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Joined 1 years ago

The "reptilian conspiracy theory" has nothing to do with Jews. Please don't create antisemitism and stuff where there is none

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This but unironically, as a european I can't imagine having only two choices on such an enormously important choice for a democracy

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I don't eat it because it's enjoyable, I eat it because I've been laying in bed all day trying to get my depressed ass up in a futile attempt to prove to myself that I can indeed be functioning & productive member of society, until I reluctantly accept the fact that it will never ever happen and that I am in fact required to ingest some sort of food in order to survive. So I throw a frozen pizza in the oven

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"He contends that most of the world's ancient and modern leaders are related to these reptilians, including the Merovingian dynasty, the Rothschilds, the Bush family and the British Royal family.[22]"

How do you translate this to being a conspiracy about Jews specifically?

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The history of piratebay proves that you can host a website (or instance in this case) and have it be incredibly resilient, out of reach for US/EU law enforcement as long as you have the knowledge and energy to do so. How many millions of hollywood-dollars have been spent on taking it down, vs how many days has it actually been down since it's creation?

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My dev pc isn't allowed to be connected to the internet :D

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More people should know there actually are adapters for different brands of batteries on amazon, and thingiverse if you have a 3D printer

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Not really, autosave has been a thing for so many years at this point

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But Turkish sweets are usually the most sugar filled (and greasiest...) sweets you can find? And I guess that's why I love them lol

Let's play around with the thought of powering all of America with renewables. America’s coal, gas, petroleum and nuclear plants generate a combined baseload power of 405 GWavg, or “gigawatts average.” (Remember, a gigawatt is a thousand megawatts.) Let’s replace all of them with a 50 / 50 mix of onshore wind and CSP (solar), and since our energy needs are constantly growing, let’s round up the total to 500 GWs, which is likely what we’ll need by the time we finish. Some folks say that we should level off or reduce our consumption by conserving and using more efficient devices, which is true in principle. But in practice, human nature is such that whatever energy we save, we just gobble up with more gadgets. So we’d better figure on 500 GWs.

To generate this much energy with 1,000 of our 500 MW renewables farms, we’ll put 500 wind farms in the Midwest (and hope the wind patterns don’t change…) and we’ll put 500 CSP farms in the southwest deserts—all of it on free federal land and hooked into the grid. Aside from whatever branch transmission lines we’ll need (which will be chump change), here’s the lowdown:

Powering the U.S. with 500 wind and 500 CSP farms, at 500 MWavg apiece.

Steel ………………..  503 Million tonnes (5.6 times annual U.S. production)
Concrete …………..  1.57 Billion t (3.2 times annual U.S. production)
CO2 ………………….  3.3 Billion t (all U.S. passenger cars  for 2.5 years)
Land …………………  91,000 km2 (302 km / side)

35,135 sq. miles (169 mi / side)

(the size of Indiana)

60-year cost ……… $29.25 Trillion

That’s 29 times the 2014 discretionary federal budget.

If we can convince the wind lobby that they’re outclassed by CSP, we could do the entire project for a lot less, and put the whole enchilada in the desert:

Powering the U.S. with 1,000 CSP farms, producing 500 MWavg apiece.

Steel ……………….   787 Million t (1.6 times annual U.S. production)
Concrete ………….  2.52 Billion t (5.14 times annual U.S. production)
CO2 …………………  3.02 Billion t (all U.S. passenger cars for 2.3 years)
Land ………………..  63,000 km2 (251 km / side)

24,234 sq. miles (105.8 mi / side)

(the size of West Virginia)

60-year cost ……. $18.45 Trillion

#That’s to 18 times the 2014 federal budget.

Or, we could power the U.S. with 500 AP-1000 reactors.

Rated at 1,117 MWp, and with a reactor’s typical uptime of 90%, an AP-1000 will deliver 1,005 MWav. Five hundred APs will produce 502.5 GWav, replacing all existing U.S. electrical power plants, including our aging fleet of reactors.

The AP-1000 uses 5,800 tonnes of steel, 90,000 tonnes of concrete, with a combined carbon karma of 115,000 t of CO2 that can be paid down in less than 5 days. The entire plant requires 0.04km2, a patch of land just 200 meters on a side, next to an ample body of water for cooling. (Remember, it’s a Gen-3+ reactor. Most Gen-4 reactors won’t need external cooling.) Here’s the digits:

Steel ……….  2.9 Million t (0.5% of W  &  CSP / 0.36% of CSP)
Concrete …  46.5 Million t (3.3% of W  & CSP / 1.8% of CSP)
CO2 ………..  59.8 Million tonnes (2% of W & CSP / 1.5% of CSP)
Land ……….  20.8 km2 (4.56 km / side) (0.028% W & CSP / 0.07% of CSP)

1.95 sq. miles (1.39 miles / side)

(1.5 times the size of Central Park)

60-year cost ……… $2.94 Trillion

#That’s 2.9 times the 2014 federal budget.

Small Modular Reactors may cost a quarter or half again as much, but the buy-in is significantly less, the build-out is much faster (picture jetliners rolling off the assembly line), the resources and CO2 are just as minuscule, and they can be more widely distributed, ensuring the resiliency of the grid with multiple nodes.

And this is without even mentioning MSRs.

Was this project a complete shitshow of sheldon before seen-proportions?


Does this mean that we should make the move towards powering the US from 100% renewables instead?

Well if you hate math and logic enough to even consider it, sure. Go ahead.

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I respect your opinion but I do find that to be reaching quite a bit

This has to be some kind of joke, right? I have an M1 macbook through my job and it is absolutely horrible. For starters, the file system is absolutely horrible and "dumbed down" and requires you to learn special button-combinations to even find files, the UI in general is "form over function" times 100, and ooooh the horror of not having snappable windows. Also the fan is horribly loud and is often at 100% due to the terrible thermals. Sounds like a jet engine.

I've had it for over 2 years now and use it daily but it still feels like I have to battle and force it to be able to do what I want. The trackpad is nice though!

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Do you think this is what "conservative" means, like completely honestly?

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The chromium part is still problematic. I'll stick with the only other option until they shit the bed completely :(

I couldn't care less if someone made a clone of my CPU to use for themselves. This isn't the same as pirating

At the very least some integration with PeerTube

If you look at the recent history of the middle east you would quickly see that you don't need to be on the brink of genocide to elect terrorists into government. Ideology and brainwashing is one hell of a drug

Wait, I haven't even started talking about the fact it's a huge unstructured legacy project using SharePoint 2016 and....

Where did everyone go?

If you tie your shoes using the "runners knot", which most sporty shoes are designed for and eliminates heel slip, you will have a hard time getting them on without a shoe horn or having to re-lace them every time.

You won't find a house in Scandinavia without a shoe horn, it's fascinating how rare they are in the US and most of Europe

Funnily enough, here in Scandinavia next to nobody uses WhatsApp, we pretty much exclusively use sms/RCS/iMessage and Snapchat. Sometimes Messanger. Weird how different it is

There are cheap ones on Amazon that work exactly the same as the original brand. I bought mine for 8€ in Lidl, it has served me for years without fail

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I honestly think we should just ditch beehaw at this point, this move will just make things way more complicated and probably keep many people from bothering to learn how it all works. You shouldn't have to visit 3-4 different sites to see the most popular lemmy content

Where are you getting this "$32 per watt" number from?From googling I cannot find anything even close to that ballpark

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I take it you didn't even bother to read my comment. So why answer it?


Wanna trade with my 1989 Toyota? 😄

Okay so now that it has encryption, what is the security risk?

I'm a .NET dev, I wish lmao

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Phew, I only have an IELTS score of 8, I was worried there for a sec

I've used my xbox 360 controller pretty much daily since 2008, mostly on my pc. Looks as good as new, but with some tiny stick drift since a couple of months back

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It's a free upgrade

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It's perfectly fine to stay, just saying you don't have to buy it haha. I bypassed the CPU restrictions to upgrade to win 11 because it had updates that I genuinely wanted, like tabs in file explorer etc. It's genuinely fine, as long as you move that damn taskbar to the left

I just dual boot

Everytime I discuss apple vs android with colleagues, it always boils down to "but come one, you can't take someone with green bubbles seriously". And we all work as developers for god's sake. iPhone users are more shallow than you think.

And yes iMessage has way higher image quality than sms, just like RCS has

Pretty much every northern European country has had it since the 80s. Nowadays we melt it into new packaging though, supposedly it requires even less energy. And you get money for turning them in :)

Meat consumption is taboo? Where do you live, farmville?

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Also a programmer :) I still wanna be able to actually browse my file system with a GUI at times. I don't think "oh but you could just use the terminal" is an acceptable solution to such a monumental part of an OS

Dunno how you manage that with the fans. Everyone where I work has the same complaint. It was even worse at my old job that used the intel macbook pros that were before the m1, the fan was even louder and would always stick to 100% after a while, like it couldn't adjust itself and just ran at full speed. We couldn't really solve it either.

Anyways, the os is just way to clunky and developer-unfriendly for me. We're actively trying to get new laptops so that we can finally ditch these macbooks. Maybe if we were frontend-only they would be more suitable?

That is true but it has had smooth integration with other video hosts since as far as I can remember, something I would love to see here

I do believe microsoft is doing a great job in the .NET-sphere (Core) nowadays though, after open sourcing. Everything is standardized in a way which makes it a breeze for developers to jump onto a new project using never tools. As a full-stack dev, this is something that the javascript-world could learn from lol

Relateable lmao