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Joined 1 years ago

I've done this. I was working for scraps out of college as a community reporter when an ostensibly conservative online news organization offered me an 80% pay raise and the opportunity to do most of my work from home. I was young, recently married and wanted to start a family, and we needed the money. The bigger salary was nice, but over the course of two years I spiraled into a deep depression and began to loath myself and what I did. It was so bad I began looking for a way out after the first six months. Eventually I got out (took a pay cut to do so) but am now in a much better place personally and professionally. I would never do anything like that ever again.

Thanks for minimizing the abuse I went through. Fuck you. Maybe a big part of why men are underrepresented in abuse statistics is because we are considered the abuser by default and are expected to just suck it up and take it. Go eat a bag of dicks, apologist.

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They're all too busy thinking "what if they could" and nobody stops to ask "what if they should".

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kilroy was here

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I'd be shocked if they followed through with it. Reviving r/place out of the blue is a naked grab at engagement numbers.

Gross Domestic Product

Easy money pipeline has been cut off, makes sense we're all seeing this kind of thing at the same time when you consider it from the POV of the investors bankrolling these companies.

It's not a felony, it's a misdemeanor according to the article.

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Security camera in my house. Saved me a bundle in the divorce

I've got several Wyze cams around my house and one inside facing the main living room/kitchen area. I realize it's an imperfect system with flaws, but at the same time that living room camera is also the reason I was able to file abuse charges against my ex wife. Not a scenario I'd want anyone to deal with, but in my case it turned out to be some of the best money I've ever spent.

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The first week is the hardest. It gets better the longer you are able to be intentional about your choices.

yeah, it's AP style guidelines.

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If I have an off day at work, someone gets the wrong email. If a cop has an off day at work, someone's dad gets killed. Do you not believe LEOs should be held to a higher standard of accountability? Anyone given the power to kill on behalf of the state should be held to a higher standard than the general population.

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Everyone knows a "good" cop. And every one of those good cops has covered up for a bad cop. Which, by default, means there are no "good" cops.

Ah, yes, truly the sign that they've integrated into society.

Paper statement and electronic bill pay it is!

I just gave up and attached a small form factor PC to my TV.

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If you can't go get the food, eat what you have at home. If you're not at home, bring something with you to eat later or plan better.

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Each day you wake up with a limited number of fucks to give. Use them wisely on the things that matter to you.

Out of my life, I used the video evidence to land her ass in jail and filed for divorce. She managed to claw her way out of the gutter after using crack and becoming a prostitute.

As a former ink stained wretch, I can confirm that is the reason.

Or, god help us, Joe Buck!

oh god Xanga. I'm glad that place doesn't exist anymore.

Slander is when damage is spoken. Libel involves dissemination through print or writing.

Nothing worse than having to take a shit while standing at attention.

If you actually think police will change their ways of their own volition you're truly living in a different reality. Change will come to law enforcement from the outside, not from within; they're too entrenched in their avenues of power and abuse to have any interest in legitimate reform.

Companies wouldn't spend the money if it wasn't worth their time.

I picked up a Logitech K400, it's working well enough for now. I'm still evaluating the best use cases and access methods for everything but it's good enough for when I need to just toss a browser up on my screen. Much more convenient than going to my PC in another room to cast a tab; I got tired of getting off the couch just b/c a stream needs to be refreshed.

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You are correct. But to be totally honest, Wyze offered an affordable cost and a low barrier to entry. It's a tradeoff that worked out for me, but I get that it's not the same math for everyone else.

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I'm people, does microcenter count?

Again you're completely right. I'm just saying that when it comes down to it, 99% of folks are not going to host their own system. And in my personal, specific case, I judged the rewards to heavily outweigh the risks, which ended up being correct. YMMV.

FWIW I'm dealing with that issue, too. You can size things up and make it work okay but it's not an amazing experience. I'm also looking at an alternative UI since the vast majority of what I want it for is browser based. I'm exploring some flavors of linux, but I have yet to encounter something that gives me the TV-like interface with PC functionality behind the scenes.

I brush once in the morning and haven't regularly flossed in years, somehow my teeth are in great shape. My dentist says I'm a freak of nature lol.

Hey stop appropriating my American culture.