult to parse and manipulate by any program trying to access it.

Are there rules I should consider while using commas in coding?

Yes, there are some basic rules for how commas should be used in coding. Generally speaking, they should always be used to separate items from one another during declarations or assignments with programming languages. This helps make sure that parameters passed into a function or variables added to an array are properly separated so that the program can properly understand what each value refers to too. Also remember It's important for you as a programmer to use proper indentation when writing code so that commas are easier to see and read at a glance.

What other punctuation marks are commonly found in computer code?

Besides comma, other common punctuation found within computer codes include semicolon (;), colon (:), parenthesis (( )), quotation marks (" ") and asterisk (*). Each one has its own special purpose when it comes to coding, like helping denote comments within programs or differentiating between command strings across lines of code. Knowing how each symbol works and when it should be utilized correctly can go a long way towards making developers more efficient at writing better quality programs faster.

What is the purpose of quotation marks in coding?

Quotation marks are used whenever we need a program to take some characters literally as part of an instruction rather than interpreting them as code elements themselves. For example, if you want your program to execute “echo ‘Hello World’” then you would enclose this string inside quotation marks so that the program knows which letters make up the command itself versus any additional input you may have written around them (e.g., arguments). Quotation marks can also be used for string manipulation operations like searching and replacing pieces of text within a larger body of content.

How does indentation help make code easier to read?

Indentation helps make code much easier to read by providing visual cues regarding which lines belong together functionally and which ones don't within a given script or application. This makes it much simpler for developers to identify what commands do what jobs within their projects without having all lines running together on screen while scrolling through large chunks of source code quickly becomes tiresome and confusing without proper documentation provided via indentation rules.

How is a comma used in an if/else statement?

A comma is often used in an if/else statement to separate the two different conditions or expressions that will be evaluated and checked before deciding whether to execute certain code within an application. For example, if you wanted to check that both a user's age is above eighteen (18) and their name is “John Doe”, then this could be written as an expression like: if (age > 18, name == “John Doe”). This type of syntax ensures that both conditions must be true in order for the program to proceed with the desired action.

What other punctuation marks are commonly used when writing JavaScript?

In addition to comma, other common punctuation marks found when writing JavaScript include semicolon (;), colon (:), parenthesis (( )), curly braces ({}), brackets ([ ]) and hash symbols (#). Each one has its own unique purpose depending on what type of expression or command you're writing within your script. For instance, curly braces can help denote specific blocks of code while brackets are typically used for array declarations or list items - all of which should be taken into account by developers who want their program to execute correctly.

Why is it important for me as a developer to understand how commas work?

It's extremely important for developers to understand how commas work because even a small misstep can cause errors with programs due to improper formatting or incorrect usage of symbols for separating data points from one another. Knowing how each punctuation mark works and when it should be utilized helps prevent bugs from slipping through the cracks during development time as well as making code easier to read by other people who may need access it at some point in the future.

Are there any rules regarding how many commas can be used within a single expression?

There aren't any strict rules regarding how many commas can be used within a single expression, though it's generally considered good practice not to use too many at once since this can make programs difficult to understand at a glance - not only by machines but also humans alike. It's always better where possible to break down expressions into smaller chunks so that they're easier for anyone coming across them in the future

Source :::

Shout out to our 30 year old Miele washing machine

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Why do you have to call me out like that?

Now this is some watchdogs 2 shit

Anon discovered hot air balloons

Trump holds seemingly pointless press conference filled with false claims

Isn't that the description for all of his press conferences?

The forbidden fleshlight

I've had a usage tier for storage that looks like this

Temporary storage

  • SD cards - unreliable storage you use temporarily to store pictures and videos before inevitably moving them to a more reliable and permanent solution.
  • USB drives (hdd ssd etc) - used for when you you want to move files faster or more conveniently than over a Lan.

Permanent storage

  • Nas, internal drives, tape drives, etc - for when you want to store a lot of data with configurations that allow you to use redundancy.

The issue with super high capacity SD cards for me is that they're still fragile and prone to failure. When you allow someone to store that much data, it'll be used as a more permanent medium, and since it has a lot of storage capacity you end up with a bigger data loss when it dies. Imo having 30 128gb SD cards would be better because if one dies or breaks, you lose 128gb and not 4tb.

Tldr I think 4tb micro sd cards are stupid.

Cool. I guess I used lava and obsidian as synonyms.

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I tried looking and I couldn't find that... I could only find porn of people on boats, but not porn of boats.

(this was for science, and I have concluded that r34 is broken for boats)

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why does the fire alarm look like an among us?

Aww so fluffy

Jesus fucking christ why does the US Healthcare system have to claim another life because of capitalism. I hope the founding fathers of the healthcare system died because of their own greed.