3 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

NixOS for me. It's a package manager (a very nice, declarative one) that you can use on any Linux (or Mac), and there's also an entire distro based on it.

The Electoral College.

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My lifehack: block every community with "memes" in its name. You'll see far fewer memes in general, and be less aggravated when one does show up!

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As someone who routinely watches YT through Invidious and NewPipe, I haven't changed my habits.

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The tech isn't there yet. There are so often distracting flaws around the hands/feet. The AI doesn't really know what a human is, its just endlessly re-combining existing material.

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Thank you for this! Gonna download it ASAP.

Hacker News works fine. Can't vouch for the others, since I don't touch corporate "AI" if I can help it.

I'm not into feet specifically, but when I ask for "Veronica Mars in a string bikini" I don't want to get "Veronica Mars with unattached toes." It's distracting AF.

Doesn't happen with real models, or even human-made hentai.

QubesOS. When you need security and don't need to play games, this is objectively the best distro.

"it is developed just to be finished as quickly as possible and that’s it" You answered your own question.

In my experience, there are projects and workplaces where readable, maintainable code is expected and encouraged. Even in mobile development. You'll find a place that appreciates your approach to coding, over time.

Breakups suck, and there's no shortcut to getting through them.

Time will help you heal. You will go through the morning cycle - look it up, if you need a refresher - and the end of the cycle is "acceptance". Look forward to it!

The fact that you can say "rougelike card games", and we all know exactly what you mean, is precisely why we should name that genre. There are plenty of folks who want to seek out roguelikes and not be inundated with Slay The Spire clones. (I like them just fine, personally.)

FTL is what I'd call an Action Rogue, even though it's pausable (and actually a lot, maybe all, Action Rogues are pausable).

I haven't played The PIT - I need to look it up.

The idea of classifying based on progression is one of the most important ideas here, you're right about that. But I also want to capture the idea that the core gameplay itself - grid combat, real-time, cards, JRPG-style battle screens, whatever - is important.

Destructoid was so good for so long. Between this and the fact that they started to bug me about my ad blocker, it's time for me to stop giving them views.

Vim is the greatest tool ever made for manipulating text as text. Emacs is easier to modify (I <3 Lisp) and is better at handling the semantics of the text it's working with.

Also, Emacs has evil-mode now, so the only reason to still prefer Vim is 1. A strange love of vimscript, or 2. A lack of permissions to install Emacs.

I put the Nix package manager on my Deck and use it for software development. You definitely want a BlueTooth keyboard to use it this way.

It's more "which came first, the chicken or the chicken egg". It's a useful phrase to describe a situation where two things necessarily depend on each other. Chickens must come from chicken eggs, and chicken eggs must come from chickens, and one had to precede the other.

(In the actual case of chickens, it can be resolved easily - by defining "chicken egg" as either an egg laid by a chicken or an egg which contains a chicken, you will obviously and quickly draw a conclusion.)

People need and want various levels of abstraction, type system control, and even just syntaxes. In these cases, it's easier to switch languages - or make one - than to implement a solution in a language that would fight against your needs.

I have my copy! Only made it through the prologue since work+family limits my gaming time, but I like it so far!

There are a whole lot of "templating" libraries which do what you're asking for. I have used Hiccup for Clojure and Giraffe for F# successfully, and you can probably find others for languages you already know.

Zip the file(s), then GPG symmetric encryption/decryption with AES. Nothing fancy.

Corporations always go bad over time. Hopefully more and more people will realize this.

It sure is. And "stop giving your money" is excellent advice for free-to-play software.

One of my favorite games of all time, despite being relatively recent. The exploration and movement are just so much fun!

Splatoon 1 actually had local multiplayer - it was 2-player only, but for those of us with kids, it was good enough. Split screen multiplayer in Splatoon 2/3 would've been great.

Pretty much nothing you said is true, it was not "designed from the ground up to be frustrating" and the other statements are too vague to even bother attacking. "Not even wrong" is the phrase that comes to mind.

You didn't even mention an example of a game which would count as "something good".

I use Dawn. It still works!

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Thank you! I hadn't heard of Qanba before - they definitely have some interesting joysticks.

I block meme communities and AI art. I'll unblock AI art once the machines figure out how fingers work. I don't block porn except when it's outside of my interests (I'm not into men or furries, for example).

You might consider unblocking the meta communities - it can sometimes be illuminating to see how other places are run, and give you ideas to improve your own instance.

Good to know! I've been using local testing and fortunately haven't run into a case where the tests pass local and fail on their servers. Yet.

My most intense solution so far had been a very multi-core Knapsack solution. The tests they provided are pretty minuscule, which probably helped.

This looks great!

No mod capability, or at least not that I'm aware of. But it does run on Android!

There's also the risk of users saving and distributing confidential data. You don't need admin rights for that! I'm not actually sure this applies to OP, but if he's giving everyone a web browser, it certainly seems like a risk.

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Dragon Quest IV has all the ingredients of a fine 16-bit RPG: multiple playable story characters with unique personalities, a plot with twists and turns, minigames, and a fairly unique villain with human motives.

Somehow, they made it work on the original NES, before 16-bit RPGs were even a thing.

Nice! I will admit to not having played many Survival Rogues so they're not prominent in my thinking, so I'm glad you mentioned them.

We don't have downvotes on my instance, and it's an amazing difference. I recommend it!

I generally just upvote everything I like, no real thought process involved.

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