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"Sunwise", and for the exact same reason.

Clocks go clockwise because their predecessors did. What were their predecessors?


How does the shadow go around a sundial? Well, sunwise, of course.

Counterclockwise, as said in another comment, was "widdershins", from a Middle Low German phrase meaning "against the way".

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For union dues, I'll sometimes bring up strikes. People know that when unions strike, they aren't working, and when they aren't working, they aren't getting paid. What they don't realize is that most unions pay the employees during strikes, and that money has to come from somewhere.

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Period flow can happen without warning, and even if there is a warning, it's not usually something that girls are comfortable enough with to want to announce the reason in front of a classroom.

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The official answer is that you cannot promote a pawn to a king, so this situation would never arise. However, this is Anarchy Chess, so let's set that aside.

If this situation did happen, and it is Black's turn, it is not checkmate, because Black's bishop takes the queen. It could not be White's turn, because there is no way to arrive at this board state on Black's turn without one or both kings being in check at the beginning of the turn, and so Black's move would have needed to remove their king from check.

Therefore, this board state is not checkmate.

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Any soup is cool enough to eat on a first date. If your date gives you crap about something as inconsequential as what kind of soup you're eating, your date should be discarded at your earliest convenience, because they have shown themselves to be an opinionated twat that will bitch about things that don't matter in the slightest.

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"Hey, guys? I really need you guys to come back to work now, all the not working is starting to eat into my profit margins."

It sounds stupid, but the chatbot is actually right. The person saying the phrase would pick one based on how they view or present themselves. It's not a disparagement to say that a non-binary individual has a gender with respect to Spanish grammatical structure, because quite literally everything does. Chairs are feminine, days are masculine, etc.

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Tolkien constructed an actual language for use in his works, and the gibberish you see on the keyboard is that language.

There's a few reasons.

The biggest reason is that bittorrent doesn't download segments in order. YouTube is a video streaming service, so the video will stop playing after segment 5 if you don't have segment 6, regardless of how many segments you actually have. This is a user experience issue, and it would basically make YouTube unusable for the current use cases.

Peer to peer file sharing, as you might expect, means that other end users are providing the videos, not the company. This means that the company cannot guarantee transfer speed, file completeness, or even that the file is the right file. This may end up causing them some legal trouble in the platform current state.

Peer to peer also means that the videos need to be stored in multiple locations, with multiple copies, and Joe Schmo doesn't have a datacenter in his basement. There will end up being a limit to how much content can be stored, and things that people don't watch simply won't be stored anywhere, so you wouldn't be able to look up that meme video you liked 14 years ago.

It's just not a good way of providing data as a service to a customer. It's an alternative for smaller sites that can't afford, or don't want the paper trail of, appropriate data server sizes.

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The capsules dissolve in water and have little animal-shaped sponges inside. They're cute little gimmicks to make your 6-year-old's head explode.

That, and have your parent accuse you of popping pills, it would seem. Don't eat these, by the way.

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c/196 has 1 rule: if you arrive, you have to post something before you leave. People have taken to putting the word "rule" in their titles to show their compliance, but it's not strictly necessary.

It's really a pale blue. If it were white, the visible spectrum would be pretty even, but you can see the graph is higher on the blue edge and lower on the red edge. There's enough green and red to brighten it a lot, but it's definitely blue.

In fact, the sun's surface temperature is around 5800K, and you can look up what color that actually is wherever you go light bulb shopping.

This shows the colors based on temperature, and the sun is firmly in the "Day White." It's called white, but you can see it's pretty clearly blue, especially next to the "Direct Sun" color.

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Make sure your litter box is clean, and that your cat thinks it's clean. Cats want to be able to bury their waste, and if there's too much in the box for the cat's liking, they'll go somewhere else, and it's often right outside the box if there isn't something else they could use. It's important to understand that it's the cat's opinion that matters here, not yours: you may need to scoop it every day, even if there's only a little in it.

You may also need to move the litter box and clean the previous area, including and most importantly the place outside the litter box that gets used. Use vinegar if you can: it has a strong smell that cats don't like, but it won't hurt them like bleach can. Lemon juice works well for this, also. What this will do is make sure that this area doesn't smell like a place they have used as a litter box before.

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I think it's mostly an unintended benefit. These scams are usually run out of countries with English as a second language, so you get some grammatical errors in translation. It does increase the conversion rate, though, so they don't bother spending extra money getting a native English speaker to copy edit.

That's not what he said. He said humans are Digimon, not Pokémon. Pokémon are Yugiohs, duh.

when there's not a recognised disability involved but just health issue/s (which could be "disabling").

From the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, in regards to the ADA:

Under the ADA , you have a disability if you have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity.

Essentially, if you are disabled, you have a disability, whether recognized or not. If you are not disabled, then you do not have a disability.

Under this definition, something like asthma, which is fairly common, can be a disability when it comes to strenuous activities, but isn't something that is immediately obvious to someone just passing on the street.

As far as it being ablist to assume that someone not showing signs of disability isn't disabled? No, that's silly. Not believing them if they tell you they can't run a mile because they have asthma? Still no, that's skepticism.

Ablism would be something like planning a company outing, and choosing the location up a tall, steep hill when other options were available, specifically because you don't like the fact that your coworker has asthma.

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The dude could probably take out your lungs and heart with his eyes closed.

To be fair, so could I.

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The terms for "clockwise" and "Counterclockwise" originated long before clocks. Clockwise was originally called "Sunwise" and followed the movement of the shadow around a sundial.

Counterclockwise was "widdershins", from a Middle Low German phrase meaning "against the way."

We don't use "earthwise" because from our perspective, the earth doesn't rotate.

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One of the kings could still pay the bishop, so still not checkmate.

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For real. Just because Putin is a Bond villain doesn't make every citizen of Russia one of his goons.

Graphics, as in graphical fidelity, polygon count, etc. are valueless to me.

Art style is everything. I don't care if I can see the pixels in the game, I still play the same SNES my family had 25 years ago. The game has to look good, and graphical fidelity is a tool to help achieve that, but it's only a tool, and useless without the appropriate art direction.

Am I contagious, or showing symptoms of something contagious? Stay home.

Am I incapable of doing my job or driving to work? Stay home.

Otherwise? Suck it up.

This doesn't strike me as odd in the slightest. When you go out into a crowded room with a lot of conversations going on, your brain will filter out a lot of it, but there is one thing you'll always always always hear, and that's your name. Your 'name' includes anything used to refer to you, like nicknames or pronouns.

Your brain develops special circuitry to recognize your name, and it strengthens with use. It's almost like a reflex.

I don't know how long you've gone by "Eshe," but it will be a long time before your brain develops those same shortcuts, if it ever does, and the old ones may never go away entirely.

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This is false. Republicans don't always lie. If they did, literally nobody would believe them.

What they do is actually far worse. They tell just enough truth to make their lies seem believable. That's why they end up being dangerous: because they're believable.

I know you don't believe them or find them believable, but enough people do that they keep getting elected.

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Here in the United States, an ESA is a separate classification, distinct from a Service Animal or pet. You go to your psychiatrist with a mental or emotional problem, such as PTSD, and one of the things they may do is give you ESA documentation. Essentially, they prescribe you a cat or whatever.

ESAs usually are not restricted by species or breed, nor do they require any specific training, but the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) doesn't have the same protections for them as for Service Animals. Businesses do not have to allow them access, for example, no matter how loudly Karen shouts. In practice, though, business owners really don't want to fuck with the ADA, so they'd rather let fake ESAs in than risk getting in trouble over a proper Service Animal.

Kind of. They only have 2 legs, so they're not as stable as a traditional mount, but they get up to 300 pounds and can run almost 45 mph, so their legs are certainly strong enough to carry a 120-ish pound woman slowly around a safe enclosure. It's not really practical, but it can be done.

I ran into this just now.

I had blocked feddit.de, because I don't speak German and didn't want to see German posts in my feed. It turns out that it blocks comments from the instance as well, so I'm going to un-block it and go back to manually filtering communities as they pop up.

That makes sense to me.

Everyone has a type, even sleazeballs that hit on people they're delivering food to. They're bound to find some women that don't appeal to them.

No, the problem is that Santos is both the Queen of Wales and the capital of Uruguay, so there's a level of diplomatic immunity involved.

Yeah, but you're using it to mean "I don't know which pronoun to use." This is a different meaning than what's being describes here.

What's being described here is a person who decided that they don't want to be referred to as he or she, and has chosen to make themselves plural instead of using the singular nongendered pronoun already present in English.

Since that is a grammatical error, and this is the internet, I am obligated to ridicule this person, regardless of how well their meaning is conveyed.

/s, by the way.

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I taught my cat how to speak. Now he doesn't shut up.

I also "taught" him to tolerate being cradled on his back like a baby.

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Colors are a perception, true, which is why we don't really talk about colors, we talk about wavelengths and temperature. 5800K is not white (relatively equal amounts of all visible light wavelengths), it's light blue (decent amounts of most visible light wavelengths, but a significant peak in the 450-500nm wavelength band, which looks blue to us). Lightbulbs use color temperature because filament and halogen lights generate light the same way the sun does: by getting hot, and how hot it is determines the light wavelengths emitted. That's why I included the chart, it's a good analogue.

If you look at the graph provided in the OP, you can see for yourself that there's significantly more blue than anything else being emitted.

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+1 for Kirkland

Kirkland Signature products in general are just as good or better than the name brands because they usually are the name brand stuff.

Their batteries are Duracell, their bagged coffee is roasted by Starbucks, their diapers are Huggies, their canned tuna is Bumblebee, etc.

Kirkland hot dogs are an oddity, though. They used to be Hebrew National, but they got too expensive to be selling for 1.50 at the food court, so Costco bought an old Hebrew National meat plant in California and makes their own hot dogs now.

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I started cradling him when he was just old enough to be adopted. Every time we crossed paths, I would say "Scoop!", scoop him up with a hand under his chest, roll him over backwards with my other hand on his butt, and lay him down on my arm like that. Then I'd scratch his tummy and give him kisses, then let him go after a little bit.

Actually, I was referring to 'it.'

People don't like using it for people, because it's traditionally only really used for objects ("It's a chair!" ) or creatures where the gender isn't identifiable or doesn't matter ("It's a bear!") , but that's the exact use case here.

A nonbinary person is a creature whose gender is either not identifiable or doesn't matter.

People just decided that it meant nonbinary people were objects, when in reality we use it for objects because they were the only truly nonbinary concepts we had.

Not really, the spices are different. Chai has more bite, pumpkin spice is more of a mellow warmth. It's difficult to describe without using American terms, because it's the spice blend we use for pumpkin pie. If you've ever had one of those, then you'll have a good idea of what to expect out of the drink.

That's preferred, actually, gives them a nice peg to hang the donuts on.

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Why would you say there's only one octave?

Human audible frequencies are in the range of 20 Hz to 20 kHz, and are logarithmic.

Human visible frequencies are in the range of 400 THz to 800 THz, and are linear.

There's far more available distinction to be made with color than with sound, it just doesn't interfere the same way.

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For SSD's, it's 100% a logical table, because data is stored all over the place for load balancing purposes, so it already uses a logical table to keep track of what each block is for at any given point in time.

For HDD's, historically they were physically separated, and they mostly are still, but there's still a logical table, and there's no reason the logical table can't say "Blocks 0 through 1234 and 2000 are part of partition 1" if you have something somewhere else that you want on that partition.

Definitely not on copyright grounds, since almost all state flags (except Georgia, Mississippi, and soon to be Utah) are old enough to have entered the public domain.

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