
21 Post – 70 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

One who spudges.

Linux • KDE • Mozilla • Matrix • Proton • Music • Star Labs • Veg

Have you ever been confused by coconut milk? Do you think that hamburgers come from Hamburg? Are sweetbreads made from wheat and sugar?

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Oh, it's not that simple. I could call, email or any number of other methods. It's just that I'd rather not communicate with a right wing, paranoid, fear-spreading, racist nut job. I just need to know they're still breathing. This individual is spewing bile every single day,

I don't know what the authors are complaining about. All the AI is doing is trawling through a lexicon of words and rearranging them into an order that will sell books. It's exactly what authors do. This is about money.

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It says “no fully exposed” arse pix. What percentage of exposed derrière is acceptable? Asking for a friend.

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I have only ever read about 20 subs on Reddit and I've never had an account there. I use Teddit to read them for stuff that hasn't made it to Lemmy yet.

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Good news. I use it once a week to check if a relative is still alive.

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Exactly. If they want honesty in labelling then images of happy cows in fields on dairy products should be replaced by pictures of young calves being pulled from their mothers so they don't consume the milk.

Unsure if this is off-topic for this thread so feel free to delete if that's the case.

/r/firefox now looks like this.

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As others have said, it still works and works really well.


Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from Teddit.

You should look out for Orwell's Homage to Catalonia. His anti-communism stems from his experiences there. Or this general explainer is pretty good.

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In a cage? Why not a small sub near the Titanic?

It'll all end in tiers.

In Australia it's ute (pickup) drivers. If it's a faded mustard colour it's an ancient farmer driving 30 km/h below the speed limit in a no-overtaking area. If it's bright red it's the farmer's grandchild driving at 30 km/h above the speed limit as he* overtakes you in a no-overtaking area.

*It's always a he.

When it removes the entirety of LTT from YouTube it will worth a try. There isn't much in this world that makes me seethe but that plonker is one.

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40%. That's nearly a whole cheek.


‘CIA sidekick’ gives £2.6m to UK media groups


NED money has gone to UK investigative groups Bellingcat, Finance Uncovered and openDemocracy, as well as media freedom and training organisations Index on Censorship, Article 19, the Media Legal Defence Initiative, and the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

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I still get most of my news via RSS. Lemmy is my sole social media usage. I use Matrix every day but see it as very different to IRC for some uses. Forums are useful but much of the tech content you find via search engines is out of date. Also not all forums are created equally. The new KDE forums have a major shortcoming compared to the old version.

What is it with the Kennedys? Look back over the generations and they're either corrupt, philanderers or nut jobs. Or any combination thereof.

As Gil Scott Heron may have said if he was alive today, The Revolution Will Not Be Hashtagged.

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Zoos are often a lot more enlightened these days and many do some valuable species conservation work but I know what you mean.

And yes, I can't recall seeing a display of happiness like that other than a waggy dog when they see their owner.

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It was Mozilla for me back in 2000. I gradually replaced all the proprietary apps I was using on Windows with FLOSS alternatives and then finally made the mover to Linux around 2010. The only closed stuff I use now is an iPhone and I despise it.

The earliest known burgers I have read about were made and sold as roadside snacks in the Roman empire.

lol There's often a fair bit of waxing involved.

This is irritating. I use Nitter once a week to check if someone's still alive. If I see them posting crap I know they're still breathing.

Anyone that buys anything from Amazon is also part of the problem. Support your local bookshop while you still can.

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If you're missing the UK type it's sold overseas as Heinz English Recipe baked beans. I checked the difference in ingredients. The English ones have extra salt and sugar.

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One of the problems I have with search engines when looking for tech solutions is that the results are incredibly out of date. I don't bother any more and just go straight to the product's own support forum. Where possible I add the forum's own search entry to Firefox's search box. At least I no longer get answers to a problem no one has had since 2018.

As someone that never had a Reddit account* but still read about 18 subs on a daily basis (via Teddit) I was a bit sceptical about the value of signing up for Lemmy. So far, so excellent. It reminds me of the newsgroups I used to frequent 25 years ago. Big enough to be useful, small enough to be comfortable.

*I never had a Facebook or MySpace account either. I used Twitter for a year about a decade ago but it all seemed a bit "look at me" for my taste.

Critical thinking should be on every school curriculum.

This is not at all what it’s meant for but I use Element messenger for this purpose. It’s on all my devices, it’s e2ee, it’s shareable if needs be. It’s also a damn fine messenger in its own right.

The whole Bellendcat thing sounded a bit sus to me when I first came across them being lionised in the UK press. One plonker sitting in his bedroom outdoing the might of the Five Eyes? Mmm, sure.

You got it :)

I'm glad he saved you money. I just wish he'd learn the basic grammar of production.

He's not the only bad YouTuber. 99.9% of them are clueless. Take the ubiquitous jump cut edit. They are everywhere. This is fine if you're a nouvelle vague French film director in the 1950s and 60s but have no place in a YT vid. It's unprofessional. None of these people seem to be able to get through a paragraph of text without fluffing their lines and consequently having to jump cut over the mistake. Watch an Andy Edwards music analysis vid and you'll see he can get through 45 minutes without a single edit. He knows his subject well and therefore is less prone to errors. If he does screw up he's smart enough to explain it and just let things flow without interruption.

What's with editing every breath and pause between sentences? Anyone that tried to talk like than in real life would die of oxygen deprivation before the end of their vid. It's unnatural and destroys the flow.

Then there's the unnecessary use of effects. It reminds me of the early days of desktop publishing when everyone and his dog suddenly became typographers. The horror, the horror. Just because they have 49 installed typefaces doesn't mean they have to use all of them in their poxy one page newsletters but that didn't stop them.

The basic principles of film and TV production were established over a century ago. If some spotty oik with a computer and a cam in his bedroom at his parents' house thinks they can do better then bring it on. I have yet to see any evidence of this happening. Putting some Star Wars toys on a shelving unit in the background and draping some LEDS over it is not visual innovation.

Let me summarise: Know your subject. Write a decent script. Learn it. Rehearse until you are perfect. Don't use SUPERFLUOUS capitalisation in the TITLES of your latest MASTERPIECE.

I've been in the business too long and amateurs irritate the f**k out of me. There's a lot more I could mention but life's too short.

Ok. grumpy old man rant over :)

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The way they treat animals. There is the obvious exception...

Thanks for the head up.

The lovely Mrs Spudger and I met on IRC in the previous century. At the time we lived on opposite sides of the planet. This year we celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary

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The article says it has no tomato and no cheese. Where I come from we call that bread.

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He's a Kennedy. Generations of fuckwittery guaranteed.

Silvio Berlusconi.

Yup. I used to enjoy Niccolove's work when he was a naive noob with no idea about production. Now he's just another unwatchable YouTuber drowning in effects and gimmicky editing. The first rule of communication is communicate first. Everything else is Garni du Jour (© Frank Zappa):

The way in which the material is presented is equally important as what's on the record. It's the GARNI DU JOUR way of life. You go buy a hamburger. If somebody gives you a hamburger on a dish, it means one thing. If somebody gives you a hamburger on a dish with a piece of green stuff and a wrinkled carrot and a radish – even though you don't eat that stuff – it's a Deluxe Hamburger. It's the same piece of dog meat on the inside, but one's got the GARNI DU JOUR. American have become accustomed to having a GARNI DU JOUR on everything