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Joined 12 months ago

The US really isnt much better than China.

The world ain't just good or bad and there's various degrees of "bad". The fact that many US people can even talk about this stuff makes them already just ever so slightly better for many outsiders. This is how it is, neither country is "good" but they align more with western ideals than an authoritarian state which for many of us is bad by default...which it is of course. :)

This isn't "gamers". It affects pretty much everything for everyone. People these days have no backbone anymore. Everything just has to be easy and convenient and going against greedy practices is not convenient so companies can push the limits.

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No catch? Especially with Oracle? Hard to believe kinda, nothing is ever "free".

Very good, I hope this platform has a bright future. We really need more like this, out of the control of giant companies.

At the same time, I hope they will develop more features to make it harder for content to disappear if an instance every goes down and for users to migrate their accounts.

Unreal is older than their engine no? And everyone uses what does this even mean?

The difference is that Epic barely makes games. They have their Fortnite which they can put in some minor effort to keep the money flowing and otherwise they can focus on the engine. Maybe with MS now being behind Bethesda they can also put in more work into their engine...maybe. We'll see.

A full price game should just not have MTX at all. No matter if they're cosmetic or not. I pay upfront and want the full game that includes cosmetics that I wanna earn within the game. Cosmetic MTX are acceptable in F2P games only. This deluxe edition seems like some stuff that isn't even part of the game.

Lemmy pretty much just needs tags. Like you can mark your different "technology" communities with the tag "technology" and a user can subscribe to this tag to view all posts from whatever communities have this tag (and they don't have to call themselves strictly just "technology")

Something like that I would imagine so no direct interaction between communities required.

To be expected. I like it but it's still quite an immature platform overall. There's lots to be done to make it easier for an average user.

Well Nintendo has a shitton of tribalism considering how anti consumer they are in general. Fromsoft just has a lot of good reputation...justifiably so

He's kinda right though. You are partially too, the game doesn't run great but it runs fine. Definitely not dogshit. Hogwarts ran way worse for what it was with similar performance but also tons of stuttering on the best setups not to mention lots of crashing in multiple big AAA games this year. Starfield afaik has none of that, it just has lower than expected FPS but not terribly so.

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If the games are F2P...sure.

Yet here we are. Look at for example WoW of FF14. Full price expansions, monthly sub AND ingame cash shop. Ridiculous.

I know it’s probably an unpopular view, but I’ve found it to be true a lot.

It's not. It's the same reason why Linux is everywhere that isn't specifically consumer oriented and front facing. Even most UIs that are designed to mimic Windows are made by tech nerds like us who just assume the users don't know what they want. But they do, they're used to what they know. That's about it. It doesn't help to say "the Windows UI is garbage anyway", it just needs to work and feel familiar. I'm sure Linux could actually slowly take off if there was significant effort put into making it as straight forward as Windows on the front end but nobody really cares about that.

They are either people in advantageous positions that benefit from this or people that are stupid enough to think they will one day be the rich benefiters of this so why should they shoot their future self in the foot right? Goes hand in hand with people that are stupid enough to keep voting right because they advocate for the poor so at some point surely something will change.

TBH reading "their" opinion on Russia and the Russia war I can see why people would just simply want them to stay within their weird island. Well defederation is still not a cool option in general for the platform as a whole but I can see how admins of instances read stuff like that and can't help but let their own opinion influence their decision. I would probably stay away from these as well.

I guess. I do have the luxury of having a 4090 and I've simply seen much smaller games with similar graphics run...similar if not much worse than this. Perhaps others have a different experience but besides the frames being lower than I would like I'm kinda glad such a huge game doesn't constantly crash for me or stutter every time is press the "sprint" button in a crowded area.

I do hope for improvement though

That is always the meta with new and popular AAA games. Especially since PS players are salty MS denied them the game there's even more salt and a lot of tribalism hehe.

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