
1 Post – 93 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Those are only the ones that could afford to get there; rafts of those who can’t, are being forced to give birth in a state that won’t support them.

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Guess who’s not getting paid.

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This highlights issues with A-I generated content crowding out human writers and the need for Google to better regulate such sites to ensure quality.”

Can agree with the first part of that statement, but Google regulating…feels like handing a fox the keys to the hen house.

Regulation of industry should be coming from our legislators, but they’re too busy polarizing their base, abasing themselves to donors and gilding their own cages to care.

Apologies for the rant, but this whole “AI” imbroglio is a textbook case of the cart put before the horse whilst heading downhill.

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Amazon requires DRM, which Doctorow considers anathema. Since the author won’t allow DRM on his works, Amazon refuses to sell them.

In fact, the author, in order to be found in Audible search results, penned an essay explaining how Audible rips off writers and readers. It's called "Why None of My Audiobooks Are For Sale on Audible".

You can read via the link following:


Actually, politicians give up public privacy under the fiction of helping children, repeatedly.

I cringe every time “online” and “children” are uttered in the same breath.

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Republicans killing a program instituted by one of their own, that saved millions of lives, is a clear indication of the depths the party has sunk to.

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55” infotainment screen, in a fucking vehicle? That’s what I have in my living room. 🤯

That article has some spin loaded in there.

“Major Reddit moderators went dark last month in protest of the company’s announcement that it would be raising its API prices, saying it was necessary because…”

Bullshit bwana! They instituted OSFA pricing, when prior it was free.

Get the fucking facts straight before publishing, ya gits.

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Just like Trickle Down, “Don’t be evil” has aged well and deserves to be repackaged. /s

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About damn time somebody stood up to those fascists and said “No!”, in clear, uncertain, simple terms they’ll understand.

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Caveat emptor, says the ADA:

There may be challenges involved in controlling the shape, location and number of regrown teeth. Because the research was conducted on animal models, its applicability to humans remains uncertain, as stressed by Dr. Erinne Kennedy from the American Dental Association.”

Waiting for the first reports of unicorn spirals and Paleolithic grade protuberances from the clinical trials.

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This is the poster child for enshittification; RIP bluebird, we salute what you were.

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Engagement numbers help the IPO, this in turn would put more $$ in u/spez pocket and that I will not support.

You’re lucky if the communities you have followed survived intact or unaffected. The tenor of my feed was changing for the worse before the API protests. When I left, after? It was a shithole.

Sure, there are communities that I miss, that are absent, or have weak, or hard to find presences. But the solution isn’t to go lurk and buff those engagement metrics, in my somewhat Reddit hostile opinion.

^ TL; DR

You also left out “again”.

There are benefits?

As a US citizen, it seems like it should be relegated to the last century and not dragged any further into the future.

With a side of hallucinations.

In a perfect world maybe it would work that way, but I’ve seen too much enshittifaction via vertical integration or ego driven CEObros to have anything but skepticism for industry regulation, self-regulation in particular.

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… try using a Macbook touchpad and then any other one after it.

^ This.

Have been given a current Surface Pro laptop for work and must use an external mouse, or rage in frustration that my 13 yo MBP has a better functioning trackpad.

Weed smoking will not be confined to the patio, I assure you.

In a term? Dominion mentality. Add a little master/servant hierarchy, a pinch of patriarchy and stir well.

These are the fools that believe power, position and buckets’o’bux will insulate them from the apocalypse.

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Credit card for the rewards, paid monthly. Keep cash for tipping and small stuff.

The roster of Republicans who signed the letter:

The House committee’s letter was signed by Chairman Rep. Roger Williams (R-Texas), as well as Reps. Beth Van Duyne (R-Texas), Maria Elvira Salazar (R-Fla.), Aaron Bean (R-Fla.) and Jake Ellzey (R-Texas).

FL & TX ffs.

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So banning the word will eliminate the behavior?

That’s some epic magnitude magical thinking there, for damn sure.

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Always somebody else supporting this schmuck, never do we hear of him actually paying for something or taking personal responsibility.

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Don’t take it seriously. Don’t put up with toxicity. Don’t be afraid to do without.

Funny how services that used to work transparently, no longer do.

VPN? Works with some sites, not others. Same with email. Can just see the big G wading into that and the waters being royally roiled.

I’ll take shitstorm for $100, Alex.

Elections are still coming. “Inflation” hasn’t been tamed. We’re also waiting for the next pandemic. Planetary thermal events are in progress. Mega drought in the American Southwest threatens to cripple hydroelectric power generation and agriculture for millions.

Normal? That’s just what they want you to think.

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Sadly, any time a politician says the words “children” and “online” together today, another chunk of your digital freedom’s likely on the chopping block.

That’s a pretty broad generalization there.

What lead you to this conclusion?

Sadly, if history is any guide, extraction will ultimately be authorized over any environmental/ecological objections and with as little research done as possible.

Wait. Tucker? I thought he’d been deplatformed.

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Commercially insured here.

I have to jump thru hoops, wait, and pay a significantly higher out of pocket for any imaging outside of X-rays. Due to my employer, I am locked into a single provider. Sure, I can (and do) have supplementary insurance, but FFS why is that even necessary?

The answer to all of the above, IMO?

Corporate greed, enabled by government intervention.

The Affordable Care Act isn’t our real problem, we can lay that at the feet of Richard Nixon .

edit: word order

u/spez’s management “style” for sure.

Indicative of declining critical thinking skills, as is voting against your own self interest, or clear evidence of the power of propaganda?

I vote for the latter. Fox is psyop masquerading as a news channel.

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Chaturbate is mentioned.

Not that far outside the realm of possibility anymore, innit?

It all comes down to greed and enshitification in the end.

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ddg.gg for the win.

Started using them when I confronted the Google filter bubble for the first time.

But what totally sold me? DDG provided me link for a product I had searched for in vain on Google for years at that point, using the exact same query.

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