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I think his point is that The Washington Time is neither The Washington Post nor The New York Times. It’s a low credibility newspaper with a name meant to sound like those two.

Because the hush money case is the only case that is likely to happen before the election.

The J6 case in DC got screwed by the Supreme Court refusing to take the appeal before waiting for the DC appeals court to rule. It was obvious that the Supreme Court was going to step in and rule, so Jack Smith requested them to just take the case and they declined saying they wanted to let the DC court decide first. Then they took the appeal a month or so later anyways. Now they have held hearings, but even if they rule against Trump, all they have to do is delay until late July and they know that the justice department won’t be able to resume the trial in time.

In the documents case, which is the most fundamentally simple case, Eileen Cannon has ratfucked the whole process to the point that it’s unlikely to start before July. It should be an open and shut case, but she’s entertaining all sorts of crazy legal theories and giving them months to elaborate on them.

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There used to be a saying that Intel had a vault where they paid out the next ten years of CPU tech, so when they invented something new they put it there so they could make profits and control the advancement.

Now, I’m not sure which thing they got wrong, but if it was true, I think Intel was probably caught off guard by all the speculative execution security issues and the GPU revolution (blockchain and AI).

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If there were so many examples of this in the real world, then you wouldn’t need to photoshop one.

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It’s easier to get a warrant for his arrest from a grand jury for manslaughter because it doesn’t require motive, just a dead person. They can always upgrade that too murder if the investigation turns up something.

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The transparency is the feature that makes it great. I can buy drugs or whatever, and exchange you buy an NFT from me of equal value. Now when the bank comes and says “where did this >$15k transaction come from?” I can point to the blockchain and say that I sold my fancy monkey pic.

This has been a thing in the physical art world for a while,, this just made it easier.

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Trucks with covers are a thing, it’s called a tonneau. What’s not normal is for them to be permanent.

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It actually doesn’t, because the drive won’t “let” you overwrite the reserve space. That’s why they introduced SSD secure erase, so the firmware knows that you mean to overwrite everything.

Alternatively you could just use full disk encryption and burn the key when you are done.

Page 36 of NIST 800-18r1

Yeah, these indictments are absolutely devastating to Hunter Biden’s presidential campaign.

Because sometimes even criminals need to buy things that aren’t illegal, I guess. And the legitimate people who have those things don’t want to play games dealing with fake internet money.

If I want to buy a jetski, the place I buy it from isn’t going to take crypto because the people that sell the parts for it don’t take crypto and the people who build it can’t pay for food in crypto.

Crypto is only useful for rug pull scams, money laundering, and black-market transactions. It’s real innovation is undoing centuries of banking regulations so that people can learn the hard way why all those regulations exist.

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The fun part is that the cyber security expert is actually a Trump voter and was excited to vindicate the election meddling story.

I hate defending the guy, but let’s not make shit up. He’s trying to make a point about the cost of inflation on groceries

Trump began by highlighting inflation and hitting Harris on the cost of grocery prices as he stood between two tables full of food store items such as cereal, deli meat, milk, eggs, baby formula and bread with a sign saying, "Price Increases since Kamala Harris took office."

I used to work in the field of image forensics a few years ago, right as the GAN technology was entering the scene. Even when it was just making 200x200 pixel faces, everyone in the industry was starting to panic. Everything we had at the time was based off of detecting inconsistencies in the pixel content, repeating structures that indicated copy/paste attacks, or looking for metadata inconsistencies

For pixel inconsistencies, you can look at how the jpeg image is encoded to look for blocks that aren’t encoded consistently. This paper coversDCT and some others. That’s just one example, but it’s ultimately looking for things like someone photoshopping a region out or patching something in.

Similarly, copy-move detection would look for “edges” and “intersections” in images and creating constellations of points, which you can use scale invariant transforms to look for duplicates. This article covers an example where North Korea tried to make their landing force look more impressive

The problem is that when the entire image is forged, there is no baseline to detect against. The whole thing is uniformly fake. So we’re back to the old “I can tell by looking at it” which is extremely imprecise and labor intensive. In fact, if you look at how GANs work, it’s trivial to embed any detector algorithm into the training process and make something that also defeats that detector.

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Yes. Yes indeed. People doing not voting out of disdain for Hillary is what got Trump elected in the first place. You cannot sit back and assume that one candidate or another is strong enough to win without your vote.

Besides, you should be voting in your local elections anyways.

It’s funny comparing tobacco to an actual addictive stimulant, coffee, and decided sugar is the problem. I say as I drink my black coffee in the morning.

Whatever it takes to get you away from Starbucks seems like a win though.

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Yeah. I’m really curious what this person is standing for here.

I think you can just ask most general purpose models to make a logo. I literally just asked Google Gemini “Create a logo for my starfinder company” and it created some reasonably good logos

Not voting or voting third party isn’t sticking it to the man and saying you don’t like either candidate. It’s saying you like them both equally well and you are indifferent to who wins.

And if his following of dupes donate all their money to him, to cover his legal bills, there is much less for down-ballot races. Hopefully he sucks up everything the GOP has and squanders it.

Maude and Ned Flanders from the Simpsons saying "We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas"

Don’t you go and reinstall, learn how to fix this

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With crypto, you hold your own money

You own a cryptographic key that a bunch of strangers have decided points to a spot on a ledger. These strangers have no legal connection to you, but things have been working out pretty well so far because your incentives align.

As a bunch of Ledger owners are finding out, there are reasons for FDIC insurance of banks and that reason is so that people don’t have to be exposed to the dangers of storing all their money under their mattresses. Everyone recommends getting your crypto into a hardwallet, but what happens when a Ledger update bricks it? Or the company decides to backdoor it to escrow your “private” keys? And what can you do with those hardwallet funds besides HODL? Can you imagine if every time you wanted to spend part of your dirty fiat savings, you had to expose all of it to danger to do so?

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The problem is that the amendment doesn’t say “But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, enact such disability.”, it says “…remove such disability”. It doesn’t make plain English sense that congress should have to take a positive action to make this happen and also remove it.

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I know, Reddit eww, but I couldn’t find this posted anywhere else

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IDK man, it would be great if my crash cart or KVM only needed one cable. I can’t wait for USB-C on servers to be everywhere

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All of the split units I’ve seen are heat pumps.

Heat pump means that it’s reversible, split package is just the physical arrangement of the pieces.

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You’re at the top of my comment chain, so I’m replying to agree with you and take this further.

Whoever photoshopped this and the other one with the park bench that’s floating around is trying to pit liberals against each other by making it seem like fighting for trans rights and fighting to house the unhoused are opposed to each other.

For anyone reading this, don’t fall for it.

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But blockchains get “bad” records added all the times. Database entries and blockchain blocks are both equally as susceptible to bad business logic making incorrect entries. No business is going to adopt a sales recording system that doesn’t allow them to control the entries and to reverse the entries they don’t agree with.

Because we all know that never happened under Trump…

It’s like all the vegans vs the people that bitch about vegans.

TBH, I wouldn’t be comfortable outsourcing the scanning like that if I were running an instance. It only takes a bit of resources to know that you have done your due diligence. Hopefully this can get optimized to get time to be faster.

I even paid extra for a biodegradable one!

The fun part is that it’s still a valid JPEG file if you put more data in it. The file should be fully re-encoded to be sure.

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But they had better profits, so it’s worth it. Unless you’re sick or poor, in which case who cares

I hate defending the guy, but let’s not make shit up. He’s trying to make a point about the cost of inflation on groceries

Trump began by highlighting inflation and hitting Harris on the cost of grocery prices as he stood between two tables full of food store items such as cereal, deli meat, milk, eggs, baby formula and bread with a sign saying, "Price Increases since Kamala Harris took office."

Once you get your first job, the certs of all kinds just become resume fluff, but since you are pursuing your first job, they might be useful.

As an interviewer, I think that certs are only useful if you take the test with a different company than you studied with. So I don’t think I’d care if you have a coursera cert, because I’d assume it just meant you finished the course that you paid for.

What certs are you thinking about doing, and more importantly, what are you looking to get out of them? I know “a job”, but what kind of job are you looking for?

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My dude, as an elder millennial living with ADHD, I feel like you diagnosing TSwift over there internet is pretty cringeworthy. When you say “… reasons I think Taylor Swift could be ND” you are basically diagnosing her which is weird. Period. Nothing to do with ADHD. Don’t go diagnosing people.

There are a couple of other things to say that just sound better. Think about 1) what you are trying to tell people and 2) why your perspective is interesting. It sounds like you are trying to talk about behaviors you see in Taylor that you identify with, and (2) you identify as neurodivergent (ADHD).

You can make the same post along those lines, and I think you would get a much better response.

Unless it was encrypted, it prob doesn’t matter. The partition table is just the road map that points to the houses (files). A tool like FTK or PhotoRec goes byte by byte to find the files and figure out what they are. You won’t have file names, but the data might still be there.

I’m going to stand up for the American education system, which is weird. But there is no way to expect someone to learn everything they need to know about all the normal topics and fringe legal systems by the time you’re 18. We already tacked a bunch of math on because Harvard decided everyone needed to know geometry and things spiraled out of control from there with math.

The fact that the court system can assign your company a monitor while you are being accused of fraud isn’t that crazy, but it’s also pretty specific. Most people don’t know about because they aren’t lawyers and that’s frankly okay.

For anyone wondering what a document should look like, the DoD publishes that for anyone to read. Just search Derivative Classifier Training. Spoiler alert: this ain’t what a top secret document looks like.

This sounds right. I think it’s just a hint for listeners for what the noun might be, and it happens to align to the male/female genders.