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Joined 12 months ago

Pro-tip: Linus torvalds won’t ban you from using Linux if you use emulators

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This is standard business tactics.

Do not fall for it.

An absurd change followed by rolling it back to an “acceptable” version that is still worse than their original position prior to the initial announcement.

This is a psychological manipulation.

And more to the point it ignores the issue of their violation of trust and consistency.

This is still precedent, they still showed their hand.

They want to have “passive income” at your expense.

Learn Godot.

On one hand it’s sad to see all these people laid off for Asus’s failures.

But on the other hand I saw this coming miles away. You can’t just sell mobos that kill expensive processors, and provide a warranty breaking solution. (which didn’t work btw) And then be surprised that people are upset with you for basically trapping them with losses and a broken product.

Asus did this to themselves, and it’s a shame their employees take the hit for what was clearly a failure in management.

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Penguin People

Penguin People

I’ll have you know I’m and Arch Oligarch tyvm.

The tragedy of every YouTube channel

They either fade into obscurity or blow up in a disasterous blaze of drama and controversy.

How hard is it to just not be an asshole?

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This could really get the ball rolling

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Blue jellyfish jelly krabby patty.

I gotta know

For every Renaissance there is a Dark Age.

Glad to see all these companies coming together to support the steamdeck.

“And that’s how I lost my medical license”


Nintendo sweats over homebrew on a discontinued, decade old handheld instead of updating the best selling switch original.

The steamdeck can easily handle switch emulation 1:1 if not better.

They’ve had this coming.

American = Burger Lover

Also it kinda sounds like burger king

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Why is it not “risc it for a biscuit”?

They had crash’s source code but not Spyro.

Activision is just a terrible company to ask to archive data.

Head Accountant: “Sir, our stocks have plummeted to Zero!” Eric:

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Probably using VP9 or AV1 codec now and didn’t want to pay for HEVC.

VP9 and AV1 are open codecs. and AV1 > H.265

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“good soldiers follow orders…”

Imperfect Cell writing articles now?

The Perfect Storm.

Google is going off the rails, forcing users to watch ads, forcing browsers to comply with invasive drm.

This is likely going to end the Chrome Regime.

We really went from

2D platformer saturated To 3D platformer saturated To FPS saturated To Sandbox Saturated To 50+ hour $70 incomplete open world saturated

TSMC doesn’t make everything.

There are morally abhorrent chip manufacturers in South Korea and Japan as well.

Common Triple A L.

I use Kdenlive.

I believe modrinth will be expanding to be more than Minecraft mods iirc.

The likelihood that windows doesn’t have a back door for the US government is irrelevant.

No windows user can guarantee every part of their OS is clean.

Linux users have the advantage of Open Source.

If you run Linux, you can audit the code. Can’t do that for windows.

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Chainmail Hauberk - it’s fine until it’s hot. 16 decoy wallets - who needs money, buy more wallets. Tactical Glock - Lämp Pacifier, Blankie and Baby Toy - ??? A Rose - wholesome Santiago - Oh Ok The keys to heaven and hell - for janitorial duties I suppose The weight of knowledge - oh, I understand now. 300 loads of cement per hour - pave the earth 16 Pictures of ma - for the 16 wallets. Cyanide Pill - I wonder if this is also a decoy. Your heart - again, no idea.

Google broke on Firefox for a while a day ago for me. Went to some other search engine.

Jumping from social media is hard.

Jumping from applications is not.

teamspeak became Skype which became discord.

And many of us did leave Reddit. I didn’t even leave because I cared about the protests or what Reddit was doing. I left because many posts were deleted, people left, subreddits became abandoned.

Lemmy became better than Reddit basically overnight.


“The only thing here that doesn’t taste like ass is the one fucking thing that should.” - me, just now.

How windows users think installing software on Linux works:

Step one: open terminal Step two: cry knowing any application can break my Linux install Step three: neofetch, one last time Step four: clone browser repository. Step five: cry again Step six: change directories Step seven: uncontrollable sobbing Step eight: makepkg Step nine: my desk is covered in tears Step ten: package compiles Step eleven: 😭 Step twelve: time to install the newly compiled package Step thirteen: cautiously approach “Y” key and tremble in fear Step fourteen: hit Y Step fifteen: no turning back Step sixteen: terminal freezes Step seventeen: keyboard in flames Step eighteen: nuclear siren wailing Step nineteen: evacuation Step twenty: turn around and watch as your life turns to ashes. Step twenty-one: promise to never use Linux again. Step twenty-two: install Linux again.

Maybe in a server environment it may be. But even in my home server setup, arch just works.

I even took the easy way out with archinstall for both.

I know that’s not very “I use arch btw” of me, but my server’s hardware literally died before my arch install did. And then I just dropped it into new hardware and it just worked.

I’ve been running that server for 2 years, and my Desktop for less than 1 on raw arch. I used to use Manjaro but I switched to Arch because Manjaro’s packages were always annoyingly neglected. The amount of Times I had to circumvent Manjaro’s repositories to install the latest discord was rediculous. But even with Manjaro, my install never bricked.

I’ve had Debian based installs like Ubuntu and Pop Os all brick before. Trying to do Qemu or edit some grub options and poof broken.

Don’t know why, double, triple checked what the guide said.

But it still broke. And I think that’s mostly because Unlike arch, most user friendly distros assume the user either isnt going to use these power user features or can just use online guides.

Problem is online guides frequently go out of date.

The arch wiki is always pretty consistently up to date enough not to cause issues. That random no-name website article is not.

If you’re using KDE I advise using Waterfox. Waterfox supports more window decorations on KDE than standard Firefox.

Okay, but what about Tron?



Green Mario

Not Mario

Wumbo Mario


Multiverse theory is based on quantum theory.

Observation of a selection of infinite “possibilities” results in collapse of the wave that encapsulates those possibilities into a single outcome.

You can have the electrons from an electron gun start all shooting into one direction based on whether it’s observed or not. And that’s because each electron is equally likely at all times to go in any direction along its waveform of possibilities. But it will never suddenly start firing lead particles or entire dogs.

The universe in which multiverse theory can’t work would be an isolated universe in which every outcome is already observed and quantum theory and waveforms like the ones discussed before can never be observed.

It doesn’t mean multiverse theory isn’t real, it just means that universe can’t ever even grasp the idea because it’s in a situation where it’s like a 1D person trying to understand a 3D world. There’s enough of a gap that it’s feasible that no intelligent life could ever come to the conclusion they’re an outlier.

Being a sample size of 1 is the most difficult hurdle to overcome in science. And in truth we’re also a sample size of 1 until we somehow manage to make contact with other universes.

Pop_OS - Fragile Beginner Distro, this is fine to use so long as you’re not a power user, but you’re using Linux so…

Manjaro - Maintain your damn repos, why is it whenever discord updates, the repo is so far out of date I literally have to circumvent it and install it through some hacky bullshit?

Ubuntu - Snap? More like Thanos Snapd off my damn drive thank you very much.

Fedora - just overrated, nothing terribly against it, just don’t think it’s all it’s cracked up to be. It’s just a RHEL adjacent Distro.

Linux Mint - aside from Debian edition, its pretty overrated. It’s easy compatible Ubuntu. It’s not super Ubuntu or anything.

Welcome to the machine





Linux Mint

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