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Joined 1 years ago

My guess is that it will be a “nature highway” so migratory species can cross over the road

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I have been a developer professionally and exclusively using Unity for 17 years. Yesterday, I installed Unreal Engine. I’m doing as many tutorials as I can this weekend.

I have no faith now that there will be enough studios willing to use Unity to sustain a career based on it.

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In what universe does Linux run on 99% of mobile devices? Android is nowhere near 99% market share, and iPhones are not and never have been based on Linux.

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What do you know, you support unions and unions support you.

The UAW visit by Biden is one of the rare trifecta of savvy political maneuvering+the right thing to do + good for the nation as a whole.

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What, again?

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Yep, from way way back. BSD -> NextStepOS -> OS X -> iOS

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If we are guessing that each roommate has and mostly drank their beverage of choice, then while the overall quantity isn’t too bad, the guy who likes Blue Moon may need to rethink his habits.

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Who says cows can’t lay eggs?

And don’t say “literally everyone”, that’s a cop out answer

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No, that would actually be worth the money. This sounds like a subscription to feel like even more of a loser when you still fail to get laid.

I always feel like I’m in the minority when it comes to action sequences. They are 80% of the time the most boring part of a movie. Plot and character development don’t happen during them, and usually (especially for the big climactic fight scene) the outcome is certain.

For me, the only exceptions are generally:

Fights that the heroes might actually lose. (So usually, the fights earlier in the show)

Fights where there are good character moments or development during it. (The Princess Bride sword fight scene is a classic for this)

Fights with lots of good strategy/tactics in them. (Game of Thrones had a lot of this, at least prior to the last season)

There are a very few fight scenes I’ll actually enjoy outside of these ones, and it feels like many action movies don’t bother with any of this.

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One of the larger instances is, there’s a fair amount of porn there.

Not quite the levels there are on Reddit, though. And very little OC from what I’ve seen.

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Hating Musk is okay but this comment betrays a serious lack of knowledge of how Starlink works. They operate on the verge of losing orbit at many times (especially right after launch) BY DESIGN. This is so that malfunctioning satellites will deorbit quickly and not turn into long term space junk. The fact that hundreds have been lost this way is literally just SpaceX being responsible stewards of orbital space.

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I don’t believe that’s true for a second. Only someone unethical would do that, and I have it on good authority that he is very ethical!

The real victims here

Bonus, let’s nix the football team too. We don’t need the traumatic brain injuries.

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It’s veiled? It’s literally the title

He is still leading 2024 Republican primary polls by a WIDE margin. They absolutely do not “know he’s done”.

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It’s very easy to E2E encrypt stuff you’re sending via email: zip it up in a password protected archive. Even the email client won’t know what it’s sending.

And even if that isn’t good for whatever reason, there’s no reason to use email. A web form via https is secure and encrypted, and cuts out the email middleman.

That’s not the reason we still use fax machines. The reason we still use fax machines is because someone very old and set in their ways is the one in charge of making the decision to move away from fax machines.

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Malarkey Nonsense Fabrication

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Is the implication that any business you access via a web browser or app is a tech company? Boy do I have news for you about literally every business

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Independent of other factors, running the AC definitely does.

And also the other 14 typos in the title

So a plumbing business which books appointments via their nothing-customized Squarespace page, that’s a tech company? And you would think it appropriate if a news story about that plumber causing a water main break being posted to a technology news feed?

Having a website does not make a company a tech company and you are objectively wrong if you think it does.

For once, the money is genuinely not the point, from any point of view.

The stated purpose, and I think it will accomplish this, is that no one running a bot network will pay this for their bots, so spam reduction.

The likely ultimate purpose is to have the user’s payment info saved to reduce friction for giving Twitter money later on.

The problem though is that they’re adding this friction on to the beginning, so as a result I think the most prominent actual effect is going to be 80% of free users (real ones) are gonna kill it then and there.

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It’s not that you misquoted a line or something like that. The dictionary quote is an extremely well known saying that originated in the Bible. Zapp’s line in futurama is literally parodying that saying. By thinking the dictionary is in any way referencing the Futurama scene, you have revealed that you didn’t even get the joke in the first place.

Wow, Danes don’t like dogs huh?

I would think they would think dogs were…great

I’ll see myself out

Because piracy isn’t legal. For anything that can run afoul of the law, or bad publicity, or advertisers’ preferences, Reddit admins have to keep the content on a tight leash. Lemmy doesn’t have advertisers to worry about as it’s supported directly by users, and not being a for-profit company makes it somewhat harder for the law to come down on it (and if they do, the community can easily move). Really, it’s a fundamental advantage of federation.

What is the story with their affiliation with Putin? I haven’t heard about that

Some people don’t like when it’s too quiet. For some it’s uneasy, for some it makes it too hard to stop your mind from wandering. That can make it hard to sleep or hard to focus on a task. White noise is noise that makes it not quiet, but isn’t so loud or too full of meaning to be a distraction on its own. Most people use something like ocean waves, running water, rain, wind noises, the warp core noise from Star Trek, etc.

If she told the kids they were just eating regular gummies rather than sleep inducing ones, then “laced” is still appropriate here.

Or promising to change

Hiring someone that OpenAI chose to fire is pretty clearly fair play, but how does this declaration not directly run afoul of anti-poaching laws?

(Disclaimer: not a lawyer)

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The original Klingon of course

I really don’t see how it is at all defensible that the loan term for paying off the thing can be longer than the warranty for the thing.

LegalEagle just did a video ranking Trump’s lawyers. Devin put over half of them in F tier.

The sad part is that one severe fucking of a union don’t even come close to costing him the top spot. The bar is just so low.

At the price he paid for them, still cheaper to start your own and just market it heavily. Especially considering hour baby have left during his tenure.

If I remember correctly I think this was made after he’d been cast as the Doctor but before his episodes started airing, which means it pretty much had to be an intentional joke to cast him this way.

Like that old Invader Zim line.

“You made the fires worse!”

“Worse? Or better?”

Local elections are the time. That’s it, that’s the answer. Third parties have to build up heavy momentum in smaller elections and only then build up to bigger ones, and eventually the big chair.

Doing very little at the local level and making a big splash once every four years is not a strategy for public policy or even for public debate, it’s solely a strategy for fundraising.