4 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Oh lord that is over my head. I tried messing around with that more advanced stuff but just got lost

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Thinkpads seem to have such a huge following, so there must be a reason...I had one briefly but lost it due to unfortunate circumstances shortly after getting it... Any who my only complaint is the appearance of them, but that's just me being petty. They LOOK like some old school type of machine and its not a nice site visually IMO lol but again, not a factor at all

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I did plenty of time experimenting with vaping dry herb as well. Perhaps a better setup would do me better. One thing I like about dabs though is there's virtually no smell.

Hey this makes sense.

This is perfect info. Where do diamonds come into all this? Live resin?

Dude no not at all, I honestly never thought of getting an old macbook. That could be a great idea. Are there generations or models that are better or worse than others? Like I wouldn't know where to start, but I suppose something with good documentation and preferably a following or community would be best.

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Hmmm I'm pretty attached to laptops, but I'm sure there's some portable display options that I could set right on my coffee table or even use my smart TV as a display...

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Not a bad approach actually lol. I've pretty much done the same with virtually no backup. I never have much to save on my computers.

Dude, I surprisingly know very little about ssh. It just never stuck out to me as something to learn about... I never had any uses for remote connections.... But maybe now is the time to lol

Yeaaaa that makes sense they are too compact and I figure it would be difficult working on one... Unless there's a different reason

You see, I do not have the ability to pick specific things like that out of my high. Heck, I never really even could tell a difference from sativa and indica. I don't ever really feel like I'm actually high. I'm not a newbie at all either, been at it for a while. So that's where I question of my venlafaxine medication is actually dulling the effects...

And distillate is what comes in the vapen carts right?

Yea I've read a bit about rosins and I'm sure I had a few before from the dispo lol just don't recall much. I too prefer the mid route. I try to find most bang for my buck without going to the bottom of the barrel

Awesome, so it seems like latitudes and toichpads are the goto options.... Now how to narrow down the millions of models? Lol Within I guess the community? Are there certain models that are like considered the "best" options regarding a smaller budget?

So thin clients if I'm thinking right, are pretty much mini PCs too right? Its a portable computer but you need to add a display, mouse, and keyboard right? May not be too opposed then. I've already been searching for a wireless keyboard with touchpad, then just get a small display that is easily movable I could even use my smart TV too probably.

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Perfect, thanks a lot

Gotcha, that might just work because as mentioned, I've already been looking at wireless keyboards with touchpad for my smart TV and such, so then the only solution left would be a monitor. Its gotta be simple enough where I can easily move it to wherever I wanna go

Lol you've got a good idea there


Right, I was sorta under the impression macbooks were not meant to be taken apart hence no upgrades available, but I could be wayyy off there

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Ya see, I have no clue which models to be looking for. Surely some are better than others or more sought out than others, so I don't really even know which is which. Perhaps you do? Or did you just pick a random model that fit the specs you wanted?

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Hmm I'm wondering if it would just be worth going ahead and replacing the motherboard instead of starting over.... I have seen a few USB c reinforcement brackets... Can't find much info about them though. I bought some of those port Klingon things, if you're familiar, but of course my laptap is too slim for those to fit lol smh

Very good to know. Are there certain models I should be looking at? Are some deemed "better" than others?

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Awesome! And it comes with 24 gigs of ram out of the box????

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No not at all. See those are the type of things I am unaware of! Thanks for pointing that out. And we may be confusing the sense of docking.... There's those docking stations that you basically set your laptop on top of and it connects somehow that way, allowing the addition of extra ports and maybe charging, that's not the type I'm thinking about. I'm interested in the actual like docking hardware devices. They look like little routers or modems, basically a box that you link to your laptop via USBC and the dock has a whole host of additional ports. I figure if I go that route, I would virtually never have to touch my laptop ports again with all those adapters and such, except just that one link to the dock, which hypothetically would always remain in place. Hope that makes sense lol

I can't see the prior comments of our convo so sorry if I already asked. So if I go the thinkpad route, how the heck do I determine which models to look at? There's probably a ton and I'm sure some are lawded as better than others, any tips on which models to look out for?

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Sweet, thanks. Gonna take a look

Never even heard of it, gonna do some research. Thank you

Great advice. Its just that I'm sorta a eager learner when it comes to tech, especially the privacy and security side and I honestly don't always know what I'm doing or I'll read the wrong guide to set things up and I end up getting lost or confused or things just straight up don't work. So I for sure have some wires crossed somewhere and some roadblocks causing issues here and there. I have recently learned more about ansible and chef and I indeed need to research. Those tools seem quite complex but hey, I'll try anyway. And as far as selinux goes, I just thought that was one of those thins that automatically comes installed and configured on every OS? Also there's app armor.... Is that in this realm of things too? Is it deemed "good" or necessary to use? Thanks

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Wow thank you for this very informational reply. So far it seems like folks on Lemmy are overall friendlier and more willing to engage in the question or convo. But which types are the non bho? Just rosin and diamonds? And when you say chaz, do you mean just gunk leftover after its done? If so, yes that's definitely badder in my experience. Just not a fan of that at all. And for some reason I always assumed shatter was like the lowest of the low, so I always avoided it, but interesting to hear you say there's good shatter out there. Honestly man, I don't really ever feel high anymore. Likely tolerance, but wondering if my effexor dulls THC effects? Anyway, a happy medium? Would that be like sugar wax and crumble you think? Aka most band for you buck?

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I'm currently trying yet another call blocker off of fdroid and its not doing a single thing. Do you have to set it as your default phone app? Because I am currently using simple dialer as my default and then yet another call blocker as the default caller ID and spam blocker app... But it isn't doing a thing. I'm wondering if its because it hasn't been updated since like 2020 or if I'm using it wrong...

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Wow thanks again! So I've found sources with what I think to be good quality diamonds and sugar, there is almost never any left behind. Right now I'm on the badder and as expressed, I'm not a fan lol. But the discrepancies in some of the prices are insane. I usually find stuff in the $50-$75 range for 5 grams even up to half oz sometimes. I outta try some crumble and shatter I think. Those might be the only ones ive not tried

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Fascinating stuff! A tad confusing lol but definitely learnable. So to me, selinux and app armor sound similar to firewalls... On the surface at least

Sorta looks similar to netdata which I recently setup and holy crap is it confusing. I have no idea what to look at and what to do. Didn't realize its that tricky for a newb.

Thanks, its worth looking into

Oh you have ncid setup?

Yes! I tried tumbleweed before but it seemed quite fragile or maybe over secure? Idk if I'm explaining it correctly, but it seemed like everything I tried to do on the OS ended up breaking the system so I has to keep starting over and try reconfiguring things. Probably just learning curve issues

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Awesome man thanks! At this point though, I'm wondering if I should just replace the motherboard in the dell? I've seen a few of these USB c reinforcement brackets too, but not a whole lot of info out there. Then that way all I would need is a docking station and I'll never have to really rely on the two laptop ports and adapters and dongles, etc. And they should hypothetically remain safe, but idk. What do you think?

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Thank you! A backlit keyboard is definitely something I'd like. Was the replacement simple? Would you say its a pretty newb friendly project?