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Joined 1 years ago

I love how the chief justice cites his god as his legal argument. What a sham. The god of the Bible has, thus far, failed to prove its legitimacy in any context, especially regarding a secular legal system.

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A lot of people don’t understand bipolar disorder, or schizoaffective disorder specifically in my case. “Had” being incorrect, as it’s a lifelong illness.

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Here, unfortunately, YTA if you don't tip. I forgot once and had the server run after me to make sure something wasn't wrong. Some service folks take it personally if you don't tip, which makes sense given that their employers don't pay them shit. So yeah, you the customer foot the bill for ensuring these people can make ends meet... as if giving the restaurant your custom wasn't support enough.

The problem is that, like most other industries here in the US, the system is rigged against the working class. While not all restaurant owners intend to fuck over their staff (especially smaller, local places), it's how it works. Now, some places will automatically add gratuity to your bill under certain conditions, so check your breakdown to ensure it's not already included. This is becoming more common, which irritates me since I scale my tip based on the quality of the service rendered.

Also, we know it's expensive here. Don't bother coming here to complain about it, we do it enough ourselves. Tipping is here to stay for now and I don't imagine it changing for quite some time.

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So now I know which sites to ignore completely from now on.

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Glad that NoVA probably held out. Again.

High school crush. I married her.

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Great. I was tired of shitty stuff and fell into the rabbit hole. Here I am some two decades later and I love it. I contribute back by writing documentation since I lack coding skills, but I'm a technical writer for a living, so why not give back some of those writing skills?

Ah, a Christian. That explains your inane comments.

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ThinkPads are my go-to. I just got an X1 Carbon Gen 9 (i5, 16GB) for $350 and put Fedora on it after upgrading the SSD to 1TB. It’s a beautiful laptop.

Of course, there’s the tried and true T480. Love that thing, especially if you get the right display panel and touchpad upgrades. Swappable batteries, upgradeable RAM. Those laptops can be had for cheap on eBay. Also check r/hardwareswap or the Discord for ThinkPad deals.

XPS 13 units can do well with Linux, too. I’m just a ThinkPad fan.

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Mattermost is a lot like Slack, right?

Sweet, more power to them. Fuck off, conservatives.

Both. I prefer digital generally because I'm a digital hoarder and I love seeing my Calibre library get bigger and carrying my Kobo around, but there's something satisfying about seeing my bookmark make steady progress through a physical book (slowly; I'm a slow reader).

I’m not normally one to generalize because I’m content to let people do what they want so long as they don’t bother others, but modern Christianity calls its adherents to go out and pester people at best.

It’s not that big of a deal. You live your life and you let them live theirs. It’s what I’ve done. If they want to continue to use the corporate stuff, that’s on them. Hell, I don’t even harass my wife about it. Just let people be. If it bothers you, go where they are. If it doesn’t, stay here and enjoy what makes this part of the internet great.

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I’m definitely checking this out. I’ve been on the Audiobookshelf beta for a while and it’s not bad, but I want CarPlay support. And I really love this UI. It reminds me of that third-party Plex tie-in for audiobooks that did this same thing, Prologue.

Still working on it. Goddamn antipsychotics make it really difficult, but I’m gonna do it.

While I love LotR, I think it’s time to let it be. The original movie trilogy is the peak that anything outside the books will get. As for games, it’s hard to beat Battle for Middle-Earth II. (Shadow of Mordor was fun, but incredibly lore-breaking.)

It’s sad to see what Tolkien’s work has become between Gollum and Rings of Power. I don’t want to see it get any worse.

I could go for this. Netflix has had some good animated video game adaptations, like Edgerunners and Arcane. Plus, what I saw of Castlevania was awesome. But, it is Netflix, so who the hell knows.

I use LMDE on an XPS 13 9360 and it is a rock solid. I adore this distro, especially on older hardware. If I ever switch away from my MacBook Pro, LMDE is going to be my daily driver. (And I'm strongly considering a Framework 13 AMD as my next laptop when it comes time to upgrade.)

LMDE squad, unite!

Not the original commenter, but Nobara is a great distro if gaming is your focus. It’s tweaked specifically for that purpose and has built up a strong community. I just hate that they use Discord for support.

Switching DEs can get messy in my experience with leftover packages and such. It’s best, in my opinion, to experiment in VMs and go from there, then go with a clean install when you make your choice. That’s what I did with KDE.

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Browbeating people into voting is not helpful.

Apple Health’s reminders have been a godsend, especially the annoying as fuck alert if you don’t log your medication within half an hour of your scheduled time. I never found pill organizers helpful, but I hope this one works for you.

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I ran GrapheneOS (and CalyxOS) on a Pixel 5 for a while and quite liked the experience. It's remarkably polished and get's the job done quite well for the most part, with some caveats like you mentioned. The biggest bummer is when Google EOLs the devices, so the Graphene team also has to (last I checked). So, I installed /e/OS on my P5 and stuck it in a drawer.

The ROM has come a long way in recent years, and I'm glad that Android Auto works now. (Now that I have a car that has AA/CarPlay functionality!) Good on you for making the plunge and I hope it continues to work out well for you. I am not surprised that your NFC car key doesn't work, based on what I know about the trusted key system on Android when Google announced it not too long ago. That may be hard to find a workaround for, but I am not a developer by any means, so who knows!

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Amen. I’ve already removed the ones listed above from my RSS reader (that I had subscribed to).

I'm trying to get back into Elden Ring, but I forgot how late I was into the game when I stopped playing last time, so I'm getting my ass handed to me. But the DLC trailer got my hyped to play again, and I never finished my first playthrough, so I have to beat the game. I am also working on Animal Crossing: New Leaf on my 3DS. No idea what I'm doing, but I'll take the challenge.

I may also load up Tears of the Kingdom on my Steam Deck if I feel so inclined this week.

I've done a few documentation contributions for some projects. Turns out that technical writers and editors are appreciated in certain places.

Destiny 2.

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I wouldn't go so far as to say that "bipolar isn't so bad," because it sure can be. However, I have stopped whining, complaining, and lamenting. I have accepted my illness. I take my medication and I try to live my best life.

Schizoaffective disorder is a much greater challenge, but again, I have accepted it. I bear this cross and no matter what happens, you're right, I have power over myself. I may not always have full control over my mental faculties, but I have been through the hell of my mind turning on itself. What are the trivialities of life compared to that?

Life sucks for us all in different ways. I do not think I have it worse than anyone else, just tough in my own way. We each must deal with our own challenges.

Excellent. I can’t wait to try this out. Never thought of using IRC!

I really struggled with it. I couldn't game in 4K because of Wayland's scaling. It was either actually use my gaming monitor for its intended purpose or have the rest of my GUI be too small to use. (The lack of FreeSync Pro support was also a major downer, so to get the most out of my monitor, I have to use Windows.)

This was about a month ago, so I am not fully up-to-date.

Good to know! I should have clarified in my comment, I think the language they used the last time I checked was basically something like, "We no longer guarantee that we'll support these devices once they go EOL from Google." I don't recall anything about extended support, so that's awesome!

Definitely a NUC or similar mini PC from the likes of Geekom, Beelink, or Minisforum. My whole homelab was mini PCs until I consolidated to a NUC 12 Pro as I build up my rack. Slap Proxmox on the machine, build some VMs and LXCs, and have at it.

Medication, proper sleep, strict routine, writing things down in my pocket notebook as I think of them. I'm trying to incorporate exercise, as well, but that's a slow and arduous process that's not going so well. I've lowered my caffeine intake.

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My friend had the audacity to say she thought it looked basically the same with a new font. I said, “Bitch, it’s been the same UI for god knows how long. It’s way different.”

Just switched to Fedora today on my gaming PC. This reminded me of a few things I forgot to install.

I run Fedora on my gaming PC (KDE) and my ThinkPad (GNOME/Hyprland). It’s a rock-solid distro. Some may think the release cycle is too fast, but then just don’t upgrade right away.

Distrohopping is an addiction for me. As soon as I get settled, I’m ready to bounce. I want my gaming PC to stay where it is, but I might hop my ThinkPad around. Maybe. Fedora on it is fantastic.

I've spent nothing on Immortal (Diablo IV was expensive enough), but I'm still in the campaign. I don't plan to play it seriously or dive too deep into the endgame. I just wanted a good ARPG on my phone and Immortal, despite the monetization disaster, is a good game at its core.

Schizoaffective disorder is a terrifying and a lonely illness, so I hope that your friend doesn't suffer too much — my heart goes out to them. I have my wife to help me when I need her, but I have otherwise chosen to isolate myself and handle it on my own. I take my meds, I take care of my mind and body, and I attend therapy to get the tools I need. I have always fought my own battles and I don't think anyone can actually help me, nor could I ever bring myself to put that burden on anyone. I have my journal, the gym, my running shoes, and my workshop, plenty of healthy ways to get help without burdening anyone who doesn't know what they're signing up for.

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I'm enjoying Diablo Immortal when I'm not at my PC to play Diablo IV. Interloper is also good if you like space combat. Terraria can be fun, too. Vampire: The Masquerade - Night Road is also a good one if you like text-based RPGs.

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Chili’s and Golden Corral.