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Joined 1 years ago

Let's call it "soonish". The old proton versions still need 32 bit libs if they do not backport the feature.

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glibc is a library, gcc is the compiler.

Transfer the app through scp [...]

I use an ad-hoc while loop in a shell with inotifywait to wait for changes in the watched directory and then scp it.

Great article. Reminds me of the time when I started using Linux as my main work system, back with kernel 0.99z

But then they would show the general public that Linux is a thing worth mentioning. I doubt that many people outside IT know about CBL Mariner.

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I always run occ upgrade and occ db:add-missing-indices after a package upgrade, just to be sure that I do not miss any database migrations. Using Archlinux I wrote a pacman hook so that it happens automatically.

Same here 👍

If you use pipewire instead of pulse audio then you can install pipewire-jack and then use any of the jack patchbay applications to rewire the channels. Currently I use qpwgraph but there are several options.


I use an AMD 7900rx with an AMD 7950x processor since almost a year with Gnome / Wayland on Arch. No problems up to now. Yes, I am a gamer too.

As others said it depends on the distribution you use.

You could have a look at Kerberos. That's what Microsoft took as base for AD afaik.

You know their tuning page? I did several of their suggestions and they helped me.

Sponsored links: Mozilla gets money for AD links showing up below the search url on the new tabs page. If you do not disable them (they are on by default).

I use Gnome but Cinnamon and Gnome are not that different in that topic IIRC. I have to mount the remote folder via file manager (Nautilus) then I can access the files in Code.

The games I keep coming back and playing since years are Factorio and Cities Skylines. And Minecraft if you call a Java program native. All because of the vast number of mods that exist. And Dota now and then for playing with friends.

They say that the arch-installer is a great way to install Arch. In case you give it a try again. It's bundled with the Arch Iso.

I had no problem to install my CA on my Pixel (Android 13). I read that this was not possible for some time but Google changed it.

It reads "158 Tesla Megapacks". But yeah, these could contain Duracell :D

... companies?

I use the Nextcloud news app which is a RSS feed reader. But mainly because I run a Nextcloud instance anyways. For news only I would not install Nextcloud - too much overhead.

Ubuntu using Snaps might be more of an issue than Gnome 44 vs older version. Not?


Been there (postfix+dovecot). I gave up postfix at some point and now use fetchmail for mail retrieval into dovecot and the clients send mails directly via the mail hoster's mail server.

  • buildbot for archlinux package builds
  • dovecot with fetchmail for mail retrieval
  • fail2ban with very strict rules against all those bots
  • gitea for my own projects
  • home-assistant with some usual backend stuff like knxd, zigbee2mqtt, mosquitto
  • navidrome for the music collection
  • nextcloud with very few apps
  • vdr for recording TV shows from satellite with a smartcard reader for the local television smartcard
  • octoprint on the 3D printer
  • pacoloco, an archlinux package cache
  • paperless for document management
  • teamspeak

All services are configured and deployed using saltstack and monitored with sensu. I do not use containers but I have all services hardened by hardening the systemd service and/or apparmor profiles.

Backups are done using btrbk.

Honestly I doubt it that Deckard will change that much. First the basics must be fixed. My Index is also laying around collecting dust. Worked okay-ish at first but is mostly unusable at the moment.