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Joined 12 months ago


The redesign was garbage ux from the start and they ignored absolutely all feedback for years. It was fundamentally flawed from the very beginning and they buried their heads in the sand because they knew most people would still use it.

Most people seemed to use the official app anyway, which is even worse, so I don't see many people changing over this. I was one of the people who said when old Reddit was gone so was I, I just didn't expect them to do something worse before that time came.

7 more...

I've said it for years on Reddit and I will continue saying it here on lemmy. I miss Pebble.

I use a galaxy watch 4 now but while it can do some more thing it still doesn't fully match the functionality of my pebble time. So many stupid software limitations that shouldn't exist.

If the battery hadn't degraded I'd still be using it.

I've looked at fossil multiple times and they've never matched the functionality I need. No current watches really do.

14 more...

You're right, we should let these vile scammers prey on vulnerable people when they're at their most hopeless. They don't deserve their money! They won't have any use for it!

I've warned basically everyone to temper their expectations with palword cause I played their previous game which absolutely is just a janky ass asset flip, but palworld is actually slightly more competent and has been a bit enjoyable. Despite the crap with the differences between steam and game pass versions, I mean.

The discourse around the game has been baffling. First of all, anyone bringing up AI... Like... What? I'm not sure what they think current AI models do. And even the criticisms I agree with - some of the designs are straight up just the bottom half of one pokemon with the top half of another - are absolutely demented. I saw a long thread talking about certain pals and what pokemon they were ripping off and a good portion of them were wrong (it was ripping off a totally different pokemon) or not knowing about the base (usually Japanese) thing that both designs were based off of. Some people have just gone absolutely fucking rabid. I don't understand how they live like this.

Honestly I kind of like that lemmy has less content at the moment. When I've seen everything I'm interested in I close it and do something else, rather than doing nothing but scroll.

Though I do miss the long format text stuff a bit.

Never used it myself, but my mother has told me when she was much younger she tried pot a few times and stopped because it just put her to sleep, and this was well before the strong strains we have today.

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I got some nice keycaps when I was building my first mechanical keyboard. Aside from that... Soldering gear, 3D printer parts... Cat toys, preflashed smart bulbs (so I can use them completely locally with home assistant), magnets.. And generally any time I see something on Amazon that clearly is just rebranded Chinese stuff, and I don't need it quickly, I can find it on there for a fraction of the price.

Personally, I blame the government.

5 more...

Finally, it'll be shaped like an X!

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The only way I'm able to get anything done is by externalising my memory. I just make sure I have reminders on a smartwatch so that they forcibly are brought to my attention even if I'm away from my PC/phone.

1 more...

I don't have similar symptoms but medication effects can really vary between people. It's best to talk to your medical provider to try other options or dosages.

For me, vyvanse really only gives me reduced appetite and slightly increased heart rate, though at higher doses it keeps me up at night no matter when I took it. Lower dose fixed that while remaining effective.

Absolutely adored robocop and cobalt core. Definitely picking up both of them. Robocop nailed everything that made the movie great, cobalt core oozed charm and had fun gameplay.

I had meant to try the thaumaturge but by the time I got around to it, next fest was over and I couldn't play the demo anymore. These time limited demos are a really stupid idea. I'm way less likely to buy it now because those sorts of games are hit or miss for me.

Too much box! Not enough X.

Absolutely nightmarish.

My mum's an academic so she's been using computers all her life, she's not exactly "techy" but I am eternally grateful I was able to get her set up with bitwarden as a password manager.

Yeah, I use their OBS version since I had a few issues with OBS and the normal one. My cat likes to sleep on my computer and I needed another camera to point at her when streaming... And then I realised I didn't need to buy one because I had old phones with good cameras in my desk drawer. Just got a cheap mount to hold my old xiaomi mi 9 SE. Looks fantastic, works well.

Hot damn, I thought it looked like a bunch of middle aged people doing enthusiastic but slightly off cosplay, but that's way more accurate.

I find using a timer on a smart watch or yelling at a voice assistant works for keeping me on task.

If I dont... Well, the other day I found some cold cinnamon donuts I had been heating up in the air fryer.

I know on my Samsung at the top of the apps list in settings there's a "choose default apps" option, but I'm unsure if that's one of their changes or not. I'm pretty sure the functionality is in base Android.

I'm on vyvanse, and I'll frequently forget to eat. Setting reminders or alarms really helps. I outsource a lot of my memory to my phone and smartwatch. Sometimes I will just have nothing but a couple of lattes and then notice it's 10pm and I haven't eaten a proper meal. At least theres energy there from the full cream milk, but still, not good...

Just don't forget how effective the meds are, especially if you're prone to depression. I once stopped taking them when I was majorly depressed, and sometime after that I was helping my dad at his workplace, digitising records for him. I found some of my old Ritalin (not expired yet) and decided to try it again, and the difference in how many records I got to was like night and day, it was seriously like 5× the amount. Since then I've bounced around a few different meds and dosages before recently settling on vyvanse, which has the strongest effect but least side effects of them all for me. Ritalin was probably the strongest but had the most unpleasant side effects for me.

Yeah, I'm lucky enough that mine is only really debilitating for study so I didn't have an issue not taking my meds for the trip. Really feel for you. :(

Yeah, but I use YouTube a hell of a lot more, and also I don't pay in USD.

Was far more than just sleepy. She'd zonk out immediately.

I backed it on kickstarter, and played it again recently. It's pretty good now!

I mean, it was way better than what you describe for a LONG time, but it's gone through so many updates now that it's far better than it was even on launch.

Swipe typing used to be so good for me, but now I have to correct every third word, it feels like. And it keeps correcting to just the most random ass words. Why the hell would it correct "probably" to "pusillanimous"? I've tried multiple modern keyboards and they're all like this, I should download an old apk...

I started a new playthrough when phantom liberty released and I feel like I've had more game-breaking bugs than I did at launch. The ones I had at launch were mostly cosmetic, animation bugs, t-posing, Jackie eating his noodles with chopsticks that left a clone of themselves in the box, etc. This time I had to reload saves because, for example, Jackie just didn't get in my car at the start and so it never unlocked the controls so I was just stuck in a car forever.

That being said, the gameplay systems are massively improved, even if it still can be a bit buggy, and it's well worth a play. I just need to wait for mods to update for 2.1.

I can't believe they turned Jimmy Neutron into a cubic apple.

Holy hell, that's cheap. I'll have to look into grabbing one to play around with.

I was planning to change my sub recently with a VPN but then I realised I already have YouTube premium and YouTube music already has everything I listen to, so I just cancelled.

Nice of them to fully cement my decision.

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Though not every fail state is going to show up. If you start seeing weird intermittent behaviour from a drive, for goodness sake find a way to back it up immediately.

My mum's new nuc started having some issues, SMART showed perfect drive health. After trying a few things to diagnose, I rebooted to run memtest and check for bad ram, and that was the last time it ever booted into windows. Controller or something on the nvme ssd died. Far too expensive to try and repair for data recovery. Thankfully had a... Somewhat recent backup. Not as recent as we would have liked.

Not at the moment. I would love to run lineageOS, etc, but I keep buying phones they don't support, and at this stage, most of the things I used to need rooting for are no longer as necessary for me.

Yeah, I'm not even particularly into hololive besides very occasionally watching some highlight videos. The game is amazing. And free. I played the absolute hell out of it after giving it a shot, just like I did with vampire survivors.

Not a lie, have a good relationship with my mum. Still holds true when she had some in Amsterdam again recently. 😅

Ever since I was a child, I've loved stale rice crackers. Specifically, the stage of staleness where they're no longer super crunchy and have started going slightly rubbery (if they go past that, it's no longer good). Something about the texture/mouthfeel is great to me. I used to leave my rice crackers to age before eating them. I don't do it as much anymore because I still like them well enough crunchy and I don't have the patience for it.

Other than that, I do enjoy putting a salted cracker in a sweet sandwich (jam, nutella, lemon curd, etc) to add some nice crunch. Works just as well with savoury sandwiches, but I think that's less weird.

When I was a child, I once tore apart my room looking for my game boy colour, which was in my hand the whole time.

Yeah, I had undiagnosed ADHD.

Directly on the watch: timers, alarms. Via the watch: calendar events and the like whose notifications get picked up by the watch. Have to be proactive about blocking useless notifications though.

I have an Android phone and a galaxy watch 4, not sure how equivalents work on Apple.