0 Post – 44 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Like this:

Both are cute

Thank you! I followed 196 over here from Reddit when it moved and I appreciate you reaffirming its principles. I think the move to Lemmy paradoxically gave 196 more visibility to people who don't necessarily agree with those principles because its posts wind up so prominent on All, especially in smaller instances. It's kind of hilarious how many posts I've seen asking why people on Lemmy say "rule" all the time πŸ˜‚

Edit: in closing, fuck transphobes

Hello, I have an idea for a "meme". Who should I email regarding this?

Looks like this is the original:

4 more...

I find this image very unpleasant

Oh man this made me angry for a fraction of a second

Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?

It's an aesthetically pleasing combo!

1 more...

Opposite, no question. I don't hate being AMAB, and there are parts I like, but a lot of aspects of it are really boring to me. Lack of clothing options/self-expression being a big one. It's frankly always felt like a box I've been forced into even though parts of it fit well. That said, I'd probably feel the same if I were AFAB, just about different aspects. I don't want to transition in my current life, but I'd definitely switch in a new life.

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Get in, loser

Last night I burger james bonded your girlfriend


For the even lazier:

"Sportswashing is a term used to describe the practice of individuals, groups, corporations, or governments using sports to improve reputations tarnished by wrongdoing. A form of propaganda, sportswashing can be accomplished through hosting sporting events, purchasing, or sponsoring sporting teams, or participating in a sport."

This is some quality content right here

Eternity gang

I get them from here! ...which then means I have nothing to contribute

I award you Lemmy Goldβ„’ for this comment πŸ…

I'm guessing I'm probably slightly younger than you, but I'm still old enough to remember how things were before the web took everything over. I definitely agree with some of your point, but I think there's some cause for optimism!

  • finally democratize information - Information really is more democratized than any other prior time in human history. There is a bunch of bad information mixed in as well, but that doesn't negate the benefits that the internet has brought in this regard. If I have the time and the motivation I can give myself a college level education just using free resources on the internet.
  • do away with misinformation and pseudoscience - this is definitely a problem on the internet, but I think if we didn't have the internet it would still be a problem. We have whole news networks that were founded specifically to pump out misinformation. That just happened to start around the advent of the internet but was not caused by it.
  • promote critical thinking - yeah, I don't think the internet has helped much on this front, but again I don't think it has actually made it much worse. People are overall much more educated today than they were decades ago. Their ignorance is just also much more visible.
  • freedom and democracy - the internet has enabled a new rise of fascism which is horrifying, but it has also enabled unprecedented coordination and strength in minority communities on a global scale. I think we would be much farther behind socially if the internet hadn't appeared.

Ultimate 196 hack revealed

Is this gonna be one of those weird cases where evaluation of the assignment happens before the ternary operator?

This is amazing. I think the "wandering muppet comet" is my favorite detail

Assuming it ever comes out. I'm WAITING...

Here you go


I think it's kinda cute!

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You have been blessed by the Lady of the Server Room

"you're a no good killer!"

His email is "dot at dot at dot at"

I use Trello to manage several lists (recurring daily, Tuesdays only, one-offs, etc) and reconcile them into a daily plan each morning

Someone should inform Superman that this is actually a bifid uvula

Ionic!, wait

I always struggled yanking the legs over my shoes. Sometimes they'd get so stuck that I thought I might have to cut them off my foot. I could've taken my shoes off first, but that would've been more steps.

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I went into the office for mandatory training, caught a virus from someone, and watched the leap day episode of 30 Rock

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Don't blame me, I voted for Gorzac


How dare you

Flawless victory

Project management, ironically right when I'm finishing one

Maybe of out hot eat the food

Looks doesn't matter 😎