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Joined 1 years ago

The fact that the idea of an air filter is controversial is frankly amazing.

They apparently only work in every situation except when put over your face.

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Dumbest comment of the thread right up there folks.

When elections get decided on less than 100K votes across the country morons like this are essentially voting for fascism by not voting.

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Has to testify truthfully against every other defendant or they toss him in jail.

Now it is a race to be next in order to get any kind of deal. The worth of testimony goes down each time another person flips. It's gonna be the Hunger Games to get a plea before they don't need you anymore.

Let's tell a story...

Imagine for a moment, if you will, the United States in the present day. Imagine a bill reaches the US House of Representatives called "America the nation state of white people". In its basic principles it states "the right to exercise National self-determination in the United States is unique to white people". Further down a clause for White Settlement "the state views the development of White Settlement as a national value and will act to encourage and promote its establishment and consolidation".

Outraged a coalition led by the Congressional Black Caucus initiates a challenge to the bill and proposes a bill of their own where it calls the United States "a country for all its citizens" but the speaker of the house unilaterally disqualifies the bill before it's allowed to even be debated.

The house General counsel explains in a statement the bill includes several articles that are meant to "alter the character of the United States from the nation state of white people to a state in which there is equal status from the point of view of nationality for whites and people of color" the bill is dead.

"America the nation state of white people" passes through both chambers of Congress unchallenged it's then signed into law.

US President Joe Biden would invoke the law in a tweet a year later saying "America is not a state of all its citizens according to the nation state law we passed America is the nation state of white people and not anyone else" As one Rights group put it "there is no Democratic constitution in the world that designates the Constitutional identity of the state on racial grounds as serving one ethnic group". There is now this disconcerting scenario, it is anything but imaginary.

It's completely real and happened just a few years ago to little coverage and little condemnation in Israel.

That is who you are defending, like a golem set to task by its master, thoughtless and without morals.

Hamas are terrorists, Netanyahu is a terrorist. If a terrorist is someone who attacks civilians for political aims.

I find it hard to discriminate Civilian A who was killed from Civilian B who was killed by the other side. Apparently that is a controversial statement around here. Ya'll are fucked.

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Way to minimise the last 40-50 years of capitalists actively working to stop any real progress on climate change. Sure progress is being made now after they figured out it was getting bad and there was money to be made in green tech. That doesn't excuse the decades of lobbying and and actual propaganda put out by capital interests that we are all paying for now.

That you are spouting off about "communist propaganda" tells me you either grew up in the 80's and really bought the red scare line or you bought the far right propaganda telling you to be scared of 'CHI-NAH' (to quote the orange traitor).

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Over the last century, the Land of the Free has slowly transformed into a land governed by endless laws, largely by cracking down on vices instead of actual crimes, creating a society that would render us all criminals if our behavior were constantly observed.

Just the framing of the first line is like something out of an Ayn Rand hallucination. When I see something that heavily tilted the first thing I look for is WHO is writing it and WHY would they.

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Deliberately cutting off water, electricity and medical aid will result directly in children dying. Again I find it hard to see the difference between civilian A and civilian B being killed just on the basis of WHO killed them. But you do you.

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Been comparing them to Nazis for weeks now.
The pearl clutching from israel defenders is infuriating especially when they get offended if you aren't perfectly polite with them as they defend a genocide.

with the educators attracted to the research opportunities, students bodies, and the warm weather.

That better?

I think this limit has been largely exceeded

I vote this for understatement of the week.

If they don't trust elections I wish they would stop taking the time to vote.

If they had the same rights then Israel would never have been able to be formed. I can't imagine why Palestinians might be a bit upset.

"You couldn’t far wronger in this question lol"

Sure. I couldn't "far wronger".
What a thoughtful and fact filled reply that furthers conversation.

Try making a point or defending your position if you want to be taken at all seriously.
As it stands why should anyone think you might be correct in your statements and not just dismiss you out of hand as a moron who is far wronger?

18 more...

You mean when Bibi said that Gaza shouldn’t exist and that Palestinian culture shouldn’t exist.

Bibi Netanyahu saying “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. 1 Samuel 15:3 ‘Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass’," .

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant called residents of Gaza, about half of whom are children, “human animals” as he ordered a “complete siege” on the enclave including a total blockade of food, fuel, and electricity.

Former military officer Eliyahu Yossian said the IDF must enter Gaza “with the aim of revenge, zero morality, maximum corpses,” and told Channel 14 in Israel that “there is no population in Gaza, there are 2.5 million terrorists.”

Earlier this year, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said at an event in Paris, “There’s no such thing as Palestinians because there’s no such thing as a Palestinian people.” He also said the West Bank town of Huwara should be “wiped out” by “the state of Israel,” while Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presented a map of what he called “The New Middle East”—without the illegally occupied West Bank, Gaza, or East Jerusalem—at the United Nations General Assembly just weeks before the onslaught in Gaza began.

Fuck you for only looking at one side and being blind to the genocide you are defending.

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Welcome to every election cycle since Regan. Repubs fuck the economy and blame the Dems for trying to fix it.

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Israel’s strikes are the most targeted fucking strikes you’ve ever seen a military do,

Are you high?

Flattening whole communities is as targeted as using a shotgun to kill a fly.

Tell me you are a moron without tell in me.

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Here is an interview with a former IDF soldier who states that it was policy that everything inside gaza is a enemy target.

It has been policy for decades at least.

LoTT = Libs of TikTok

The courts have no way to enforce their rulings directly. Nothing is stopping Biden from ignoring them except for norms and the the real shitstorm it would cause.

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That is some weak shit.

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The Pro-Israel crowd will say it is all lies and Israel is really making good friends with all Palestinians then act all shocked that rockets keep flying from gaza at them. Bombing the shit out of Palestinians has worked SO well over the last many decades. Yet they figure 'we just didn't bomb hard enough' to make them like us!

You aren't kidding. I wish I had seen your comment before clicking through.

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Only in america.

Were there IDF at the music festival?

That would make it fair game by your own logic.

There’s got to be a way to remove Hamas without killing everyone in Gaza

Bibi isn't interested in that.

Netanyahu said “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. 1 Samuel 15:3 ‘Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass’," .

He's openly calling for genocide.

So many logical jumps here.

"WW3" ? wtf..

"narrative" that wasn't mentioned.

The "whole economy" that also was not mentioned.

Try responding to the comment as written, not the voices in your head and it might appear more coherent to others.

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Well they have been the baddie for a while, it was just that news and politicians didn't talk about it much.

Im sorry but the copy they showed was pristine... In a war zone, in Palestine, where people can't get clean water...

And the terrorist had sticky notes and highlighters and never made a single dog ear, wrinkled a page or got a spec of dirt on it.

It must be the cleanest object in Gaza.

This is as believable as the 3 copies of "the sims 3" found next to the unworn swastika t-shirt was.. If you believe this is real and not just poorly done propaganda I have some magic beans to sell you.

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It's really insane and the comparison pics are from over a week ago now.

shot a journalist in the head

crushed a 23 years old woman from the US to death with a bulldozer

You suck.

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I've noticed many more job listings are prominently promoting that they are 100% remote and plan to stay that way. When I'm looking around for the next opportunity they are on the top of the pile.

Any company even hinting at "in office" is going straight in the bin. Unless they are gonna pay for a car, parking, gas, insurance, travel time, and lunch.
Even then it would STILL need to be a hell of a lot more $$ than a100% remote to make me want to deal with office people and not be able to wear comfy clothes.

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Hamas never made that claim.

It was a doctor being interviewed by al-jazeera. Even then it was a mis-translation of what he said that western media just ran with and never fact checked.

Please stop spreading misinformation to serve as a way to delegitimize one side.
There are plenty of REAL facts you can use.

14 more...

I laugh at my buddies who constantly need to have new vehicle.

Too many see their car as a measure of their worth.

Funny thing is my wife bought herself a beat up 1980 squarebody pickup for hauling stuff around the farm and you cannot take it out anywhere without people stopping to comment it and she only paid 4k for it.. Hell, we have near weekly offers from strangers to buy it off of us at a premium. I want to emphasise it is not some pavement princess it has whiskey wrinkles from past owners and plenty of rusty bits.

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That's the best you could do?
My 8yr old son has more wit.

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The 10000 number is almost certainly an undercount. THere is no way to know how many people are buried under the rubble of entire communities that have been flattened when the means to move that rubble is non-existent in Gaza. And if you did get some heavy equipment out there how long do you think it would be before the IOF saw Hamas hiding under the excavator and dropped a bomb on it?

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What other result is there for INTENTIONALLY cutting off food, water and electricity. BTW I just asked my 12 yr old if I cut off the food water and electricity to a population would mean I be responsible for the deaths and her answer was "DUH!" This isn't hard man.

How to be correct while being wrong folks...

It is a made up number, by western media not Hamas.

You don't get intentional mistakes for comedic effect. Gotcha.

Moron ^2^