
0 Post – 117 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Interesting. Is there a site that has all of his convictions and settlements listed? This would be great in reasoning why he shouldn't run for office if you have a link to all that.

22 more...

The fucked up thing is that people are still gonna vote for her. No one cares about corruption or acrually having good political leaders, they just need their team to win like it's some kind of stupid sport.

4 more...

They should thank you all for the free advertisement. I had no idea this was a thing until this thread.

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But that's only 364 days. Which month gets the extra day, throwing the while thing off?

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I'm just here because Spez sucks.

Now that sync works with lemmy, I pretty much forgot about reddit. I wish there were the same communities, but I figure it's just a matter of time.

Do you have a list that omits speculation and personal opinion? Got anything with facts and sources listed?

6 more...

Who the fuck doesn't know how to hold a burrito?

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Do people still not realize that high school gossip isn't journalism? So it's rather stupid for a news publication to pass off such crap as news.

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But that goes against the narrative. We have to have a rich guy to contrast against Elon or the whole thing falls apart! Bill Gates is good even though everything points otherwise.

No, the responsibility is solely on the consumer. It's clearly labeled as having caffeine. No one is forcing anybody to ingest anything against their will. It's not the company nor governments responsibility to protect oneself against their own stupidity.

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How is this any different than just raising the price of everything by 18%? But you see service charge and a percentage and its an outrage.

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They been talking to Dory?

Sure most of his wealth, like every rich person is in stocks. I own some stocks too and I'm pretty sure I could sell them and have money in my bank account. That money could probably given away, although I'm no expert.

12 more...

Just because something is not easy, doesn't make it impossible. I have provided a very clear example of how wealth is in fact money, but you very obviously need to be right.

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Am I missing something? I've opened the lid multiple times while the washer was going. All that happens is the water shuts off until you close the lid again. Never seen a washer that locks actually.

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You're not familiar with communion?

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Dehydrated grapes drying out is a concern?

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That's the end of the thought process. It doesn't need to be removed, it just needs to be removed from their line of sight. As long as they don't know about it, it doesn't exist. Problem solved.

This entire comment screams "I have no understanding of what I'm trying to say." You do realize the Gospels are four different perspectives, right. Get three different people to tell you about anything that was in the news last week and you'll absolutely hear three different stories.

So you're just fine with using your checking account which has no real fraud protection? The bank doesn't care, it isn't their money on the line. Credit card companies are putting up their money and in the case of fraud, they want their money back, protecting you. Nevermind the other benefits, which you've stated you don't care about.

It is a sham. I agree with you, we shouldn't be the world's army. Israel, Ukraine. Way too much money and military weaponry given away.

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You're overthinking it. You didn't say anything insensitive or stupid. It will offend some people, but they are usually looking at how to be a victim and that gives them an opportunity. It's just words, don't worry about it so much.

Why would you not want free drinks and sandwiches?

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Wait, so we like guns now?

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Yeah, I was hoping this place would be a little more accurate in discussion. But it's still the same circlejerk. "Orange man bad" gets all the upvotes, regardless if the comment is true or not.

You're charging somebody money to live in a space that you own? You're an unethical horrible human being. You should have them live there for free and you need to eat all the cost of maintaining the building.

You really want to open it up to everyone?

I've never understood the mentality of 'its too expensive to fix'. $3000 is unobtainable, but $15000 just fine? My jeep needed a new engine, instead of buying a new car I just put a new engine in it. Saved me over ten grand and I've got transportation for at least the next ten years. Just fix your car, you'll be better off in the long run.

So why did we have to get everybody vaccinated? The boomer remover could have solved so many problems.

Not for scientists really. But for the average person that doesn't understand it, absolutely. You're just going of the word of some dude that said it was true. His friends agreed so it must be correct.

Because that's a completely normal and rational response. Buddy, you ok? You should probably talk to somebody.

When you use a website that has a purpose of further a narrative, yes that's absolutely biased. That's like people using NRA stats to argue in favor of guns. So until you can use actual data without spin, your arguments are irrelevant. Your website gets its data from somewhere, what's the source and do the numbers still line up to your claim?

Hey I've seen that movie! Wait, it was a pickup truck in a parade and if I remember correctly, the driver got charged.

Nobody can buy automatic weapons. Haven't been able to since 1986. I would recommend a class in firearms so you actually know what you're talking about, strengthening your argument. Currently as it stands, you are just repeating the right buzzwords without being close to correct.

Did Texas get rid of their national guard? I thought they were just there.

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Surely you've got a source on this highly illegal activity. Or is it more likely you're making stuff up?

You might want to learn what the quote means before you develop an opinion on it.

My bad. I was under the impression that the governor could issue executive orders like what happen during covid. Probably reserved for things they deem important.

How bad was it?