1 Post – 8 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

line pointing at body Saddam Hussain

Real wizards know the rag goes on the outside of the capped bottle so you don't light yourself and party on fi... maybe wizards don't know that

We die.

When I was in engineering school, I was lucky enough to have a based professor. He would start lessons by describing a tragedy. A paraplegic burns to death in a stairwell, another cracks their skull after being pushed down the stairs. He would then show us solutions to these issues from long before the tragedy. Slides to carry you down, bags you sit in and use the rails as a slide. Fire safe rooms that you could shelter in and can be accessed from the outside.

This also does not simply affect us disabled fucks. Say there is an earthquake, and you shatter a leg, or worse, your hip. You are now in the same stairwell as the rest of us.

Also, god help you if you're overweight. When my legs stopped working, I gained 200lbs. I knew then and know now that if I am in a burning building, I will be the last one out, if I get out.

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Im just glad they acknowledged us. Like, even the degrading alleyway wheelchair ramps are better than a staircase with no handrail, but at least they put in the literal minimum effort. Same goes with cloth masks.


Which especially sucks as 250 for anyone over 6' is barely above average. At my peak, I was 320

I'm not sure what "youth led groups" they are referring to because damn near every one I've seen says genocide is a dealbreaker.

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