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Joined 9 months ago

I'm sure other people out there understand this, but like I'm such a sinkhole right now. I lost my job a few months ago, and I am trying so hard to get another one but its just not happening. I feel like I'm always hitting like 2nd or 3rd place in the lineup. The interviews go well, get call backs, then boom last minute they went with the other candidate. And everyone is telling me I'll be okay cause they say I'm smart and have skills.

But it doesn't matter, I'm broke, my medications running out, I'm tired, I have bills, everything hurts, I have no insurance, and I don't want to be a leech and already my boyfriend has picked up the rent and stuff, but like he has his own bills.

I just don't understand, why does shit have to keep happening, can't it just settle for like 5 minutes so u can catch up. I feel like I haven't been able to breath in years, and there is something that everyone else is in on that my autism doesn't let me understand, and I'm just.... idk anymore.

I'm bleh.

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Much easier to not fart than it is not to sneeze, and sneezes don't smell like shit.

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Damn good thing I don't put make up and stuff on for them, I do it for me.

Please don't associate my community with that. I don't want to be compared to the soldier who would put that on their truck.

Knife is not way better, it's actually a pretty dangerous way to deflate a tire.

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It is actually, literally freezing, then again temperature feeling is a bit relative. Anything under 20 is chilly to me.

See I like that idea better, I like solving like logic puzzles and word puzzles and stuff, but like I have never liked jigsaws cause it's like 'hey it's the same thing on the box but it has grooves in it now.'

So yeah it would be neat to put it together and then see the differences.

Just 'because'

I actually quite enjoy driving, especially at night, really helps me relax and get rid of anxiety. I would love to do a track day, but shits expensive.

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So you buy 10 packs of buns and 6 packs of hotdogs

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I really, really hope you are right.

Oh, well okay, into the egg cycle then.

They are joking, no one tips landlords.

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Okay, I believe him, now what do I do?

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What are you saying can't use it with blutooth, the update just says it will be used by default if you have a blutooth device connected.

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African or European?

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And yet, he will miss...

My Brother and I are extremely close. So close we joke we share one brain cell and that we were twins who were chronically seperated by 9 years at birth. He is genuinely my best friend and I love him very, very much.

Really? I thought the prequel/reboot trilogy was great. A beautiful game with a lot of great gameplay.

I like foxes and dogs, they are cute!

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One of the reasons I actually stayed with WMR headsets like the reverb g2. Unfortunately they aren't making any new ones going forward, but the headset is great!

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I was driving between Maryland and Illinois and passed through Pennsylvania. Ecrytime we make this trip my boyfriend and I look for insane billboards cause it's chock full of them. On in particular just mentioned that CO2 is in the atmosphere naturally and so we should actually burn more coal cause it's actually good for the environment.

Same, I waited till I was 27, I'm happy I'm finally there, but it woulda been nice to start 10 years earlier, woulda been a lot better for me mentally especially.

Idk, I think it's not the best game, but I also think it suffers a bit from "it's not perfect and we hyped the hell out of it so because it's only good that means it's horrible."

Like I will absolutely admit it's not the best game, but I enjoy it. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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I think I'm general it has, but it also makes the dumb ones very loud.

Ironic considering how he treated his first daughter.


I mean shadow of the tomb raider is only like 6 years old. Which isn't that crazy long ago.

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I love the idea of trains, have always loved trains when I was younger, and until very recently had never been on one. My brother purchased tickets for me and my boyfriend to go visit him and so I was very excited to finally get on the train. The thing i didnt really think about was the fact that I get car sick in SUVs and trucks if im not driving because of the softness of the suspension and body roll. The train is a bit bouncy. The trip down was me sleeping for like 30 mins or so, getting up to throw up in the bathroom, repeat for about 19 hours. I felt terribly nauseous and had migrane the entire time.

The trip back I was prepared, I had those anti-car sock glasses and some dramamine, I took it, fell asleep for about 8 hours. Woke up and was okay interms of not feeling sick or anything. But then the train stopped, not at a station, in the middle of a field. They told us there was some freight cargo on the line ahead and we had to wait for a moment. We were there for three hours. The lady next to us had a ticket for a different train to get on after this one, and it was for two hours after our scheduled arrival time. Well she missed it because we arrived 3 hours late.

I know train infustructure would help, and I've always been a proponent of better public transport networks...but now I hate the train 😟. I would rather drive.

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The first few times he asked for tea he did state the temperature.

Priority in MtG works based on who is able to find a Google result supporting their argument first.

To exist.

Eggy in a basket for sure!

That's just not true.

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I mean I exclusively use lactaid brand ice cream and milk, it's pretty good. And I do take lactaid sometimes when I eat some dairy, but it's not like a perfect fix, it helps so that I don't want to die, but like dairy still hurts, so I avoid it. When I can.

Right well...I can't get to him, I'm not good at punching, while they seem to struggle putting him in prison they would never struggle to put me in prison cause I don't have that kinda dosh, and like could you imagine the martyrdom of Trump was assassinated by a trans woman. It would set our fight for rights back years.

But in an ideal world yes, of course in an ideal world it never would have gotten this far.

I mean my parents live far away, certainly makes it harder. But when I do visit I usually stay for a week.