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Joined 8 months ago

Im not here to be civil, you pearl clutching imperialists

Ma'am we have been a christo fascist state dead set on ruining the planet since truman

that bans 2/3 of lemmy content. you can just not engage

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this is america, doing anything else is communism!

Israel is a settler colonial state, wouldn't matter if they were jewish or german or fuckin italians, that is wrong

or are you against anti-colonialism? If you don't support anti-colonialism, you aren't left. that simple

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I have only seen hexbear explicitly condemn anti semitism and do not consider jewishness to be any factor in the current conflict

their position is that zionism is a far right ideology created by fascists to justify the construction of a colonial state, not for any true need of jews. Zionism is not Jewish, it is using jews to perpetuate settler colonialism.

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How do you pretend to be a democratic republic and make it so discouraging to vote?

america does it all the time lol

oh wow the liars lied its almost like yall are just finding out that AMERICA IS ROTTEN TO THE CORE

gamers are such abused losers, they like being extorted and get mad when you point out they are

your games are shit and overpriced, you're deluding yourself saying otherwise

thats not an answer, but it is a confession

you aren't a leftist, you're a traitor to the oppressed.

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awww but we haven't even gotten to play yet!

the admins defedded from hex without letting their users having their own choice. I mean can't they refederate now and let users just block instances they choose? Hexbear gives that choice. People defederate from them, not the other way around.

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b-but i didn't think they would eat my face! I thought they would eat everyone elses face!

I don’t care if my kids teacher does porn.

why would you say something so controversial yet so brave

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this is literally the only thing they are able to do

nice, lenin does it too creating a really good addition to marxist theory by way of critiquing social democrats

that hypothetical person never fucking seems to exist you fucking moron

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comrade you have just stumbled upon how political theory is made

dunking on other people's shitty ideas.

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lol "hilary definitely would have given us those things just keep voting blue its definitely going to happen" You guys are either funny ass jokers or sad manipulated losers

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oh no im turning into a monster oh fuck oh fuck OH FUUUUU-

"My fellow citizens, at this hour, American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger."

im pretty sure there are still statues of engels all over the world, while stirner still lies in paper, seen as nothing but a sketch made by engels himself.

stirner is like the rest of anarchism, a overvalued idiot who is only worth anything due to profiting off the actions of their marxist betters

no you just aren't a leftist by definition

you cannot support capitalism as a socialist, otherwise you are a supporter of capitalism

its not rocket science you moron

PSA: stop being an uneducated american piece of slime and ill treat you with respect. You haven't earned anything besides disdain.

constructive debate on how genocide is 'complicated' now? Israel supporters can debate my gun to their head, its the nicest thing they deserve.

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accelerationism eh? Nah, nothing i could do could match the damage by the complete incompetence of the US government.

Americans are very surprised that their newest 'righteous crusade' again turned out to be a genocidal drug run draped in lies

and now the weather

common lemmyworld L

Hating genociders is racist?

Wow if thats one of your opinions, the rest must be draped with the swastika

sorry bout that, guess genocide apologia is more civil

grow a spine and do something or admit your hypocritical cowardice, yogurt skin

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On the bus, gotta say americans are really fucking ass at public transport too. Did yall forget how to build buses or did you kill your only architect for being anti-american again?

trump or biden

vote blue no matter who! (ignore how both parties are complicit in this genocide and are absolutely fine with it)

if both support genocide you should really be asking yourself if you should support america at all instead of bothsidesing a fucking genocide

"Obama was a breath of fresh air because he was finally from a generation that was passed all that" I say getting reduced to red mist after obama drone strikes me and my wife in the maternity ward (they were hiding future combatants)

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Lol i should, america loves killing minorities, but they're also pussies that cant hold down a resistance made of farmers like 4 times in a row

Aside from that, I’m sure his input is more relevant and nuanced than any of us could have just based on how many briefings I’m sure he received on the region over 8 years.

The briefings: "today we only stole five million dollars of resources, raped a few dozen, and killed 50 civilians, but on my honor as a US Marine we will strive to increase these statistics for our glorious conquest." "Thank you soldier, America is in your debt. Now how can I both lie to the public but also seem sorry about it?"

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Nuh-uh. You are not dragging me into this shit. I didn’t want any of it!

tax dollars paying for it say what?

Well we definitely tried it your way and didn’t get any of that shit now did we?

my way is literally nuking Washington DC

try it, I think it would be fun

Dude hilary is a cracker-ass bougie bitch you think she's some fucking feminist icon when she could barely handle walking into a working class home?

i didn't kill millions in iraq, honestly i think that already makes me better than the illegitimate colonizer 'state' of yankee land

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If dems listened to the voters we would still have abortion and wouldn't have student debt

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america killed millions in iraq and displaced tens of millions more, anyone complicit in that is a fucking monster

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