0 Post – 48 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


lived a life of extreme privilege

What fucking propaganda have you been consuming? AOC lived a life of extreme privilege? Her father was an architect, she went to public school and was a bartender when she got elected, sounds pretty working class to me.

That's the best part, they're all grifters trying to get attention, they won't pay a fucking cent.

That's what "pocketing the difference" is. She took the state money she said was used for the lectern and used it for personal purposes.

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Says the dude very obviously shilling for Brave. You've solidified my decision to uninstall it.

It's bullshit anyway, AOC's background is the definition of working class, this dude is just in here spewing bullshit propaganda.

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Our first family computer they offered to double the HDD space to 20mb for an extra $500. "You'll never fill it up!" they claimed. My dad, being a practical guy, couldn't figure out why he would want to pay extra for something he'd never use.

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Except it wasn't, your reading comprehension just sucks and you're needlessly aggressive about it

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Article says responders killed the bear, so technically it should be safer now...

Because they have no interest in governing, they want to rule. They want a rigid hierarchy with a strong white man at the top who rules by decree. They want to be able to do whatever they want while dictating how everyone else lives their life. Religion is the primary driver of this type of thinking, thus the reason it's a cancer to modern society.

He has to do the weed thing, then he gets to be Dank Brandon.

I have no idea why would want to bring bronze-age superstitions into a modern learning environment.

My dad had one of the first consumer 3GHz chips available. By the time I inherited it in 2009 it was completely outclassed by a <2GHz dual-core laptop.

They're about to start bringing Dark Brandon back!

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These are the same people that think attack helicopter is hilarious.

Lol you're coping so hard you replied 4 times, you fucking reek of desperation. "Please guys, please believe my propaganda!"

And your English sucks, Vlad.

There's a fire hazard recall out on my table saw, $75 to send them a pic of it inoperable. Nah, I'll just keep a fire extinguisher nearby.

I use reusable bags. I have to be very slow and deliberate getting the bag ready in the bagging area or it'll flag me.

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Same here, just unsubscribed. Issues like this speak to a larger cultural issue within an organization, and Linus leading such an organization says a lot about him.

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It speeds up the genocide. Anybody who didn't instantly realize Israel would do a genocide over this has an overly rosy outlook on Israel's position and ambitions in the region. They want to get rid of all the Palestinians (or bring them down to a nice, manageable enslaved population) and fully take over Gaza & WB. They don't want a 2-state solution, they want a 1-state solution, with as few non-Israelies as possible.

The country that spawned as a direct result of the Holocaust is engaged in a genocide of their own. Humans suck.

"these days" that's been going on for over a decade

How do they plan to run a background check before I click the "buy" button?

To be fair, who pays attention to user names?

You did though. Innocent until proven guilty is a legal concept, not a business concept. Businesses are allowed to choose who to do business with.

Thunder and Connect are better than Jerboa, haven't tried Lemur

You should probably just leave. You seem like a pissbaby who's going to whine about perceived oppression every time your opinion isn't welcome.


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I haven't brought myself to delete it yet, but I did replace it on my home screen with Connect for Lemmy

Pizza Ranch is a chain of pizza buffet restaurants.

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...A temporary right to stream? What even is the point of this question that's asked as some sort of gotcha?

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Maybe read the article before spouting off your ignorance.

Prosecutors say that on 29 March 1974 the 38-year-old victim entered the Polish embassy in East Berlin carrying a fake bomb and demanded that officials let him cross the border into West Germany.

They didn't know he wasn't armed.

So let me get this straight.. someone shows up at the border of your country with what they claim is a bomb, demanding to be let in. According to you, border guards should just let that person in and let them do whatever they want? Stupid ass.

Hey guys, is there any news coming out of Gaza that isn't about this fucking hospital? I'm sure there are a million other things going on over there that are worth reporting on, but instead my front page has been back and forth bullshit about this hospital for days now. And before that it was nothing but beheaded babies that maybe weren't actually beheaded but no they totally were.

Can we get some news about this conflict that isn't beheaded fucking babies or this goddamn hospital? Y'all motherfuckers bitch about reddit but at least the posts are varied over there.

Connect is the closest I've found to Relay's functionality and look


Well what is the point you're trying to make then? Just out with it and quit being a douche.

Thanks for the reply, I kinda wanted to downvote you again.

Lol America isn't getting militarily involved in this one

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I want to buy a new one so bad, but every time mine stops working I manage to fix it.

Holy shit the post density... you might've just made me switch from Connect

Second Allrecipes. If anything there's a 1-3 sentence intro to the recipe by the author, then the recipe. And it's not overloaded with ads, and their app is halfway decent. Oh, and their comments are actually helpful. Rather than the typical "I replaced these core ingredients and it was shit. 0 stars", it's more "I replaced this for this reason and this is how it affected the recipe"; they're actually a great way to crowdsource recipe modifications because the userbase doesn't appear to be complete morons, and a lot of the comment mods are better than the original recipe.